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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 11:25:38 Edit(编辑)
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China-Japan friendship Committee held formal talks in China | Sino-Japanese relations during the year _ news

June 6, according to Japan′s Jiji reported on 6th, the seminar on China-Japan relations in the 21st century Committee for Sino-Japanese friendship in Nagasaki that day came to an end. The gathering′s 2014 year in China held formal talks to reach a consensus.

Reports of the members due to attend the talks in November 2014, full term, formal talks are likely to take place before November.

It is learnt that the informal talks on the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations to discuss related measures. To improve the national feelings of the Chinese and Japanese, it was proposed in various fields, including energy, the environment and other subjects common to Japan to strengthen cooperation.

China-Japan friendship 21st century Committee as an advisory body to the Government in China and Japan, was established 30 years played an important role for the development of improved relations.

Committee senior member Tang Jiaxuan, the Chinese side stresses in Nagasaki, it is imperative to properly handle the history and the Diaoyu Islands issue, steady Sino-Japanese relations as soon as possible.

(Original title: aiming at Japan-China friendship Committee held official talks in China this year)

14:06 June 06, 2014 China News Network

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