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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:09:09 Edit(编辑)
Real-name train ticket refund cannot be moved after the loss,

Real-name train ticket refund cannot be moved after the loss,

Real-name train ticket refund cannot be moved after the loss-real-name train ticket, train ticket refunds, real-name train ticket lost to do, 12306-IT information After the loss of real-name train ticket refund cannot be moved

In recent days, reflect a consumer surnamed Liu told Xinhua, railway authorities there provisions of the King, their real-name train ticket purchased after the loss, with identity card not refundable and change. When reporters asked 12306 reflects this issue and put forward reasonable proposals can be made to the railway company, under staff repeatedly stressed that it is, cannot turn to help. Is this stubborn, or long-term primacy fosters the bully?

The consumers reflected said themselves because of schedule changes required to refund or change, but because the coupon is lost, can loss of fare adjustment, the waiting tickets not refundable and change, hundreds of ticket money was effectively wiped out. "I admit I lost the ticket has the responsibility, but real-name savings passbook is lost, does not return the deposit, please? "The customer said.

Reporters called 12306 Tel, a staff member explained that tickets belonging to the railway contract with consumers, nominal loss is caused by consumers for personal reasons, no refund and change, and has repeatedly stressed that it was prescribed by the Railway Department.

Rail as close contact with the masses of large State-owned enterprises, both profit-and bear the responsibility for service people. There is no denying that railway service has made numerous efforts of the people for many years, real-name tickets, launched the reform of freight also provided us with a safe and convenient transport environment. But we also have to admit that, in the reform of the truly rare mass to promote the recommendations.

As an ordinary people, they understand the inadequacies in the ongoing reform will be, also never thought to change overnight, but they hope to give the masses expressing the demands of the window, some good ideas great advice xiaqingshangda, form a positive interaction, promote reforms, and not by the media, by force of significant events to promote. Hope that our large State-owned enterprises, and put your foot down, listen to their voices, reasonable reform, building a harmonious society.

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