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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:04:27 Edit(编辑)
Mothers living in Shenzhen 22 daughter unable to for a residence permit issue the college entrance examination

Mothers living in Shenzhen 22 daughter unable to for a residence permit issue the college entrance examination

Residence permit issue with the mothers living in Shenzhen 22 offsite gaokao | suiqian | children _ daughter unable to college entrance examination news

9.39 million students, 56,000 college entrance examination candidates to enable offsite.

Students: starting from first grade parents to this zone, Jiangsu Province, has been almost 12 years in reading.


The pace of reforms in 28 provinces, there has been mixed, threshold of reform have high or low pitch.

Student: students and teachers here are very familiar with.


  Face the country's more than 200 million more mobile population, called for the comprehensive reform of college entrance examination for many years.

Today the News 1+1 attention: off-site entrance examination reform step, a big step on people's livelihood .


Good evening, you are welcome to watch the live broadcasting of the press 1+1.

Entrance examination is about to start. We have to focus on the college entrance examination this year.

Well, college entrance examination this year, how many people, authority figures released by the Ministry of education was 9.39 million. Today we need to be concerned is among a very small group, 56,000 suiqian children are attending college entrance examination students, that is, it is often said that the offsite college entrance examination students. We are concerned about their fate, and the possibility for future participation in offsite students for college entrance examination in the future.

Candidates parents: an incentive.

Taxi driver: taxis with the participation of more and more, and private cars are also more, watching this thing all over the world, 1.1 let love pass.

For two days, college entrance examination is about to begin in 2014. This time of year, thousands of parents, students and even the whole society in preparation for the battle.

Figures released by the Ministry of education showed that national candidates reached 9.39 million this year, of which the first was lucky that 56,000 offsite exam candidates. Yu Yang is 56,000 lucky one, her residence in Inner Mongolia, and reading places in Nanning, Guangxi. Let go of the remote for the first time the test this year, she was lucky enough to catch the first bus.

Senior candidate Yu Yang in Nanning II: unfamiliar environment, and teaching materials are not the same, and then you want to learn a lot of things.

Yu Yang in Nanning, is the second senior year students, starting from the third grade, her parents came from Inner Mongolia to Nanning with reading. Not like her household registration in Guangxi by the candidates, as long as both elementary and high schooling in Guangxi, Guangxi, one parent is a legal and stable career, and lived for more than three years these three conditions will be able to take the college entrance examination in Guangxi and Nanning, like Yu Yang, 331 candidates who get on the first bus.

College entrance examination in Jiangsu this year is remote implemented the second year of the programme, the province's number of applicants jumped by 7 times, at 2995. Zhu Yunyun home in chaohu, Anhui Province, 10 years old that year, she transferred to Nanjing to see sister's experience, she never thought in Nanjing to attend the college entrance examination.

Zhu Yunyun: because we had three children, the first two have not achieved this, so back home.

Zhu Yunyun high school in Jiangsu, offsite programmes for college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province have not introduced, father Zhu Yingrong run and broke his leg, broke hearts.

Zhu Yunyun father: I think a lot of the way, wants to account here.

Zhu Yunyun does well, several mock exams have achieved undergraduate college entrance examination scores, can now catch up with off-site entrance policy, parents are more confident of her future.

Zhu Yunyun father: a country boy could enter the city, which was a big turning point.

Zhu Yunyun sister's eyes, off-site entrance policies not only to his little sister the right to equal access to education and ensure she had a happy childhood.

Zhu Yunyun sister: I think my sister is not only the most fortunate of us, a few of us, was there for MOM and dad the happiest one.

In 2013, the 12 provinces took the lead in breaking the household registration restriction, in recent years, there are 16 such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and Qinghai provinces ice offsite college entrance examination. As of now, not yet implemented off-site exams are Shaanxi, Gansu and Tibet.

In 2013, which is called the remote ice-breaking year for college entrance examination last year. Because it is the year of ice, it is reflected in more of a symbolic significance. Is 12 provinces issued a programme last year and implemented. However, last year taking Liaoning province as an example, there are approximately 5,000 students are eligible to participate in off-site examination conditions, but in fact only one-tenth, 552 participated in local college entrance examination. Why? Introduced the first year because of local policy, introduced relatively late, when policies, many of the test has been completed registration, went back to their country of origin to the exam, therefore will show the status quo.

But this year is different, this year were 28 provinces and cities, begun off-site entrance floor. Now 56,000 eligible suiqian child will be in residence to participate in college entrance examination. 12 times that in 2013 the numbers double. Currently we only see three places, one in Shaanxi Province, one in Gansu, Tibet, the three provinces and autonomous regions failed to implement offsite entrance policies.

