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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:42:18 Edit(编辑)
Zhaoyuan murder witnesses say were frightened: has never seen this violence

Zhaoyuan murder witnesses say were frightened: has never seen this violence

Zhaoyuan murder witnesses say were frightened: murder never saw this violence | Zhaoyuan | Zhaoyuan _ news

Reporter Xu Xiaopeng Speciosa

The night of May 28, McDonald's restaurants in Zhaoyuan city, Shandong province, took "6 were severely beating a strange woman to death". The assailant, there is even younger than 14 years old teenager. After the fact, while public opinion condemned the perpetrators, bystanders blamed on present, blamed "no one rescued."

Time in the past week, those witnesses are still "feeling of shock coming." Witnessing murders for several minutes, they experienced a journey? Several eyewitnesses contacted by China Youth daily acknowledged that "fear", but I was told the press "this persons are not the same that we usually see."

Zhang Mingyuan (not his real name) is one of the witnesses. 28th at 21 o'clock in the evening of the summer hot weather, Zhang Mingyuan of 40 years of going to McDonald's to buy a cold drink. Just push McDonald's door, he would have met, disputes were taking place in the store, a few people around a seated woman. One of the women picked up seats to be meditating on woman, "and hit two or three times."

See that behind Zhang Mingyuan, confused, he at first thought it was a quarrel between acquaintances, because was hit and no one cries of "help" to turn around. But he still went to the front and tried to pull the attacker. He recalled, there was also, as well as a McDonald's employee, and another young man. Lajia played a role, the woman attacks stopped.

But targeted to severely beating them, one beating turned and shouted at him saying "who cares who died." Zhang Mingyuan found that there was no way to communicate with them, "the other side has been screaming for ' devil ', ' eternity ' vocabulary".

"That moment was scared. "Zhang Mingyuan admitted that they would dare not come forward again, choosing instead to the police. Meanwhile, he contributed to, severely beating the bald man, with a steel MOP began to beat the victim. 5 other people are "crazy" to attack, among them there is a "child of 33".

This scene into a cocked hat Zhang Mingyuan, he repeatedly told reporters the scene had been "beyond the bottom line." Nobody blocked. Zhang Mingyuan, Zhaoyuan, the Public Security Bureau only hundreds of meters away from the incident, "police will come soon. ”

It is regrettable, the victim could not wait until help arrived.

Similarly to Zhang Mingyuan, witness, Liao Xin (a pseudonym) told the China Youth daily reporter, even today, she sometimes felt remorse. After witnessing things, fear she chose to flee at McDonald 's. She said she was "lost", "never seen scenes like this for fear that they will attack their own."

"Never experienced similar scenes of violence", which is a live witness memories to the China Youth daily, recurring words. Zhang Mingyuan, it and general violence is completely different, there is no comparability.

"For example, violent crimes such as rape, robbery, and are simple to clearly distinguish between cause and effect, offenders can also be visually forecast. "He said, but this is totally different," sudden storms hurt people, they (perpetrators--reporters note) brain is different, you can't exchange. ”

"When I called up police time, I found the situation was beyond the scope of the control. "Zhang Mingyuan recalled," that kind of psychological shock is too big. How can you imagine that a 33-year old boy, as crazy brutally attacked someone? ”

In his view, the ordinary people at the scene, the first is to discourage and, second, alarm, "this scene has done two points."

"If this time somebody stood up to the fight, would you come with me? "China Youth daily reporter asked. Zhang Mingyuan thought, "could be. ”

Power of murder witnesses do not form a valid stop, Vice President of the Chinese Mental Health Association Zhao Guoqiu summed up as one of the reasons – lack of demonstration effects. "If a man stood up, shouted, and maybe we all rushed out. ”

Zhao Guoqiu also believes that in psychology, daily stress can reduce a person's happiness, and reduce the possibility to come forward to help others.

Analysis of Zhao Guoqiu, China Youth daily, which another layer due to the cumulative effect of the atmosphere, caused people to make such a choice. Li Hong, a Professor of psychology at Tsinghua University also held the view that this matter stems from the overall social climate, accusing McDonald's of a few people is inappropriate.

"The hero who wants to be, I think. "The end of Internet censure, Zhang Mingyuan told China Youth daily reporter," I can only say that I sense are nothing less than the critics, but it was one of those scenes, various factors put together, it's hard to say. ”

Staff writer, Beijing, June 3-

(Original title: "the persons are not the same that we usually see")

(Edit: SN010)
07:00 June 04, 2014 China Youth daily

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