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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 11:26:20 Edit(编辑)
Diverting water from Shiyan introduced environmental protection one-vote veto system

Diverting water from Shiyan introduced environmental protection one-vote veto system

Shiyan Middle route water source environmental protection one-vote veto system introduced Hubei Shiyan | | green _ the one-vote veto system news

Website Wuhan June 7 electric (reporter Li Wei) reporter from Hubei Shiyan City Government about sector understanding to, Shiyan recently in province lead developed introduced has environmental protection "a votes rejected" system implementation approach under, clear established ecological civilization construction examination evaluation system, put pollutants total emission reduction target, and area ecological environment quality target, environmental protection target and ecological civilization construction indicators into on levels government economic social development evaluation system and party cadres achievements integrated evaluation system, introduced environmental protection "a votes rejected system".

As can be seen from the measures for the implementation of rules, as diverting water from Shiyan's determination to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization. "One-vote veto" system applies to Governments, relevant departments at all levels within the administrative area of the city and heads of enterprises, institutions and Governments, relevant departments, in charge of the head, directly responsible. Veto concerning deliberate vertical exhaust pollutants, or stolen outstanding 12 kinds of situations such as annual emissions reduction targets.

According to reports, the Shiyan municipal party Committee and municipal government adjust municipal environmental protection Committee was set up in the near future, Party Secretary Zhou Ji served as the first Director, Director of Mayor Zhang Weiguo. Environmental protection in "one-vote veto" system implemented by the municipal environmental protection Committee is responsible for, the City Office of the Committee for environmental protection (EPA) specific responsibilities for environmental protection, "one-vote veto" system's daily work.

"Year of 2014 as the city's environmental law enforcement in our city, with the new edition of the law on environmental protection as an opportunity, based on the water pollution control Ordinance in Hubei Province as the starting point, adhere to prevent at source, strict management, the consequences of severely punishing, enhanced with an iron fist with a rail gauge of pollution prevention, vigorously carry out the ' water ' to ensure a North water continued to take. "The Shiyan city environmental protection Bureau in Feng Anlong said.

17:28 June 07, 2014 The website

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