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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 8:39:26 Edit(编辑)
The Korean media: Huawei high-speed WiFi threat Korea SK Telecom,

The Korean media: Huawei high-speed WiFi threat Korea SK Telecom,

The Korean media: Huawei high-speed WiFi threat Korea SK Telecom-Company WiFi, Korea SK Telecom-IT news The Korean media: Huawei high-speed WiFi threat Korea SK Telecom

According to the Korea Times reported on June 3, the Chinese telecom equipment giant Huawei has developed a high speed WiFi, 10 times faster than the existing WiFi. Korea, SK Telecom, this is certainly a challenge.

On a world scale, 5G r competition became more intense. ICT Giants Huawei of China has indicated that it would accelerate the process of 5G r, developed a fold faster than a LTE network, and in 2020, commercially. Korea's largest mobile carrier SK Telecom, on May 29, promised, to be launched by 2020 technology of commercial 5G.

Now, Huawei has developed a new wireless local area network 10G data transferred per second. Korea operators are doing their part. 3rd, SK Telecom announced that it had developed a new wireless local area network, the bandwidth is twice times the last year the company's WiFi, technology apply to all supporting 5G Wi-Fi (802.11ac)-compliant devices, and will be put into use in the second half of the year.

Korea analyst Kim Jang-won IBK Bank, told reporters in recent years Huawei demonstrated outstanding performance in all aspects, but Korea telecommunications company has internationally top technology, built the world's fastest and most secure communications network, so Korea telecommunications company currently does not have to worry about potential impact of Huawei.

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