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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:36:35 Edit(编辑)
Chairman of the IATA: airline transport 1 passenger netted 33 Yuan

Chairman of the IATA: airline transport 1 passenger netted 33 Yuan

, Chairman of the IATA: airline transport 1 passengers _ 33 Yuan profit | airline news

Operation difficult for the airline industry to carry each passenger only 33 bucks

Chen Shanshan

Aviation industry hard to earn money, IATA President and CEO Tony Tyler (Tony Tyler), last year served as a metaphor, "Airlines each carried one passenger will earn on average $ 4 – is lower than in many parts of the cost of a sandwich. ”

In these two days which was held in Doha, Qatar, IATA international air transport Association (IATA, hereinafter referred to as "IATA") annual meeting, Mr Tyler's latest data is still not optimistic – the airline transported only a profit of $ 5.42 per passenger (approximately 33 million), the net profit margin of only 2.4%. "In 2014, the aviation industry's average return on investment is 5.4%, much higher than the 1.4% in 2008, but remains below the 7%~8% investor expectations. ”

The same day, IATA also lowered its profit forecast for global airlines this year, the profit forecast of 18 billion dollars, 18.7 billion dollars forecast by the international air transport agreement in March of this year lost $ 700 million, much lower than the December forecast of 19.7 billion dollars last year, but is still higher than the industry's profits last year ($ 12.9 billion).

Downward revision of forecasts, mainly under the influence of aviation fuel prices and slowing growth in emerging markets. IATA noted that since March, the economic environment has worsened, world trade is slowing, business confidence declined, on China's economic growth and geopolitical risk have concerns. Current earnings forecasts, global GDP is expected to grow based on 2014 2.8% (below the expected March 2.9%) and 3.6% the growth of world trade.

IATA Chief Economist Brian Pearce is said, most of the profit forecast adjusted cause, declining confidence in China's economic performance this year, and earnings this year will be the best in North America and the Middle East region.

According to the IATA report, Asian airlines track for $ 3.2 billion in revenue this year, up from $ 2 billion in 2013, however, profits per passenger below the industry average, $ 2.98, net profit margin is only 1.6%. Middle East Airlines are expected to achieve net profit of 1.6 billion dollars, meaning that each passenger to 8.98 dollars, revenue margin of 2.6%. North American Airlines net profit for this year is the highest, up to 9.2 billion dollars, every air traveler's net profit to us $ 11.09, compared to two years ago, data ($ 2.83) improved significantly.

First financial daily under reporter Advisory more bit participate in annual of domestic airline senior also think, this year yilai, by China economic weak and Central "eight items provides", effects, domestic route of fare level has been no too more upgrade, and traditional of profit route Southeast Asia market, as Malaysia, and Thailand and Viet Nam, recently and because known of factors appeared passenger declined, but benefit Yu exit tour of growth, Europe, international long route market performance is above expected.

In addition, despite the volatility of fuel prices as before, but never this high for a long time, also makes it difficult for airlines companies earn a lot of money. From 2011, the average cost of jet fuel stays above US $ 120 a barrel, this year's average cost of jet fuel is expected to be 124.2 dollars a barrel. Total fuel cost is expected to reach us $ 212 billion.

However, Mr Tyler also pointed out that, in the face of gloomy external environment, airlines through improving the structure of the industry continues to improve its performance, such as long-distance shipping market consolidation, efficiency gain has been achieved, utilization of seats this year is expected to reach a record high of 80.4% for the year. Passenger numbers reached 3.3 billion people, ticket prices would fall in real terms to 3.5%, "has been getting cheaper by plane, spent money 4 iPad, will probably around a week. ”

But at the same time, the airline industry is still facing "stiff resistance". Increased infrastructure costs, air traffic management inefficiencies, heavy tax burdens and high costs of regulation, will be dragged down the entire airline industry this year, the airline industry's profitability and continued weak tax pressures this year are expected to be as high as $ 121 billion (compared with $ 113 billion in 2013 and rise).

"Airline efforts to further improve their performance requires government co-ordination of excitation regulator for success which, meeting the needs of consumers and business, cost-effective infrastructure, and a reasonable tax burden, such as Qatar and neighbouring Gulf countries, provides a low tax policy and good examples of investments in airports and other aviation infrastructure. "Tony Tyler said," Governments should understand that the airline industry's real value is that it provides global connectivity and stimulate the growth and development, rather than to squeeze taxes. ”

03:45 June 04, 2014 First financial daily

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