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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:04:47 Edit(编辑)
National nuclear security administration official: China nuclear facilities safety controlled

National nuclear security administration official: China nuclear facilities safety controlled

National nuclear security administration official: China nuclear facilities safe and controlled _ | | nuclear safety of nuclear facilities news

CNS, Shenzhen, June 5-Department of environmental protection (national nuclear security administration) Deputy Director, nuclear and radiation safety supervision Department said Zhao Yongkang 5th, China nuclear facilities safe and controlled, without affecting the environment or public health, nuclear and radiation accidents, hazard rectification effect obvious, overall safety levels are in good condition.

Sponsored by the Office of the national nuclear emergency safety seminar on the development of nuclear power, 5th held in Shenzhen. By national nuclear Emergency Office hosted of this Conference, aimed at to Hong Kong from all walks of objective accurate to introduced national nuclear energy, and especially nuclear power development policy, and nuclear security including nuclear power security operations situation, and nuclear emergency policy and capacity, for Hong Kong from all walks of full, and system, and full understanding national nuclear energy career development and nuclear security nuclear emergency situation, provides most authority, and most reliable of advisory, practical enhanced including Hong Kong zainei of society on achieved lasting nuclear security, and development nuclear energy career benefit human of confidence.

Zhao Yongkang said, the State attaches great importance to nuclear safety, in recent years, particularly after Fukushima, national integrated to further the safety of nuclear power safety inspections, the implementation of improvement measures, special publication of the Fukushima nuclear power plant after General technical requirements for corrective action.

He said that through nearly three years of work were comprehensively raising the comprehensive ability of national nuclear safety, whether it is in transport for 20 units, or under construction for 28 units, security has increased dramatically.

Zhao Yongkang stressed that all timely absorbed dose rate of external radiation environment of nuclear power plants are natural locally at the local level fluctuation range. In particular nuclear power plants of peripheral aerosol, deposition, surface water, groundwater and soil in various environmental media, such as activity concentrations of radionuclides and the calendar year compared to no significant change in local natural background levels of fluctuation within the public radiation doses well below the prescribed national dose limits.

Deputy Director of the national nuclear Emergency Office, the Department of national defense science and technology industry of nuclear emergency Security Secretary Yao Bin said national nuclear Emergency Office attaches great importance to nuclear energy policy of public information and communications, he said, in future, through such mechanisms as seminars, workshops, regularly holding relevant seminars and training relating to nuclear energy policy of Hong Kong, but also for Hong Kong to participate in wider cooperation and exchanges in the field of nuclear energy to provide support.

Hong Kong S.A.R., Deputy Secretary for security, Mr Weng Peiwen said the public is very concerned about nuclear power safety in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Observatory to Hong Kong for continuous environmental monitoring, Hong Kong currently is discussing further implementation of the notification mechanism between Guangdong and Hong Kong for new nuclear stations, more accurate nuclear-related information to the public.

Weng Peiwen rate of relevant government departments, universities, professional organizations, social celebrities 23 people present at the meeting. She said, the workshop gathered experts from the Mainland and Hong Kong nuclear, I believe Hong Kong participating members on the safety of nuclear power will be a more comprehensive picture of the situation. (End text)

(Original title: national nuclear security administration official: China nuclear facilities safety control)

22:37 on June 05, 2014 China News Network

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