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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:41:56 Edit(编辑)
Xuyong, Sichuan rainstorm caused by over more than 2000 homes damaged and a woman was buried

Xuyong, Sichuan rainstorm caused by over more than 2000 homes damaged and a woman was buried

Xuyong, Sichuan rainstorm over more than 2000 homes damaged caused by a woman was buried | | House had been damaged _ strong rainfall in Sichuan news

CNS, Luzhou, June 4 (reporter Zhou Yaqiang)-from the 3rd night early hours of the 4th, in the South in Luzhou city, Sichuan Xuyong County suffered heavy rains hit. Torrential rains caused the County's more than 2000 homes damaged, the county road leading to credibility in chishui region, Guizhou and Yunnan interrupted by landslides. A woman was buried in a mountain collapse disaster were killed.

According to the Xuyong County departments news, the County's largest 122.4 mm of rain fell, some townships in the County affected by the varying degrees and falling more than more than more than 100 rooms, damaged more than 2000, the territory of Syria (wing) Wei () road, Syria (wing) the (water) road, two (River) high (peak) causes interruption such as road sections by landslides.

The morning of 4th, village of Xuyong Town housing six took place in a mountain landslide, killing 3 homes, one woman was buried. Local mine rescue teams and fire 2-hour rescue, the trapped men were rescued were taken to hospital but died.

Follow the Xuyong County emergency contingency plans to the affected villages and towns be orderly placed houses damaged in the mass work in the first place to ensure that their temporary residence and living expenses, food and living supplies. While further verified mass housing, livestock, crops and other property damage, to start timely restoration, insurance claims, make up for lost work make corresponding preparations. (End text)

(Original title: xuyong, Sichuan rainstorm caused 2000 homes damaged in a woman was buried the mountain)

17:44 June 04, 2014 China News Network

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