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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 11:34:15 Edit(编辑)
Xuzhou, Jiangsu, smashing the large child porn sites, membership reached more than 90,000 people

Xuzhou, Jiangsu, smashing the large child porn sites, membership reached more than 90,000 people

In Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province destroyed a large child pornography Web sites reached more than 90,000 members Jiangsu Xuzhou | | | porn sites _ young children news

  Xuzhou Police smash

A major child porn sites

After 3 months of tracking the investigation, Xuzhou police take out statutory specializes in spreading obscene videos and pictures of pornographic Web sites. This is one of the biggest porn sites, membership only amounted to more than 90,000 people, posting about 45,000. At present, criminal arrested 3 suspects were involved. Police said this year's "anti-pornography NET 2014" initiative since the national porn site first used to disseminate child pornography uncovered cases of video and pictures.

Modern Express Reporter Li Weihao


  Network police traced to a child porn site

In February this year, Spring Hill Public Security Bureau Xuzhou Portal brigade found during inspections, one named "young young resource network" pornographic Web sites, the site not only has a large number of pornographic images involving children, there is a lot of video, spreading wider membership and influence.

After investigation, the physical address of the Web site in the United States, but QQ in China named "half step vicissitudes" netizens, QQ Group was very active. "The most likely is the site administrator. "Police" half step vicissitudes "tight and try to verify their identity and finding this" half step vicissitudes "Xuzhou people.

Network police headed to Spring Hill Public Security Bureau immediately reported the matter, a task force made up of network police and Jiahe stations set up.

Police identified the name "half step vicissitudes" friend, is actually the Feng County people Ryu, Ryu being the porn site's administrator.


Site closed as administrator is gone

When the police prepare to arrest, abruptly shut down the Web site. The situation is unexpected for civilian police, investigations went back to the original point. "Is it in the course of the investigation, suspect found what? ”

Two weeks later, task force police were surprised to find a previous child porn sites similar to the site and "Lori Valley." After a technical analysis, police determined that the site was "immature young resource network" continuity. In the process of tracking, police found, sneaky suspects close many times, change the site name and domain name, with "rescue Angel" "Lori Valley," "I love the dark", "I love UU" such domain names on the network.

Task force of civilian police monitor found with information search, a program called "chicks" of Internet users and the "half step vicissitudes" (Liu) have done a lot of interaction. Upon investigation, this "girl" is from Sichuan. Meanwhile, Liu also gets some information is currently hiding in Nanjing.

On May 13, the group led by civilian police in Jiahe substation You Jizhong, attended in panzhihua, Sichuan province, after a week of traveling, with the assistance of local police, and finally defined the "chick" 's identity. Task force surprise was that "chick" is actually 29 years old man.

On May 16, in a residential building in panzhihua, Sichuan province, civilian police will be Internet horse capture, during their residence in computer searches to a large number of pornographic pictures and videos involving children. May 17, another civilian police will hide in Nanjing "half step vicissitudes" Liu captured.


3 suspects were captured, the site has more than 90,000 members

After Liu and Ma's trial, the two create a porn site, charging membership fees to profit-making law confessed. During the trial, two people mentioned as "little Don" of people.

According to Liu explained, the site is a network named "little Don" who took over, Liu managed after a while and handed the site management, but call it "little Don" human remains on the site to provide "technical" support.

The technician "little Don", Ryu and some know that screen name and PayPal account, not knowing each other's true identity. Civilian police through reconnaissance, defined the "little Don" is Chen, a networking technology company, Shenzhen people. On May 20, the Group further South to Shenzhen that Chen be captured for civilian police.

After a review found that Chen is the initiator of this website, the site originally was created by him, and was subsequently transferred to Liu, Liu also recruited "Chick girl" partnership.

Police identified the 3 suspects like browsing porn sites. Chen in Shenzhen for profit, use network technologies at their disposal, created a pornographic Web site. He uses the site after made five thousand or six thousand dollars, for personal reasons, decided to sell the site. Chen and Liu after an acquaintance on the Internet, sold the site to him.

MA is a staff of a chemical plant in panzhihua, and Liu met on the Internet. At this point, the two began a partnership porn sites, the use of registered members pay dues ranging from 100 to 500 Yuan to earn money, the profits are divided.

Check "I love UU" large child porn sites reached more than 90,000 members alone, nearly 45,000 total post. Involving obscene video 164, 11137 obscene pictures were pornographic pictures or videos of young children. At present, the three suspects had been detained by police. Source: modern express

(Edit: SN048)
04:53 June 07, 2014 China Jiangsu website

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