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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 11:28:50 Edit(编辑)
Mo Yan’s response there is no theme

Mo Yan’s response there is no theme

Committee on disaster reduction: recent heavy rains in the South flood caused by rainstorm killed 27 people South | | _ flood news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, June 6 (reporter Cui Jing)-reporters learned from Office of the China National Committee for disaster reduction, as of 6th 14 o′clock, flood disaster in recent heavy rains in the South has killed 27 people in 6 provinces, 2 others missing.

Since June 1, appeared heavy rainfall in parts of Eastern and southern China in Southwest China, heavy rain in some areas, localized heavy rain, accompanied by thunderstorms, short-time strong precipitation, hail and other severe weather, triggering floods, wind-hail, landslides and other disasters.

According to the statistics of the national disaster Office, as of 6th 14 o′clock, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, 6, Guizhou province city of 3.4 million people to varying degrees affected, 239,000 were urgently relocated, lives 116,000 people required emergency aid, more than more than 9,700 houses collapsed and 55,000 rooms varying degrees of damage, affected an area of 140,000 hectares of crops, with downpours 19.4 thousand ha, 3.65 billion yuan of direct economic losses.

Specific circumstances of death tolls, missing: tolls are dead, 10 missing in Guizhou 1, death tolls in Chongqing 9, tolls are dead, 3 missing in Sichuan 1, death tolls of 3 people in Guangxi, Fujian and Guangdong death tolls 1.

19:50 June 06, 2014 The website

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