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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/6/1 9:20:02 Edit(编辑)
WWDC2014 forecast: headphones,

WWDC2014 forecast: headphones,(苹果WWDC2014预测:耳机动作大,)

WWDC2014 forecast: headphone-iOS8,Mac x 10.10-IT OS information WWDC2014 forecast: headphones

Apple has been quiet since late last year, but the company is expected to break this silence, this year's Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will be released many new products, areas, such as household, health care and the headset.

WWDC agenda

2014 local time, WWDC will be held next Monday in San Francisco Mo Sikang Exhibition Center (Moscone Center) held for June 2 to June 8. United States Eastern time at 1 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, Apple's Chief Executive, Tim Cook (Tim Cook) will make a keynote speech at the meeting.

Apple may release new products:

iOS 8

Although only 7 years old, because iPhone and iPad smashing success, iOS to become Apple's most important product. Started by the OS x operating system, iOS to 7 have been fundamental improvements. IOS 8 adding new functionality, to enhance the user interface may continue. Allegedly, iOS is probably one of the 8 main functions are called Healthbook function, it is a system that can collect health data, users can use Healthbook to view a variety of health and fitness related information. The schema for the application and are called HealthKit will allow developers to focus on hardware and firmware development, without having to worry about how to communicate data to the user.

In addition, Apple's mapping service may also see playing time, and was thought to benefit from data accuracy and effectiveness of positive efforts. Apple map services is considered the next-generation version using Apple's acquisition of HopStop and Embark, integration of public transport information directly to a service. This will allow users without a third-party application cases, navigation including train or bus service is available.

There are rumors, a new effort to promote home automation based on iOS. Initial reports said this would include an Apple design-oriented abstraction layer for existing products, similar to the Healthbook rumors. But now considered, this will have on the existing "Made for iPhone" authorization constitutes an extension of the project. This project is for the quality of third party products and iOS compatibility certification.

Finally, the rumored Apple will provide access to third-party developers of Siri. As to personal digital assistant introduced a new Shazam music recognition, this was confirmed.

Mac OS X 10.10

Not many people know that Mac OS x the next generation version, because many rumors about Apple mainly focused iOS8 attention. However, the next desktop operating system versions of this ancient theme of naming is rumoured to concern. Apple WWDC made campaigning in the run-up to the advertising seems to have responded to this concern, after the advertised by Apple in California national parks, we agree with Apple is likely to make the next-generation version of the desktop operating system "OS x Yosemite" name.

Apple is thought to have invested a lot of effort on the user interface, that OS x 10.10 of the biggest changes in the Visual Refresh, similar to the Apple designers qiaonasen·aiwei (Jony Ive) do in iOS. ICloud versions of Apple's iWork suite is Evie one of the directions to the Mac desktop, although possible, is that this change will be more clever.


As has just been completed on the controversial $ 3 billion acquisition of Beats, Apple may display planned lineup of popular headphones and speakers. Apple has long noted that the acquisition primarily to get the Beats just getting started streaming media services, as well as its co-founder, Jimi·aiouwen (Jimmy Iovine) and Dr Dre (Dr. Dre)。 But Apple said Beats hardware businesses valued at $ 1 billion a year, marketing chief Phil · Schiller (Phil Schiller) leadership continue to operate.

In addition, despite the recent Apple will be ready to launch a new low-priced iMac, but from Apple's recent message shows that the iMac will not publish the upcoming WWDC, this product may be available later this year.

Will be published at a later time

IOS 8 some of the richest features, such as multitasking iPad screen or a new version of the iOS-based mobile payment system, allegedly the WWDC Conference could not be released in the next week.

Two long-standing much-anticipated product the upgraded Apple TV and the new iWatch, still is not launched by Apple. These two products together with the next-generation version of the iPhone or iPad, later this year (after the fall) listed together.

In addition, Apple may be rumored clamshell styled 12-inch MacBook product information continues to remain silent, the rollout of the product may vary from 13-inch MacBook Pro version non-Retina retired the same step. However, this information may not be earlier than the end of this year.

When iOS8, iOS8 download the latest news/updates, please pay attention to IT information -theWWDC2014feature.


苹果WWDC2014预测:耳机动作大 - iOS8,Mac OS X 10.10 - IT资讯



2014年WWDC将于当地时间下周一在旧金山的莫斯康展览中心(Moscone Center)召开,会期6月2日至6月8日。美国东部时间下周一下午1点,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)将在该大会上作主题演讲。


iOS 8

尽管只有7年的历史,由于iPhone and iPad的异常成功,iOS无疑地成为苹果最为重要的产品。发端于OS X的这款操作系统,到了iOS 7已获得了根本性的改进。iOS 8在增加一些新功能外,对用户界面可能继续进行提升。据称,iOS 8主要功能之一可能就是被称做Healthbook功能,它是一种可以收集用户健康数据的系统,用户可以通过Healthbook查看各种健康和健身相关的信息。该应用和被称做HealthKit的架构,将让开发者专注于硬件和固件开发,而不必担心如何将数据传达给用户。


还有传闻称,基于iOS的一个新努力将推动家庭自动化。最初的报告表示,这将包括一个由苹果设计的面向现有产品的抽象层,类似于Healthbook的传闻。但现在被认为,这反而将会对现有“Made for iPhone”授权项目构成一个扩展。该项目是对第三方产品的质量和iOS兼容性的认证。


Mac OS X 10.10

没有多少人知道Mac OS X下一代版本情况,因为有关苹果的很多传闻主要地集中于对iOS8的关注。但是,有关这款古老的桌面操作系统下一版本的命名是传闻关注的中心话题。苹果在WWDC召开前夕打出的造势广告好像已经回答了这个关注,苹果在加州国家公园打出广告后,大家赞同苹果很可能会让该桌面操作系统下一代版本采用“OS X Yosemite”的名称。

苹果被认为已经对用户界面投入了大量的精力,认为OS X 10.10最大的变化在视觉刷新,类似于苹果设计师乔纳森·艾维(Jony Ive)在iOS所做的那样。苹果iWork套件中的iCloud版本可能就是艾维给Mac桌面带来的方向之一,尽管可能的情况是这种变化将更为巧妙。


随着刚刚完成的具有争议的以30亿美元对Beats的收购,苹果可能会展示流行耳机和扬声器产品阵容的计划情况。苹果早就指出,该收购交易主要为的是获得Beats刚起步的流媒体服务,以及其联合创始人吉米·艾欧文(Jimmy Iovine)和Dre博士(Dr. Dre)。不过苹果称,Beats的硬件业务每年价值10亿美元,将在营销主管菲尔·席勒(Phil Schiller)领导下继续运营。



对于iOS 8最富有变化的部分功能,如iPad多画面多任务处理或基于新版iOS的移动支付系统,据称在下周的WWDC大会上不可能发布。

预计两款长期备受期待的产品即经过升级的Apple TV和新产品iWatch,仍然不会被苹果推出。这两款产品会同下一代版本的iPhone或iPad,在今年晚些时候(秋天之后)一并上市。

另外,苹果可能会对传闻中的翻盖设计风格的12英寸MacBook新产品信息仍然保持缄默,该产品的推出可能与13英寸非Retina版MacBook Pro退役相同步。不过,有关这方面的信息发布可能不会早于今年末。

iOS8什么时候出,iOS8下载地址/更新内容的最新消息,请关注IT资讯 -《WWDC2014》专题。


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