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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:03:55 Edit(编辑)
Liu Han to Hubei high people’s Court of final appeal, the Court incorporated completed

Liu Han to Hubei high people’s Court of final appeal, the Court incorporated completed

Liu Han to Hubei high people's Court of final appeal court incorporated completed | Liu Han | black _ news

June 6, according to the Hubei provincial higher people's court official Micro-Blog messages, as of June 3, Liu Han, liouville and six other cases appeal expired, Liu Han, and liouville, and Tang Xianbing, Tian Xianwei, Zhang Donghua, Liu Xiaoping etc 20 accused and defendants in Sichuan hanlong (Group) limited to Hubei high people's Court of final appeal. Recently, the Hubei High Court has completed seven cases, reviews case of second instance.

On May 23, 2014 at 9 o'clock in the morning, Xianning city intermediate people's Court of Hubei Province 7 trial court while Liu Han, liouville 36 defendants, such as organizing, leading, or participating in a mafia, homicide case open to the sentencing. Among them, Liu Han, liouville 5 people were sentenced to death.

Xianning city intermediate people's Court found that Liu Han, who organizes and leads a mafia practice of murder, intentional injury, and other illegal and criminal activities of dozens of plays, which caused serious consequences, 8 people were killed and many others injured.

In Xianning city intermediate people's Court think, accused Liu Han, and liouville in partnership with others snare more people formed more stable of crime organization, the organization number numerous, has clear of organizers, and leader, backbone members basic fixed; has Organization to through illegal crime activities or other means gets economic interests, has is strong of economic strength, to support the Organization of activities; to violence, and threat or other means, has Organization to repeatedly for deliberately killing, and deliberately hurt, and illegal detention, illegal crime activities, for non-evil, bullying, and Mutilation of the masses through implementing the illegal and criminal activities and functionary of cover-up or connivance, dominate the party formed a significant impact on the ground and Guanghan city of gambling game industry formed to control, causing serious damage to the economic and social order in these areas, the Organization should be identified as the mafia. Accused Liu Han, liouville, commit more crimes and should be fine.

Other defendants according to respective criminal facts, respectively, constitute the crime of participating in mafia, intentional homicide, deliberate assault, crime of illegal detention, illegal trade in firearms, illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, illegal business dealings, extortion, vandalism crime, crimes against business, up fights crimes and other crimes.

Xianning city intermediate people's Court ruling, some charges according to law on the public prosecution service are not found, no adoption or be corrected.

(Original title: Liu Han to Hubei provincial high people's Court of final appeal court case work completed)

09:34 June 06, 2014 China News Network

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