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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:04:01 Edit(编辑)
Malaysia defense: not paying huge ransoms to rescue abducted Chinese woman tourist

Malaysia defense: not paying huge ransoms to rescue abducted Chinese woman tourist

Malaysia defense: not paying huge ransoms to rescue abducted Chinese women tourists | | ransom kidnap Chinese women tourists _ news

June 6, according to Singapore Lianhe zaobao reported on the 6th, Malaysia Defense Minister Xishan Mu Ding reiterated that the large ransom paid by the Government and saved the lives of abduction by Filipino militants in Sabah Chinese women tourists, and urged the Malaysian population believed that the Government and the Prime Minister Najib.

Xishan Mu d 5th presided over Sha BA East Special Security command district (ESSCOM) Conference Hou, in reporter will Shang for foreign media refers to Malaysian Government is pays has huge ransom only saved out Gao Hua Yun a thing said: "Prime Minister said no (pays ransom) on certainly is no, this not a new, in I as Interior Minister Shi, also occurred had didn't pays ransom on release hostage of cases. ”

In addition, Xishan Mu Ding acknowledged that since terrorists after crossing several times last year, the Government set up to enhance the Sabah Coast Guard ESSCOM, there had been a variety of due to lack of arms, corruption, involving the integrity of problems such as leaks, leading to incidence of child abduction.

He said, the Government will take immediate action to correct the weaknesses, ensuring security in Sabah waters and Islands.

Malaysia Prime Minister Najib announced recently that Shanghai, China Gao Hua Yun female tourists were rescued, but Malaysia's Sun newspaper quoted sources as saying, in the process of rescuing Chinese women tourists, Philippine militants could receive millions of dollars in ransom. But the speculation by Peter marvey refutation of the two countries.

Earlier, the Philippine police officials confirmed that the hostage safe release through negotiations, has not paid any ransom to the kidnappers.

(Original title: Defense Minister: not paying huge ransoms to rescue abducted Chinese woman tourist)

08:26 June 06, 2014 China News Network

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