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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:42:06 Edit(编辑)
Zhang Xue-Liang’s hide “huanggutun incident“ report found

Zhang Xue-Liang’s hide “huanggutun incident“ report found

Zhang Xue-Liang's hide "huanggutun incident" survey is found (photo) | huanggutun incident _ news


Video: Zhang Xueliang's anti-Japanese in English speech video exposure today denounced atrocities

On April 6, the Yangzi evening news reported in Suzhou, Zhang Xue-Liang's Entourage, American businessman Yang photographed belongings of officiating, old photographs found thousands of Zhang Song and the battle for Shanghai's message. Today, the officiating "Kit" and new discoveries.

86 years ago, Zhang's father, Zhang zuolin was killed en route by train, known to history as "the huanggutun incident." Who created the event? Zhang Xueliang who is who killed my father?

In recent days, had Zhang collection "huanggutun incident" "survey" was found in Suzhou. Yesterday, found that the "survey" Suzhou businessman Yang, will be published this material to the Yangtze evening news exclusive, and hopes that this material can reveal some of the mysteries of history.

Yangtse evening post reporter Zhang Jun Gu Yuefei

Latest discoveries

  Old photos of the war, and then find "you murder" report

Huanggutun incident investigation report found, Suzhou businessman Mr. Yang. He was born in Suzhou, after the Canada School for more than 10 years. 15 years ago, he was appointed to work in Shanghai so far, currently live with my family back home in Suzhou.

Mr Yang told the Yangtze evening news reporter on March 20 last year, in which he United States New York State history Han XI held auction house information at the auction, Zhang Xueliang's current private pilot, stand, Americans officiating · Lyon four suitcases and belongings of eight small carton.

According to the auction company, from 1935 to 1941 in Lyon, these articles are mainly taken during more than 10,000 photographs and negatives, as well as the personal collection of hundreds of letters and thousands of newspapers, magazines, books, manuscripts and audiovisual materials. On April 6, the Yangzi evening news reported "thousands of Zhang Song Hu battle out of old photographs" messages, and these old photos of the photographer was Lyon.

In fact, the goods of rich beyond imagination. Mr Yang said that he went home after finishing, found cardboard boxes have saved Lyon of Zhang Xueliang's dress for the fly "work clothes", Zhang's flight log, Li Tsung-jen passwords sent to Zhang Xueliang, a variety of number coats of arms, etc, amounts up to now after never fully unpacked.

A few days ago, Mr Yang at the time of filing, also picked up 20 looks almost the same as the albums, each album's cover also contain handwritten catalog. A glance this is fabulous information. Compared to the other 19 the black casing, only a white album is very special. Orange sticker on the cover of the English title: Zhang. Even more surprising is Mr Yang, written English cover album: "The murder of Marshall Chang" (Zhang Dashuai murders).

What Zhang Dashuai? Yang opened the album finds that this is a 1928 English survey of huanggutun incident report.

 Chapter I the bomb site

(Is made up of 22 scene pictures)

Professional camera photos taken very clear

I believe we all have seen, these are all of the huanggutun incident scene, from the shattered train carriages, twisted Rails, iron pots, charred bodies were equipped with grenades and so on. All these pictures are 10 X7.5 cm size black and white photographs, very clear.

Mr Yang folder is designed to save the photo negatives in Lyon, also found the vast majority of the original negatives of photos. "The film is 10 X7.5 cm! "Mr Yang consult a professional photographer who was informed that so much of the film comes from a large format camera, which negatives can flush out the longest side exceeding 1.5 m has been able to maintain a clear picture of photos, this camera is now regarded as very specialized equipment.

 Chapter II

(More than 10 pages of written material composed of independent reports)

That year, Reuters reported Japanese troops blocked the Chinese patrol

"Parties" section is more than 10 pages of written material. Write the total described in the first paragraph is: "this is an independent survey completed in July 16, 1928, finishing".

