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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:04:04 Edit(编辑)
May housing transactions area of Taiyuan fell 40%

May housing transactions area of Taiyuan fell 40%

May sold commercial housing area in Taiyuan Taiyuan prices _ fell 40% | property | news

Every May, commonly known as the property market "red May", is the traditional season. But in May this year, provincial capital market was tepid.

On May 30, the comprehensive real estate information service enterprises in Shanxi gram-Swiss firm publishing market analysis reports that Taiyuan's property market May lack of power, uncommon for new building and the building of 2014 first-half sales, Super 70% sale average daily sales of less than 1. Although the market deserted, but urban property price has not dropped. Buyers continue to wait and see, developers pushing more cautious.

Market deserted developers cautious

In May of this year, the city sold commercial housing area is in a down state. In May 2013, provincial town home 331,700 sqm were sold, about 3317 two sets of 100 square meters. In May this year, provincial capital of commercial housing sold only 185,500 square metres in area, equivalent to 1855 two sets of 100 square meters. Sale items, regular plain property to zero. "Usually in these levels of digestive, is considered a precursor of lower market. "A sales manager who who asked not to be named said.

Provincial capital market after 2012-year age limit to buy a policy of repression, in May last year burst into activity. City projects turnover starting state of Qi Sheng, this State is maintained until the end of 2013. However, along with the outgoing around the fall of the property market and property prices fall after rumors, urban property market remains tepid state this spring. Some property rolls had intended to, keep the markets is expected to push back, push push in March to April, April to May, opening market exceptions with caution. From the perspective of signing, real estate maintained a slow new housing supply, selling old stock is generally the State, projects more attractive to customers is obviously inadequate.

Insiders believe that, in the case of acquisition costs increased, gradually deepening public pursuit of quality of product type, but currently supply out of the market, buyers and sellers will continue to game developers push and enthusiasm is not high.

Items dragged prices in high-end

Although the market deserted, but from a price point, the current property market prices are not generally loosening the provincial capital. According to the industry research, state average prices for commodity housing sold in the past year has been between 8500-9200 Yuan Yuan/square meter/square meters, and difficult to recreate 2011, spring 2012 rose 500 Yuan to 1000 Yuan/square meter/square meters. , Taiyuan price uplift of the high-end real estate continues to be the main factor.

In May this year, Airlie, Greenbelt · high-end projects such as new listings become available on mountain-top estate, the city's residential average price levels cause some traction. Airlie official micro-displays, May 18 with sales of 520 million Yuan. But the total cost of 520 million Yuan on sales of 70 apartments, unit price of the project up to 18000 Yuan/sq m, is twice times the average prices for all property sold in the city.

 Real estate sales for having low confidence

"In May, the real estate contract sales, planning of marketing thermal activity was to break out. But sales are far from satisfactory. "Li Feng, head of the Shanxi company, Credit Suisse said that judging from surveillance data, Taiyuan House there is a large inventory of the problem. Sold plots of land for proceeding to the exploitation stage in nearly three years of rare and harsh treatment in Taiyuan on the property market, rising land prices, affecting the appearance of many projects planned.

In addition, as home sales slow, major project focused on the planning and construction of commercial complex in the provincial capital, and residences. At present, project sales already facing closer teams competition. Indigenous enterprise development projects, mostly in asset reorganization or adjustment phase of a project. Lower market expectations, the room business executives frequently change jobs, it just goes to show lack of industry confidence in the industry, looking for a better way.

15:08 June 04, 2014 Shanxi evening news

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