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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/1 10:40:04 Edit(编辑)
Wenzhou, Zhejiang set up a bailout Fund to a traffic accident pay money to save

Wenzhou, Zhejiang set up a bailout Fund to a traffic accident pay money to save(浙江温州设立政府救助基金,遇车祸先垫救命钱)

Wenzhou, Zhejiang set up a bailout Fund in a traffic accident traffic accidents on PADS lifeline | | lifeline _ news

Wenzhou, June 1, Xinhua (reporters Zhang Heping) with effect from June 1, Government of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province formally implemented as a victim of a traffic accident advance "a lifeline".

In order to help victims of road traffic accidents in accordance with law, timely resolve social conflicts, promoting social harmony in Wenzhou City set up a social assistance fund of road traffic accidents. On April 17, 2014 Government came into force on June 1 this year, the Wenzhou, Wenzhou City, road traffic accidents in urban areas of interim measures for the administration of the social assistance fund. Wenzhou provides that joint and several liability when a party in a road traffic accident and the legal person is temporarily unable to pay, salvage costs incurred over strong limits of liability insurance, or motor vehicle did not participate in the strong risk of a traffic accident, motor vehicle accidents escaped after one of the three scenarios, "rescue funds" should pay funeral costs of road traffic accident victims in personal injury, some or all of the rescue costs. "Rescue Fund" to the responsible agencies and police departments can no longer recover.

Injured in road traffic accidents in medical institutions should be timely rescue, should not be delay for rescue costs are not paid in a timely manner for medical treatment.

"Rescue Fund" rescue fee advance amount capped at 30,000 yuan per person. Funeral expenses limit maximum amount of advance in Zhejiang Province the previous year total 6 month fixed monthly average wage of fully employed staff are limited. In case of special circumstances, disbursements exceeded the maximum limits, the municipal finance, public security, health, agriculture, Home Affairs, social security, insurance and other sectors of human resources consisting of road traffic accident in Wenzhou City leadership team identified the social assistance fund.

Victims in the deaths, serious injuries and disabilities caused by road traffic accidents victims ' families special difficulties, one-time financial aid may, under specific circumstances, dead lump-sum aid ceiling of 30,000 yuan per person; one-time rescue personnel were seriously injured and maimed each ceiling of 20,000 yuan. In case of special circumstances, need more than aid amounts, by the leading group of "one thing one debate" identified.

Advanced "lifeline" is the process of medical institution victims rescue costs should be advised in writing and advanced traffic Police Department, the traffic Police Department in the first instance within 3 working days, and inform the medical institutions to implement. (End text)

17:02 on June 01, 2014 Xinhua News Agency
浙江温州设立政府救助基金 遇车祸先垫救命钱|交通事故|救命钱_新闻资讯

  新华社温州6月1日专电 (记者张和平)从6月1日起,浙江省温州市政府正式实施为遇车祸的受害人先垫付“救命钱”。







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