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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:36:32 Edit(编辑)
Central Government declared the emergency to stop the free trade area, saying that reform does not necessarily have to guapaizi

Central Government declared the emergency to stop the free trade area, saying that reform does not necessarily have to guapaizi

Central emergency stop the FTA report said reform doesn't have to guapaizi | FTA _ news

Cool down "the FTA fever"

Establishment of a free trade area aimed at destroying the "make political achievements, to policy" or "queue" – or speculation, apparently "took the wrong train"

"All the reporting process is stopped, many places have begun to reflect on, and to reconsider the disclosure program. "A few days ago, authorities appealed to the lookout Newsweek reporters that due to the Central Government to declare the existence of FTA issues" not satisfactory "and intensification of free trade declaration boom emergency stop and go back to re-examine.

18 of the decision states that the third plenary session, "in furthering the existing pilot based on the free trade zone to select a number of conditions local development (Hong Kong). "Such a statement, made in many parts of Lenovo. Thus, "free trade" became after experimental zone for comprehensive reform of the special economic zones, as well as the free trade zone, another favored by the local Government's new platform.

Incomplete statistics show that in 2014, the report on the work of local governments, to declare the FTA could clearly more than more than 20, which does not include the Pingxiang, Guangxi frontier trade zone, Changsha cultural and creative free trade area country pilot. However, compared with the local enthusiasm, attitude of the central authorities have become more cautious. This stop is the second FTA approval within a short period of neinan, see below.

"Waiting to summarize the experiences of Shanghai. "Accept magazine reporter interview in the, commerce international trade and economic Institute Dean Huo Jianguo, think, currently Shanghai since trade district is active advance the test content, including introduced adjustment Hou of 2014 version of negative list, given some open of content and the system innovation of mode also has a landing of process, so currently is hard summary made can copy promotion of mature experience, so established new pilot of conditions also not mature.

Even more important reason, is very different from on the intention of the parties in the establishment of a free trade area.

"As important measures for comprehensive reform, free trade is not a ' policy in depression, but system innovation ' plots '. Realistically, however, pursued in some places are still staking and preferential policies are a set of things. "Participants in the Shanghai free trade scheme design, Vice President of the Shanghai WTO Affairs consultation Center, the Shanghai Municipal Government Wang Xinkui, Director of counsellors stressed in an interview with the reporter, this way of thinking does not allow the Central heart, and is opposed by the Central.

"State establishment of a free trade area, aims to deepen reform and expand opening accumulation of exploring new ways and new experiences, but it now seems likely, many places in fact did not really grasp the intentions of the central authorities. "These pundits spoke of the central level was declared around the emergency stop, is to let place to chill, experience of studying good intentions of the central authorities," If you simply see some trade Park, country is also necessary so you get it? ”

  Yihongershang why do

And longer lists of declarations of the FTA, easily reminiscent of the early 90 's "development zone fever". By upsurge of the South speech of Deng Xiaoping, since 1992, in a few years time, set up economic and technological development zones, high-tech development zone, economic cooperation zones, export processing zones, foreign industrial and trade zone, financial trade area regional economic development models, such as a rash.

According to statistics, the first late 90 's, except the Department of State, authority of the country, outside the approved zone, up to nearly 200, the provincial, city and County economic development zone approved up to more than 6,000 the number of more than. Although most development zones played an important positive role in the reform and opening up, but there are also quite a few conditions are not ripe and rush in the development zone, results left many still difficult legacy.

Higher standards of free trade, apparently not yihongershang, repeat. "High stressed, to prevent and control risks as an important bottom line, in the whole process of building free trade area are better risks, efforts to remove all possible and the underlying risk factors, indicating that the FTA experiment is risky. "Wang Xinkui, high risk means that standard, national perspective, current can really meet the" testing ground "where standards are numbered. If violation of economic laws blindly building, the consequences can be imagined.

"Although there is no specific requirements, but ' number ' is usually understood to be no more than ten. "Huo Jianguo also believes that central to the construction of free trade zone, Shanghai experiment has its own unique position and strategic considerations, plenary session documents expressed very clearly, that is, in advance on the basis of existing pilot, select number of qualified local development zone or port, you should correctly understand what the conditions are.

Huo Jianguo, think, first should has must scale of international trade, and service trade, and investment area of development conditions, to consider established since trade district, so around not should blind comparisons, "future new of since trade district should on around economic development has led role, if since trade district built up Hou, only on local has benefits, experience cannot copy, so, it of test value on big discount has. ”

Not only that, judging from past experience, if the free trade zone project, will increase competition. Under pressure, instinctively tend to increase the intensity of policy concessions to form a "policy depressions" and system innovation in the free trade zone set up in the first place behind the back of the head.

For such a situation, place is not ignorant, but passion still appear to stop reporting. "This round of opening ' shuttle ' and must not be left behind. "During the interview, a regional official to express both demonstrated various places eager to declare FTA also reveals the reason behind the current round of FTA fever--in addition to the high profile announced that pursue reform stance, more are" queued "peer pressure.

"Regardless of whether you really need, at least in the opening of the new round must not lag behind other parts of the platform, which is now in many parts of the true state of mind. "The Academic Council of the national development and Reform Commission, the Secretary-General to the correspondent, said Zhang Yansheng.

