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2013 national commercial housing space sold rose 17.3%_ Sina news
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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 11:27:14 Edit(编辑)
Guangzhou subway passengers shake caused by bomb scare 6 people bruise

Guangzhou subway passengers shake caused by bomb scare 6 people bruise

Guangzhou subway passengers shake 6 people caused by bomb scare scrapes | | passengers crowded _ of Guangzhou metro news

Guangzhou subway passengers crowded with events that took place at noon today, 6 passenger a few bruises. A preliminary understanding of the police, then trains security guards discovered the car equipped with a passenger collapsed in its radio when train drivers, next to unknown passengers shouted "cut man", "bomb", causing the passengers to panic and rushed to escape. Reporter Lai Yuchen

17:00 June 07, 2014 Comment

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