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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 9:02:02 Edit(编辑)
Guizhou Provincial Commission for discipline inspection circular 8 cases of typical harm public interests

Guizhou Provincial Commission for discipline inspection circular 8 cases of typical harm public interests

Guizhou Provincial Commission for discipline inspection circular 8 typical cases that harm public interests | | discipline _ in Guizhou harm public interest news

Recently, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for discipline inspection reported since 2013 investigate 8 cases of typical harm public interests, namely:

Guiyang Baiyun Brigade originally the Lieutenant of city law enforcement detachment Shu Xiang abuse of power, bribery case. From March 2011 to July 2012, Shu Xiang during inspection of illegal building in the process of accepting chiqing, received 1 Camry cars and 20,000 yuan and allowing illegal construction. Shu Xiang was expelled from the party, dismissed public officials, judicial organs sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment for 6 months.

Anshun Zhenning County Bureau of labor and social security inspection Brigade provisional leader Zhu Qin Fu, charged to the peasant worker Li Zhenjiang "wouldn't". In December 2013, Zhu Qin Fu, Li Zhenjiang for migrant workers over unpaid wages in the process receive 600 Yuan, "wouldn't" were subject to administrative disciplinary warning, ordering the restitution fee.

Wuxing original village Party Secretary Duan Linjia village, shuicheng County Yangmei Township in liupanshui city, 4 people diverted agricultural resources. From 2010 to 2012, Duan Linjia with original planning covert assets here Liu Zhixiu, the women of the village cadres and Li Hanfen, former militia commander Lin Changrong 4 people together, such as corruption, dilapidated building renovation funds 167400, embezzlement of special tea capital of 200,000 yuan. February 2014, 4 people were transferred to judicial organs for handling.

Dafang County, bijie Dafang Town, former Deputy section cadre Wang Wenxian of official embezzlement, bribery case. From 2007 to 2008, Wang Wenxian duties will work together with others 202400 occupation of village collective land requisition compensation and dividing, 40,000 yuan in bribes. Wang Wenxian was expelled from the party, dismissed public officials, judicial organs sentenced to 6 years ' imprisonment for 6 months.

TONGREN city, yanhe Tujia autonomous county, and sweet Brook Township tea plantation village village Director Yang Shengwan embezzlement of agricultural funds. From 2005 to 2010, Yang Shengwan embezzlement of reforesting formerly cultivated land grants and allowances funds total 166,100. Yang Shengwan was expelled from the party, judicial organs sentenced to 5 years ' imprisonment.

Qiannan Prefecture Luodian County Weng Baocun original village Party Secretary Wang Shicai corruption included cases such as. From 2010 to 2012, Wang Shicai in partnership with former village head Lu Tengsheng low premiums, the Spring Festival consolation money corruption farmers and low-income medical total 144,700 dollars. Wang Shicai, Lu Tengsheng being expelled from the party, judicial organs sentenced to two to 12 years ' imprisonment respectively.

Town of Tianzhu County in Southeast Guizhou cave original village Party Secretary Zhai village, Huai Wu Shuhai, wait for 3 cases of corruption and low. From 2011 to 2012, Wu Shuhai with former village head Wu Guocan low 96,800 Yuan and Deputy Director Yang Guangchao corruption, caused mass incidents. Wu Shuhai, Yang Guangchao being expelled from the party, judicial organs shall investigate the 3 persons criminally liable. Town of Tianzhu County in charge of Home Affairs Deputy Magistrate and County Civil Affairs Bureau, cave led respectively by the organization concerned.

Puan County in Southwest Guizhou Hsintien township village of Luna and the village Party Secretary Huang Zhen defraud State dangerous reconstruction funds. In 2011, the yellow really learn the use of helping defraud a dangerous transformation of township government work capital of 20,000 yuan. Huang was expelled from the party, judicial organs sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 8 months.

Provincial Commission for discipline inspection requirements, party committees at all levels (Group) responsibility to ensure the implementation of clean body, combined with the party's mass line education activities, strengthening and funding livelihood projects "last mile" supervision and management, and education of party members and cadres, especially grass-roots leading cadres to strictly exercise self-discipline, Huimin funds, manage and use well. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should conscientiously perform their oversight responsibilities, resolutely correct and deal with retention, squeeze, embezzlement, misappropriation, misappropriation of funds of people's livelihood, seriously hold directly responsible and relevant leaders accountable, resolutely safeguard the immediate interests of the masses. (Guizhou Provincial Commission for discipline inspection)

(Original title: Guizhou Provincial Commission for discipline inspection circular 8 typical cases that harm public interests)

15:08 June 04, 2014 Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision site

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