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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 8:53:59 Edit(编辑)
Focus: telephone a noise, why would you go for it? ,

Focus: telephone a noise, why would you go for it? ,

Focus: telephone a noise, why would you go for it?
-You're going to fall for it, guess who I am, telephone scams, how to avoid scams-IT news Focus: telephone a noise, why would you go for it?

Guess who I am? You've hit the jackpot! You buy something for your tax refund Court sent summons to you ... ...

This message believe that a lot of people have ever received. Fraud SMS patterns is constantly changing, people are deceived. Telecom fraud is so high, is it because such a high fraud rate more? Liar exactly what tricks make people go for it? What are more likely to fall for?

The focal point of view reported :

In recent years, many people have received a call from Crooks, for example, "guess who I am", "you hit the jackpot," "you buy something for your tax refund," "Court sent summons to you" and so on, the pattern is constantly changing, people are deceived. Not long ago in Wuhan, Hubei Province, staged this scene, a lady to put its 40,000 dollars remitted to the liar, not advised how to persuade others.

When a reporter arrived on the scene, the woman is sitting by the road outside the Bank, despite bitter for civilian police, however, she is unmoved. The Bank staff, this lady had arrived at the Bank at 8:30 A.M., requires its own passbook deposit withdrawal, wired the money to a different bank account of staff, which allow Bank staff don't feel quite right.

Police and bank employees strongly quanjie lady not remittances, but emotional excitement, she insisted on remittances. She took the table, smashing chairs, writhing in agony, even pushing the civilian police, in desperation, police had to take her back to the police station to continue persuasion.

In fact, such a thing that can be said is not uncommon, police, banking, the media, and so on are repeatedly reminds us to be vigilant. Why people are fooled, even messed up is it? To do this, journalists found the experts, from a psychological and cognitive level carried out in-depth investigations.

Faculty of public security University investigation "applied behavioral science investigative laboratory", the researchers devised an experiment to see when people are fooled psychological mechanisms of change. 7 people are asked to take monitoring instruments, conducting a real online shopping. However, when normal online shopping behavior is completed, test subjects got a strange call: "I'm No. 389 of artificial customer service, I am sorry to inform you that the transfer due to our backend system failure not success this time. ”

Experimenter simulated is a true story – cheat to get the victim's information, and then concocted an excuse to coax each other landed their phishing sites set up in advance, cash in a bank card password, and other information, the implementation of fraud. Experiments to test people clicking on bogus Web sites as an indicator of fraud. They'll click on a bogus network address? Experiments show that 7 subjects had a total of 5 people have entered a false Web site.

Cheated in physiological indicators of the call being received, click on fraudulent Web sites people after receiving a strange phone, both heart rate speed up, breathing rate rises include dilated pupils, and so on a series of reflecting, without clicking on bogus Web sites are relatively stable.

Liars lie there are always flaws and clues, but feeling nervous and fear, will make us blind to the obvious flaws, listen to liar's Bewitched. Normally, who will not just give money to others, Telecom fraud cases, victims, why would listening to a liar weapon, it is served will be giving away money? Researchers prepare a second experiment.

Groups of two people are brought into the observation room watch a video together, when requested and when they didn't want to see the video, press the SPACEBAR in the keyboard, stop video playback.

Experimenters in the test taker who has an Assistant, as "spoofing" role. "Spoofing" in what kind of circumstances can play a role?

Video starts playing. Is one of the first paragraph may lead to disgust, nausea and mood most people video. Through the monitor screen as you can see, test people clearly want to see a hand appears press the action, but in experimental settings, SPACEBAR suddenly failed, facial capture system data show, at which point her mood fluctuates a lot.

Because the space bar failure, test subjects had to endure continued reading. This next video is extremely bloody and cruel. Test subjects have apparently unbearable, she kept tapping the SPACEBAR, but video is unable to stop. Instrument display, her mood has been very intense. Placed next to her "trick" to begin, his progressive proposals and gradual increase in the level of absurdity. When someone suggested that the keyboard when on the ground, this test subjects showed obvious doubts. But what's amazing is, she listened to the proposal.

In the eyes of bystanders, the subjects were very strange. Such was the case? Look at other people. In a State of intense emotional arousal, she made almost exactly the same and the first to be tested.

Fraud is often his way, some scams take advantage of some of our psychological, emotional weakness. However, like as seen at the beginning of the show, scammers trick has to be revealed, but the actors still insist to cheat the remittance, how to persuade all useless, this is why?

In fact, many victims before remittances and cheats for more than one round of communication, communication or even for a few days. Remittance is the decision they made after weighing.

Sounds, changing behavior or changes in attitudes, in a single day. But actually, the change of attitude to the Kerrigan, termination, transfer, something not everyone can do. In the view of psychologists who have taken "obstinate" is a normal psychological reactions.

Researchers have designed an experiment, let us observe this psychological response in a different life situations.

In a Studio, photographers are to be a people shoot headshots. Photographers select quality, uneven levels of 10 photos, please choose and test people scoring. Initially, the test subjects think fourth, slides are great tenth photo, he gave two shots hit the highest points 5 points. Lie in it and telecommunications fraud cases was initially ambiguous attitude somewhat alike.

Subsequently, the Superintendent told people, he has to pick a photo as your photo identification. Researchers under the direction of test subjects experienced the photos for "scoring twice, copy, save, and then select, then scoring" the tires, after repeatedly toss, test people finally decided that elected their best pictures in mind: the tenth one is 5 minutes, and the fourth one is 4 minutes.

At this point, the test subjects get very strong and he stuck to his choices, even points out the shortcomings of the fourth photo. Staff members told him that in fact, the two are the same picture.

Researchers remind us of a key component, that is, repeated weighing and selection process on the subjects of psychological effects of.

Experiment results show that people physically and to pay more, the final determination, the more firm. Clients will think that this is the result of much thought. Next, if the negative suddenly confronted with the outside world, people usually feel uncomfortable and unpleasant, some people may even make a very drastic action, to defend their decisions.

Researchers found that in the process of making decisions, people pay more on the physical or mental, the final determination, the more firm. Summed up in simple words, it is "selected, so loved; because I believe that they stood for", in communication with the cheats on the phone repeatedly, and eventually after you made a choice, we often see after being discouraged by the parties, an emotional, opinionated.

In this state of being lied to about how to calm them down? Experts said: "as this is the case, change demand approach can be taken to deal with it. ”

Just recently, linyi city, Shandong province foiled a bank outlets give an old man a liar 150,000 dollars of remittances. How do they do it?

Staff have already noticed the old remittance behavior is not quite right, but asked her several times, old people do not talk. In desperation, the staff came up with a way to delay. They pretend to help them solve problems, take her to wait in the lounge. These moves have won the trust of the elderly, she finally open up and staff, said received a phone call, people said her bank card had a problem, so she put all the money into a safe account. Banks immediately cite many similar cases, the old man finally realized they were fooled.

For those who are emotional, victim of nervousness, choose what kind of man as a persuader are also very important.

Why do people tricked? Because clearly, we can be targeted against them. Experts gave several recommendations, the most important one, is to control the emotions, regardless of the message heard, to calm down, calm down, first verify the situation. In addition, usually have much more contact with society, especially the elderly, have more to discuss with family and friends. Discourage the victims should also pay attention to methods and techniques. Of course, in addition to enhancing self-defense, and crack down on crime. Combine strike, will try to keep us away from scams, avoiding injury.

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