Interview in the, commerce international trade and economic Institute researcher Mei Xinyu, finishing also to magazine reporter said, yiqian exploration opening established SAR, and zone, built pilot of experience indicates that, pilot of area often development fast, and not only local benefit, place officials promoted also fast, "so, in this since trade district declared boom in the, still flooded with lest fell Yu people Hou, and future in policy Shang suffer of thinking. ”

  Not "shoes's way"

In order to stand out among their competitors, can be described as full of hard work. On one hand, frequently to Beijing to "run", "visit communication", in order to achieve positions and responses of the ministries, on the other, on various occasions stressed its "characteristics" and "advantage".

Such as, as adjacent day Han of area, Qingdao stressed of is in the day Han cooperation; and fisheries resources rich of Zhejiang Zhoushan is stressed marine economic; and Taiwan across of Xiamen main of is "on Taiwan free trade Park"; near ASEAN of Guangxi tries to build "China-ASEAN FTA"; connection Central Asia of Xinjiang is is discussion established "China-Central Asia since trade district"; Chongqing is hopes themselves became inland area opening of Highland, so applications became "inland since trade district"......

Zhang Yansheng commented, combined with local advantages and characteristic planned FTA development understandable, "but applications submitted from some local reports, are basically duplication of models over the years, stuck in the level of development zones, industrial parks, there is not much that is new. ”

This is not an isolated point, interview, against the first stage of the free trade area to declare heat, experts ' biggest criticism is, in some places still "shoes way." "Has yet to figure out what the FTA is. "Wang Xinkui feel, some parts of the current train of thought is very" naive ", is" to get approval scheme, get into a tract of land, followed by building work, and attracting investment, and come up with a new area ".

To a large extent, this may be habit. A long time in many places has always been obsessed with so-called "special economic zones", are accustomed to preferential policies and special treatment for the orientation of the development of the Park and prefer to rely on Rob investments, projects, and resources to promote economic growth. The FTA after the official debut, and there are a lot of people will like the new "development zones". Thought with it, you can get national preferential policies, natural inflow of investment, local economy will quickly take off.

Especially given the current context of economic adjustment pressures, gives the place more "policy, Rob" the preferential treatment is "power". Last year, China's economic growth continued to slow. First quarter of the year, GDP growth dropped in 27 provinces. Under pressure, if only by virtue of the FTA, "easterly" boosting economic growth, in many places, is undoubtedly an enticing option.

Therefore, some provinces even outspoken free trade area declared as a new round of policy "depressions" and attracting the "weapons". "In marked contrast to its central purpose contrary to. "Wang Xinkui said the central requirements for the construction of free trade zone is very clear, is to promote reform by opening, mining reform dividend stimulates market dynamism, in cases where no special policies and preferential policies, seeking economic growth momentum.

"Make political achievements, to policies" old ideas, and obviously central to establish free trade area aimed at destroying the strategic intention of the opposite direction.

Of course, changes will not be easy. Even in Shanghai, repeatedly revised free trade package for 6 months, and has gone through a very difficult transition process. From focusing on manufacturing investment access to resolve investment access in the services sector and the facilitation of trade in services, and hoped for some preferential policies from the start to end central requirements to create an internationalized business environment, changes in thinking can be called great.

"Reforms are not necessarily guapaizi"

According to our reporter, despite being suspended, but free trade declaration of the door is not completely closed.

"China is such a vast and different economic characteristics and advantages in each region, in the Mission of the different national development strategies around. "As understood in Huo Jianguo, as long as the Shanghai experience can be copied relatively mature, around which a strong argument, and to stimulate future economic growth and opening to have a stronger role in promoting, should ultimately consider combining different features designed to test different FTA.

"For a place, the key is to hold its development advantage, positioning its own direction of development. "He comes," both reflected out reform and system innovation of content, again from respective of reality departure, from province love, and district love and all area different of comparison advantage, and grasp good respective by Department of development stage, and in national development strategy in the of location and the highlight role, further refinement and perfect pilot programme, such on can in national gradually formed some reform pilot area. ”

In his view, the FTA at this stage not only to extend the trial to explore a set of effective reform experience faster, but should also promote economic development.

"More importantly, it is from the perspective of the overall interests of the country to strike a balance, taking into account how big is the ability of the supervision, regulation, and also needs to be integrated and taken into account in an open order. "Therefore, he said, relevant departments of the Central Government and now needs to be done, and is summing up Shanghai operating experience on the basis of the free trade area, as soon as possible from the height of a global promotion out a guiding opinion across national next step could push FTA plans have an overall understanding of it.

Of course, before the ban, local governments can still be accomplished. "Reforms are not necessarily guapaizi. "Huo Jianguo, emphasized that local to the pursuit of reform and development, may not want to set up the free trade zone," local enthusiasm is understandable, but instead of putting my Po in the FTA on the test, might as well have adapted to local conditions to further deepen the reform programme. Just broke the shackles, solves development problems, can also achieve the same purpose. ”

In its view, if places within their competence decentralization can do everything out, reducing the approval of local jurisdiction, improving services, also fall within the purview of reform and system innovation. -Text/the lookout before Newsweek reporter Wang Rengui

04:20 June 04, 2014

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