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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:04:53 Edit(编辑)
NET exposes indecent photographs of Feng County, Jiangsu officials, Commission for discipline inspection in institutions ’

NET exposes indecent photographs of Feng County, Jiangsu officials, Commission for discipline inspection in institutions ’

Mesh aeration Feng County, Jiangsu officials said indecent photographs for discipline inspection officials of the institutions ' | indecent photographs | institutions ' _ news

CNS, Xuzhou, June 6 (reporters Zhu Zhigeng and Wu Shuang)-June 6, called "Feng County, Jiangsu development and Reform Commission officials were exposed to indecent photos" network glue caused lively, actor Wei admitted to the discipline Inspection Commission should be true, then in Fengxian County discipline Inspection Commission also confirmed to the outside, the woman in the photo was dated prior to Wei's girlfriend.

According to the net post show, "Feng County development and Reform Commission official Wei an," use long-term sexual relations with several women, and multiple gender being circulated online photos, naked, cuddled together, bold men and women sexually explicit, attracted many users follow buzz. In this regard, the Fengxian County discipline Inspection Commission rumor, born in 1965, Wei, Feng County development and Reform Committee subordinate institutions – in Fengxian County of bulk cement Office of public officers, not the so-called officials of the national development and Reform Commission, is in the skill positions.

On June 6, the Fengxian County discipline Inspection Committee confirmed that the sector yesterday after discovering problems involved in the investigation, at present, Wei has been suspended, and acknowledged that this photograph was taken by me, women now had an ex-girlfriend in the picture. (End text)

(Original title: Feng County, Jiangsu officials exposed photos? Discipline Inspection Commission identified as the institutions ')

17:49 June 06, 2014 China News Network

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