A case study of Shandong, judging in this province of Shandong province this year, belongs to the remote provinces with low entrance threshold. However, after all this time, Shandong, on place of the college entrance exam, students are more, and the acceptance rate is relatively low. But even such a place was considered difficult exams of college entrance examination, this year's figure is base candidates participating in the non-domicile, Shandong is 9536, that is 10,000 people also prefer to take local exams of college entrance examination to take advantage of this convenience. It can be seen that, although this is a policy of small steps, but for many families, are indeed benefiting their stride.

From 12 provinces in 2013 to 28 provinces this year, offsite suiqian children involved in expanding the scope of college entrance examination, while benefiting also multiplied. In 2013, when participating in off-site examination 1444, and this year the number became a 56,000 people in 2013, 12.6 times. Digital change is behind the policy of advancing from top to bottom layers. A few years ago, off-site entrance many people unreachable dream, starting from 2012, slowly this dream into a reality.

End of August 2012, Ministry of education, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of personnel have developed the Convention on migrant workers in suiqian children receive compulsory education after participating in the entrance examination of the local views. Views in there to participate in further studies, requires in principle before the end of 2012, introduction of suiqian examinations of children-related programmes. Subsequently the Ministry of education also expressed, Ministry of education, in active consultation with the provinces, how the different policies for college entrance examination.

Chinese Minister of education Yuan guiren: so I'd like to, our attitude is now, actively promoting the implementation of the national forwarding this file. Ensure compliance with the conditions of the legitimate rights and interests of the students, but also to prevent the immigration of college entrance examination.

In this press conference the Ministry of education asked all localities must act according to their own situation to develop concrete approaches, specific terms of access.

Global: first of all, parents need to meet the criteria, the second student to be eligible.

After that, the process began promoting off-site entrance examination implemented by Ministry of education. In November 2012, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of education, Deputy Minister Du Yubo cited before 2013 between the 12 specific mandate on education. Commands, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong, urge guidance falls children of migrant workers in suiqian, after the compulsory, there to participate in entrance examination of work programmes are arranged in 12 work for second place. In promoting the implementation of this work, people's voice, and some applauded, and some objected.

Beijing nationality off-site entrance against Hank: understanding ranked among the top 500, I can clear it. If you then later, I'm ranked in the top 100, I was able to be eligible for competitive clearing, North. How is it possible, for example, I is the subject's parents, that I'm angry. I can eat like this bowl of rice, because you came, I couldn't eat, I couldn't express my dissatisfaction.

Despite different voices, the Ministry still insists on promoting off-site entrance policy. In January 2013, 2013 was published by Ministry of education, which supervise the implement of migrant workers from all over suiqian children receive compulsory education, participate in entrance examination of degree programmes in the local highlights. While many provinces also unveiled a different entrance examination programme. In June 2013, the 12 provinces of Liaoning, Jiangsu, suiqian children had the privilege of the first group to participate in off-site candidates for college entrance examination.

Jiangyin middle school student ye min: I hear, weren't right, this policy changed as soon as possible, it becomes.

Commentator: each province within its own jurisdiction, its offsite entrance policy looks like, and it is what that threshold, are not the same. Give you two examples, first in Shandong province, it belongs to the looser, easily obtained. People to participate in off-site entrance in Shandong province, Shandong province, there must be a full three-year senior high school students ' learning experience and, secondly, must have a senior high school student in Shandong province, and that's it. Relatively high threshold for Guangdong Province. In Guangdong has a legal and stable career, legal and stable homes, and more than three years in a row to hold a residence permit, as prescribed by the State social insurance the cumulative for more than 3 years, candidates have a complete roll 3 years in secondary vocational school in Guangdong province may indicate participation in this year's higher vocational school entrance examination. Two of these are two extreme examples.

Take another look at the country's situation, no matter what's 28 provinces, basically taking into account the following factors: the candidate's status; attending in their place of residence; a legal and stable home; a legal and stable jobs; legal and stable income, and proof of social security. Judging from all over can be summed up in several types, one policy is loose, that threshold is relatively low, such as Jiangxi, Shandong. Second class, limited release, gradually advancing. From 2014 open admissions examination in higher vocational colleges in Guangdong, from 2016 can take the test. Category III is to limit candidates, for example, Beijing this year were limited to higher vocational colleges.