Among them, the special collection of a signature for the "Reuters" English coverage of press clippings. Reports that the Chinese army said, flat but want routine patrol exploded near the railroad, but rejected by the Japan army blocked. The Japanese said, they controlled the railway around prohibited within 200 metres of any Chinese soldiers entered. Newspaper clippings and a Reuters draw a schematic diagram of the scene of the explosion.

Inform the Japanese side: it is "South"

This part of the survey also showed that there was the press in China and Japan experts in the huanggutun incident when the explosion, the other side is saying is on the car carrying the detonator went off accidentally or in a nearby coal mine explosion killed (because the incident near a coal mine).

In addition, this segment also collected signatures for the "Japan press service," the English press materials. The materials published, is the huanggutun incident the same day. "Around 5:30 A.M., near the Fengtian General Zhang zuolin train train passes, is a normal person threw a bomb in the South. Completely damaged two cars. Several people were injured, said Zhang zuolin was only slightly injured. Chinese security in the car soon opened fire on the attackers, but the southerners of dropping bombs away.

That morning, there are some on the ramps of the Japanese patrol, encountered a shabbily dressed people and arrest of the two suspects. Search found them with two Russia-made bomb, there are Guangdong's Democratic Committee's letter. Also some Japanese witnesses on the scene when the explosion occurred, but they remained neutral, as Chinese attackers opened fire on the car, the Japanese side did not shoot. ”

Chapter III of condolence

(Made up of 9 photos, including pictures of condolence)

Focus questions

Who organize this material?

Collectors may be Zhang Xueliang's consultants

First page of the report in English reads: "this is a report by independent investigators collate the huanggutun compile the information explosion. ”

Independent inquiry into who is the man? Mr Yang said that 28 pages of material on every page stamped with officiating · Lyon's seal, but you can be sure that information had not been collected because Lyon 1934 years before I came to China, after Zhang had only been contacted.

Since it is not collected by Lyon, said the graphic material was collected by the anyone? He speculated, likely to be Zhang Xueliang's personal adviser that year, Australia one-side is satisfied that help to collect, a journalist, and media relations closer. If not-side is satisfied, it should be have a deep relationship with Zhang Xueliang foreigners.

Jiangsu Province, Vice President of the Institute of modern Chinese history, the war of studies expert Professor Zhang Lianhong said, "the current may be produced by the British and American people, but who exactly is because there is no closing phrase was unclear. Should do this is Zhang Xue Liang's professional report for his judgment, but does not rule out some foreign journalists in to cover the event, found some things the initiative over to Zhang Xueliang. ”

Mr Yang believes that this "survey" was supposed to have been kept by the Chang, Leon and Zhang Xue-Liang in the long established a very good relationship, Zhang Xue-Liang's custody or finishing portion of your belongings to Lyon. Therefore, this "survey" were lost to Lyon in his hand. Lyon also assumes no responsibility, and this "report" carefully collated and collections.

What is the value of this material?

Stab the Japanese side "a smokescreen" can help to determine the historical facts

"Japan year released documents, found after a first ' southerners ', implying that explosion may be related to southern China's Revolutionary Army, also known as the Russian-made grenades found at the scene after, and to provide a platform for attracting a lot of guesswork. This ' report ' does not give a judgment, but a very objective. "Jiangsu Province, Vice President of the Institute of modern Chinese history, the war of research expert Professor Zhang Lianhong, told the Yangtze evening news reporter, following the events of Japan has been trying to pass the Government media release" smokescreen ", but he provides objective third party report, is of great help to historians studies reach the right judgment.

"In terms of time, materials work on this report is carried out immediately following the huanggutun incident, time is very timely. A large number of high definition pictures and witnesses interviewed at the scene, was the original significance. "Very surprised that Zhang Lianhong, Zhang would have such a detailed survey of English.

Said Zhang Lianhong, however this report is the most valuable place third-party objective enshrined in the investigation. Collected in China by the Chinese military, not only to foreigners, there are a lot of Japan's military and the Government say, offers a different perspective will help historians further to do more research.

(Edit: SN098)

07:18 June 04, 2014 Yangtse evening post

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