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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:04:10 Edit(编辑)
Meng jianzhu met with Pakistan’s Army Chief of staff, Guo shengkun participation

Meng jianzhu met with Pakistan’s Army Chief of staff, Guo shengkun participation

Participation of Meng jianzhu met with Pakistan's Army Chief Guo shengkun | Meng jianzhu | Guo shengkun | Pakistan _ news

Meng jianzhu met with Pakistan's Army Chief Lahir

Guo shengkun attended the meeting

CPC Central Committee and the Central politics and Law Committee Secretary Meng jianzhu 5th Lahir, met with Pakistani army Chief of staff.

Meng jianzhu, said the CMB is from a strategic partner, deep and sincere traditional friendship between the two peoples. The two sides have been thin, sincere assistance. A long time, the Chinese law enforcement authorities and relevant departments of the Army maintained good relations of cooperation, fruitful cooperation. China appreciates Pakistan's firm support on the issues of combating terrorism and is willing to work with Pakistan to further strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism, protection of the safety of Chinese personnel in Pakistan and institutions together to maintain security and stability in their respective countries and the region.

Lahir said Pakistan attaches great importance to Pakistan-China relations and traditional friendship, and firmly support China's core interests, and will continue to be firmly entrenched in the Palestinian terrorist forces to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. Pakistan will also take effective measures to strengthen the building of economic corridors in the security of Chinese personnel and institutions.

State Councilor and Minister of public security Guo shengkun, Deputy Minister of public security Meng Hongwei, Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao, Pakistani Ambassador to China Masood attended the meeting. (Figure: Hao Fan)

(Edit: SN048)
23:07 on June 05, 2014 The Ministry of public security website

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