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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:37:03 Edit(编辑)
Data shows the two crash-prone, driver fatigue is the main reason

Data shows the two crash-prone, driver fatigue is the main reason

Crash-prone data shows two periods of fatigue driving is the main cause of traffic accidents | | driver fatigue _ news

June of 2011 to 2013, our province Expressway traffic accidents occurred causing deaths and injuries, 47, killed 21 people and wounded 62 people, 1.696 million yuan of direct economic losses. 3 per cent of total number of traffic accidents of which 8.81%, 7.19% of the 3 per cent of total number of deaths.

June number basically unchanged from the annual monthly average number of accidents and death toll is lower than the average number of accidents for the year, belongs to relatively stable month traffic accident.

These rules also harbingers, in June this year, the above may also be frequent, the driver of a motor vehicle safely.

Speciation analysis

Collision accident patterns such as sports, stationary vehicle more

Nearly 3 years in June, our provincial Expressway traffic accident patterns: 47 in a traffic accident, collision sport vehicle accidents, 17, 37%. Stationary vehicle collision accident, 8, 17%. Fixed collision accidents due to 7, 15%. Rollover accident, 9, 19%. 3 car accident, 6%. Scratch touch 2 pedestrian accidents, accounting for 4%. Other accidents, 1 by 2%.

Death is as follows: in the death of 21 people and collision of motor vehicle accident killed 5 people, 24%. Stationary vehicle collision accident killed 6 people, at 28%. Fixed collision accident killed 5 people, 24%. Rollover accident killed 4 people, and 19%. Scratch touch pedestrian accident resulted in the death of 1, 5%.


Nearly 3 years in June, the patterns of traffic accidents and fatalities, collision sport, is still the stationary vehicles, overturned and hit multiple fixtures such as highway accidents. The three larger per cent number of accidents and the death toll of the accident, to the detriment of the most serious consequences.

High-speed traffic Police reminded that these forms will require drivers evade during the operation, take precautions.

Reason analysis

Such factors as driver fatigue is the main


Judging from the causes of accidents, fatigue driving, not keeping a safe distance behind, driving with other safety violations, such as driving, improper handling is a major cause of road traffic accidents caused.

High-speed traffic Police reminded drivers were driving, to the requirements to strictly observe traffic regulations, it is likely due to various types of offence caused by traffic accidents. At the same time, as the weather gets warm, high speed multiple pedestrian offence, injury accident also resulted in pedestrians need to obey the law not on the freeway and drivers also should pay close attention to the pavement for pedestrians, are found pedestrians to timely warning and collision avoidance. In addition, as vehicles rates increase, part of the case of a driver going the wrong way, fewer long, be illegal across the median to turn around, this type of behavior is very dangerous.

Time analysis

0 o'clock ~7 and 14 o'clock when using these two accidents are concentrated

Detailed description of

Nearly 3 years in June led to 47 personnel killed and injured in traffic accidents. Seen from the figure, judging from traffic accidents, traffic accidents occur relatively concentrated in the month, mainly at 0 o'clock to 7 o'clock and from 14 o'clock to 18 o'clock.

Analysis of highway traffic police, 0 o'clock ~7 traffic accidents are the most concentrated, is due to the night to morning drive, sleepy due to fatigue and bad night sight, is prone to traffic accidents. At 14 o'clock ~18 time, mainly because people are in after lunch, large amounts of blood into the digestive system, can result in people feeling drowsy, and continuously driving in the evening all afternoon, tired all the time.

Which led to fatal accidents, are more focused on the 6 o'clock ~7 and 17 o'clock ~18 time. Analysis of highway traffic police, 6 o'clock ~7, although it is already light, but drivers generally in this time slot on a high-speed, overnight is driving more, not being sober, and even just on the freeway, got up too early and some could well be sleepy. At 17 o'clock ~18 were continuously driving in the evening when a tired in the afternoon.