Starting from 2012, Ministry of education, the national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of public security, the Ministry of human resources and social security have jointly issued a document: adhere to the protection of children of migrant workers in suiqian equity rights to education and further education opportunities, there is such a spirit. Subsequently developed around its own policies. Next we connect Chu Chaohui, a researcher at China Academy of educational science. Storage, we are nearly 10 million students will take the test this year, but some 56,000 people, this number is very small for the size of the entire exam a number. But this figure role is quite large, what do you think of such a smiling figure.

Chu Chaohui: this data was, on behalf of this policy that we have 56,000 students and families in difficulties, it is very valuable, very interesting. If no such policies of these students returned to his living conditions where life and learning, to apply for household registration, which is a great deal of trouble to them, so this policy with their great difficulty and solve the difficulties of 56,000 people.

Commentator: everything is so, do not eat a fat, bread should be eaten mouthful. However, education is different than other, as parents of the candidate, always hope I can reach the goal in my mind all of a sudden, like North Canton, these core cities. People focus here is here because off-site exams focus on. But we saw this year liberalize off-site entrance and did not reach to the core. What do you think?

Chu Chaohui: just talk about these places, representing about suiqian children are attending college entrance examination as a whole the number of one-third, so it is a priority, is the most critical areas. These places also has its difficulties, but the various local governments in considering this issue, and should take into account several aspects, not only taking into account the difficulties, to let go of the suiqian children of university entrance examination on local as well, something bad. Speaking of local human resources, solve the deeper problem of local schools, would be beneficial, it also has effects on the local economy. All local governments based on the reality on the ground, feel out the reason we make a decision, don't take it for granted that I can not solve this problem.

Commentator: storage, from short films to see North Canton the population moved to a relatively large number of these cities, has its own difficulties. Beijing these days, we all know that Beijing has entered into a State of severe water shortages. Big cities like Beijing, education resources, population pressure on natural resources, which are now some of the obstacles, what do you think?

Chu Chaohui: is what we want to see the difficulties, parents in this perspective, to understand. And then build on that, as a Government, should still have a positive attitude. First of all to myself is this situation in any case, what kind of, how much of this should be put, put it in an appropriate degree, don't want more problems, or imagined, is difficult. In fact, many problems are not as difficult as imagined, must as far as possible for the people's interests into consideration.

Commentator: you try to open a new topic, possibly from your point of view, arguing that some basic public services of the city, not too bad. If you stand in the city or even in the city for local residents, this is a huge problem, how do you reconcile these contradictions between the two?

Chu Chaohui: existing plans following the admissions system, we let suiqian children are attending college entrance examination, will have some impact on local residents, the effects considered from two angles. First, the current domicile of their acquired rights under the planned system, is a privilege, in a sense, from the meaning of fairness point of view is not consistent with the principle of fairness. Second, let your child in an environment of fair competition, that is in itself a more favourable environment for growth and development.

Commentator: just now we had seen, divided into three categories, Shandong, Jiangxi threshold is relatively low, a Beijing threshold is relatively high, but we have also seen in Guangdong, it belongs to the progressive liberalization. Let me go higher this year, and by the year 2016, let go of the college entrance examination, without providing a pattern, a trend that gradually after the release of a timetable and road map?

Chu Chaohui: at the beginning of time, everywhere they can let go of, and how much capacity, and resolve the problem, there may not be an accurate estimate. In this process, through off-site entrance one year after implementation, to find out the case further to address the problem, further liberalize the glider put this policy in place, this is the basic mode of operation.


This is really exploring patterns. Well, thank you Professor reserve, we have more questions for you later. Off site and not simply questions of college entrance examination for college entrance examination, which involves systematic education balancing of interests. We then read on.


This year, the enrollment of college entrance examination in Shenzhen in Guangdong Province hit a record high, reaching more than 39,000 people. At the same time, off-site entrance policies implemented for the first time, and 80 a household registration in the field of candidates this year in Shenzhen for the province class in higher vocational education entrance examination, they had lived in the city. Official website of the Shenzhen City Bureau, reporting off-site candidates for college entrance examination this year are actually 144 people, then what was the reason the rest of the 64 candidates were shut out of the door.

Many of today's media is watching a Shenzhen huaqiang offsite in vocational school students, Zhou Shasha. Outstanding her because parents did not meet the requirements of paying social security three years in a row, and miss the opportunities to participate in college entrance examination in Shenzhen. Zhou Shasha's parents learned that once the application is inadequate, efforts were also thinking about replacement methods. But eventually not serious conditions it is audited.

In Guangdong Province November 27, 2013, introduced regulations, conditions for candidates to declare expressly provides that in addition to paying social security three years in a row, and parental occupation, place of residence, a residence permit to test-takers and student status to make specific demands, which obligations will undoubtedly rely more on body, stand in the door of entrance examination in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen art school student parents:

She cannot be the test this year. She is in college like regular high school, she can repeat a year again, the vocational high school is not a place to repeat it.


