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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:39:14 Edit(编辑)
Japanese media said Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan will visit Japan, Japan restart economic exchange program

Japanese media said Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan will visit Japan, Japan restart economic exchange program

Japanese media said Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan will visit Japan to restart economic exchange projects | |-Japanese Exchange in Tang Jiaxuan _ news

  Reference news net reported on June 4 Japanese media said, Tang Jiaxuan, former Chinese State Councilor, President of the China-Japan Friendship Association, will be held in Nagasaki to Japan to attend the 5th and 6th "the new 21st century Committee for Japan-China friendship".

According to the Kyodo News Agency reported on June 3, in the context of Japan over the Diaoyu Island issue contradictory, this is not arranged with Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan leaders held talks. Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan had perennially responsible for China's policy towards Japan, and diplomatic heavyweights in the field. Japan present at the meeting were Japan, Thai post, President of the West room for three people, the two sides will exchange views on development of Japan-China relations in the future.

Japan News Network on June 3 quoted Japan Foreign Ministry as saying, including Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, and Chinese Ambassador Japan, Ambassador Cheng yonghua, China will have 9 participants. Japanese senior member is Japan post, President of the West room Thai three, the Japanese side have 6 participants.

It is reported that the meeting scheduled to be held in Nagasaki and Tokyo in November 2012, but due to the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" issue was postponed.

Japan's Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported on June 3, as relations deteriorated once stalled between the Government sector of the economy communication starts again. Because of Beijing's emphasis will not get the economy into political opposition, Chinese authorities in environmental protection, urbanization, and promising to introduce Japan patent technology areas, softened its stance.

Reports said Japan and China's Ministry of housing and urban-rural development, land, infrastructure and transport province in late May hold a Secretary-level meeting on urbanization issues in Beijing, this is the first time in two years. Around could be the key to China's future economic growth of both sides exchanged views on topics of urban construction.

On May 17, Japan maomumin, Minister for economy, trade and industry in Qingdao, held talks with China's Commerce Minister, Gao Hucheng, filling, the two sides on the establishment of Japan's Trade Ministry reached a consensus with China's Ministry of Commerce regular consultation mechanisms. Reports that was interrupted by Vice-ministerial meeting, is expected to return on a regular basis. At Home Minister held separate talks for the first time since the autumn of 2012.

In addition, the Japanese Government is also working on the resumption of the two countries, "China-Japan Forum on energy saving and environmental protection integrated" coordination. After the Forum held in Tokyo, in the summer of 2012 cut fast restart in Beijing in May this year. Held prior to the Forum, attended by both sides will be the leader,, including private companies, attend scale of around 1000 people.

Reports said since the autumn of 2012 Diaoyu Islands issue with the Japan-China relations deteriorated after China broke off all intergovernmental exchanges, including in the economic sphere. However, fearing it would further drag down an already slowing economy, since spring this year, holds a positive attitude in the economic field.

According to Japan the Yomiuri Shimbun reported on June 3 that day assumed the new Keidanren President 榊 originally enlisted (Toray President) said it would promote environmental technology cooperation, improvement of cold relations. He said that China was distressed for air and river pollution, Japan can exert the advantage of environmentally friendly technologies, improve relations will serve as "a breakthrough."

  More foreign media coverage, please refer to the official website of reference News Home. Website:

(Original title: Japanese media said Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan will visit Japan to restart economic exchange program)

(Edit: SN091)
09:11 June 04, 2014 Reference news

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