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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:42:09 Edit(编辑)
Zhao Zhiyong has been out 4 days ago still openly attended the event

Zhao Zhiyong has been out 4 days ago still openly attended the event

Zhao Zhiyong has been out 4 days ago still openly attended the event (photo) | Zhao Zhiyong | officials probed _ news

The newspaper News (daily reporter Zhang Wuming, Jiangxi province) on May 30, the province's eight Red Army flag granted the Thanksgiving ceremony held in primary schools. Standing Committee of the provincial party Committee, provincial party Secretary-General Zhao Zhiyong,, Chairman of the National Council of Liverpool primary school construction project Zhao Xingfa, Deputy Chairman Su Xisheng, Yang Jianhua, Liu Jian, former General Manager of China Aviation Group, told reporters, Vice Governor Zhu Hong, the provincial military district Political Commissar Ma Jiali attended the ceremony.

When she met with distinguished guests to attend the ceremony, Zhao Zhiyong on behalf of the provincial party Committee and provincial government National Council for Liverpool primary school construction projects came to Gan welcomed and appreciated. He said Jiangxi gene which gave birth to the red clay Earth, we will use the spirit of the Red Army built the Reds ' primary school, inheriting good red genes, to achieve a comprehensive well-off society in the completion of Jiangxi with national synchronization goals for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation train qualified successors to China dream. It is understood that the National Army school construction is a benefit of the old revolutionary education major student projects. Grant the access flag red elementary school, named after the bayinanchangqiyi "Nanchang bayi army primary school" and home farm of old General named Gan Zuchang "Gan Zuchang Liverpool primary school". Up to now, had 22 in my construction of the Reds ' primary school.

June 03, 2014, 20:06 China Jiangxi Web

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