She lives and works in Shenzhen for 22 years, daughter, little Nemo rubbed his birth in Shenzhen, 18 years old, she is a student at Shenzhen art school grade. She had thought her daughter off-site examination conditions but not thought be adopted in March of this year, she's wrong on the residence permit.


08-run residence permits, but not temporary, but permanent. Sent back the material down saying that failed. This material is automatically into our 2010 provisional. We went to the Public Security Bureau, Public Security Bureau said Bureau told them is sure to prove a continuous years. Both of them then pushed, pushed for two months, still only a dozen days on the ticket, he said there is no way to go back to their countries of origin, to their country of origin, the country of origin has been, this time we also can't name.


Reform is only took a small step forward, this year reflects the reality, there are 56,000 candidates, in other words there were 5.6 households benefited. So people naturally expect, and Ming, and the year after this step in the future can get a bit older, could cut a little bit bigger, we continue to link Chu Chaohui researcher. You reserve, which objectively speaking, it is forced under the reforms. In 2012, was fired from the top down, which follows a final term, must come before 2012 to give a solution, thereby forced out of 12 provinces and off-site examination programme. So how forced this reform, in some sense, reform has forced a reluctant feeling on the inside, and how reluctant, it was transformed into an expected step by step walk?

Chu Chaohui:

First of all, we still suiqian see offsite solve the many problems of college entrance examination. In fact we count up accounts, each of the suiqian children of the age group is approximately 1 million people in the country, the 56,000-member only one-twentieth.


We have a set of data that help us answer, now the national migrant population of 260 million, as of late last year, national obligation stage of 12.77 million people suiqian their children, just now you said, could now each year there are about 100 or so suiqian the child is required to take offsite college entrance examination. 1 million and 12.77 million is nothing.

Chu Chaohui:

Said 1 million obligation as a whole stage-we're talking about 1 million is the number of persons in this age group of the University entrance examination each year.


The future to about 1 million people every year to participate in off-site entrance, do you think this is a very big number?

Chu Chaohui:

Is not a very large number in the country, because it is distributed in all provinces. So far, from the inside that we have 10 million one-twentieth. Local Government should adopt a positive attitude to solve the problem. And we have a lot of problems unresolved, from this perspective, each foot with own resources or policies of local governments and find ways to solve the people's problems.


You need to explain to us about 1 million. It was in the course of the next several years, every year about 1 million University students to attend off-site entrance. That number, even for the core city of North Canton, digest it, not to mention not only the three cities to digest this 1 million candidates offsite, you find it difficult or not?

Chu Chaohui:

There is a certain degree of difficulty, we cannot say that there is no difficulty. But in various places according to their situation, to formulate a policy, solve the problem of which part, which part I does not resolve the problem, have a clear answer, and make the public feel is justified, said Tong. And then build on that, and it is important that time promoting the reforms of college entrance enrollment system as a whole, a real plan to break our current admissions system, on the basis of this, makes College and the candidates selected, thus no suiqian off-site entrance examination problems for their children.


Two issues, North Canton bearers of such vested interests on the one hand, from top to bottom, probably were reluctant to break an existing order, because they are the bearers of the existing order, and make money. Under such circumstances, how can we break this isolation, this seemingly very strong?

Chu Chaohui:

Is a positive idea, a way to balance the various interests. While a large goal, we establish a fair admissions system of college entrance examination in this system is unable to protect part of the interest to the detriment of the interests of others.


Now it's gradually opening up remote entrance. However, the current admissions system has not changed plans, how many places to the provinces each year, how much is the admission of each provincial, in the case of both does not change, how can the next offsite college entrance examination in an orderly and effective implementation.

Chu Chaohui:

Under 18 the spirit of the decision of the third plenary session, and directions for the future is to change the planning system. In advance of the planned system has not changed, everywhere can do is with 18 goals set by the third plenary session, as part of our suiqian children's basic objective of college entrance examination. Then go towards this goal step by step in the long term implementation. To do the existing own resources to use in the near future and relaxation, solve the problem of the suiqian children as much as possible.


OK, thanks Chu Chaohui researcher. Off-site examination involves the issue of household registration in the back, is the issue of social security. Off site wide entrance examination the scope of it, the depth of the interests involved, far from other education topics can match. But the issue must be resolved, because fairness is one of society's most basic education fair, we know it's hard, wanna go home: walking on.

00:12 June 06, 2014

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