In addition to the above objective reasons, the pilot's subjective factors can not be ignored, whether at any point in time, have to observe good driving habits, doing so may cause traffic accidents.

Beware of fatal accident occurs, pilots should strictly abide by the provisions of, a maximum of 4 hours continuous driving, rest after more than 1 hour, stop and rest or having someone else drive. During the night into the wee hours, not suitable for highway travel, preferably to the service area to rest, or not night driving on the freeway, select periods during the day. At the same time, after lunch, preferably in the dining car or within an interval of rest, relieve fatigue driving on the road again after lunch.

Weather analysis

High incidence of accidents in the rain

From nearly 3 years in June, led to traffic accidents analysis of the weather conditions, as can be seen, entered in June, rainy weather increase, likely to influence drivers ' sight, rainfall will result in wet and slippery roads, more prone to traffic accidents.

47 traffic incidents, traffic accidents occurring on sunny days to 34, 73%, cloudy day traffic accident occurred at 3, 6%, traffic accidents in the rain at 10, 21%.

In 21 of the deaths, sunny days on the traffic accident killed 14 people, death toll 67%; traffic accidents resulting in 3 deaths occurring on cloudy days, 14% per cent of deaths; a traffic accident killed 4 people in the rain, at 19%.

Traffic Police reminded drivers once met on the highways heavy precipitation weather, try not to drive traffic, looking for the nearest station exit the expressway or highway rest, waiting for the weather to improve before passage of bad weather to a certain extent, the traffic police will be promptly closed station, and police vehicles with more ways to guarantee safety.

Traffic tips

June bearing in mind that the rainy season of the year the impact on traffic

By this analysis, the traffic Police Department in June this year the highway traffic safety situation analysis, prompting drivers pay attention to safety.

In June, the weather hot, driven people prone to lethargy, particularly in freeway traffic flow more easily than less at ease, so traffic accidents caused by driver fatigue is visible.

The rainy season is approaching, rainfall will reduce the road surface is wet, the friction coefficient, wet weather accident prevention should attract enough attention.

Self drive tours, tourist bus on the highway traffic will increase, concerning overcrowding, speeding and other highlights. Entering the peak period for highway maintenance and construction safety management of road traffic should be elevated.

Related news

Province to investigate the small Dragon Boat Festival holiday traffic offence 9860

Small Dragon Boat Festival holiday period from May 31 to June 2, the province's traffic Police Department deployed 3,400 police 11500, police car, start checking station 94, temporary duty 200, investigated and dealt with various types of traffic violations, 9860, road traffic accidents in the province killed 10 people, fell 1 per cent, a fall of 9.09% without a road traffic accident deaths of 3 or more.

Police road traffic conditions in advance published tips, published estimates of traffic flow and diversion during the Dragon Boat Festival in various regions around plans to release dangerous sections of the road and accident-prone, matters of traffic safety tips during the holiday season. Traffic main road, curves, steep slopes and gateway to the scenic areas, amusement parks, big venue full tread the path of investigation, dangerous sections of the road, accident-prone timely issue to the community, prompting traffic traffic considerations.

To strengthen the unblocking and smooth, and accident prevention. Coordinate with related departments to place rescue vehicles and equipment to the highly congested node, section, vehicle failure, rapid treatment of traffic accident to avoid congestion caused by the accident. Not law-abiding, jumping Rob, strictly investigate and deal with illegal influence accounted for more traffic efficiency, most likely violations of congestion, accidents, maintaining good order, to prevent congestion caused by human factors.

Relying on checkpoints and temporary card key check throughout for passenger vehicles, strict inspections of overcrowding, fatigue driving, illegal trading, drive type does not match the offence, effectively preventing serious road traffic accident. Comprehensive inventory of Expressway service area hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, detect and eliminate all kinds of security problems more than more than 20 locations. (Reporter Liu Changyu Group section)

07:30 June 04, 2014 A new culture

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