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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/6/1 9:19:01 Edit(编辑)
The fourth generation of the Internet belongs to my Internet,

The fourth generation of the Internet belongs to my Internet,(第四代互联网:属于我的互联网,)

The fourth generation of the Internet: part of my Internet-Internet-IT news The fourth generation of the Internet belongs to my Internet

First generation Internet known as "information on the Internet", the second generation called the "organization information", the third generation called "connecting you" so how about the fourth generation of the Internet is it?

In talking about mobile social networks (or we can also refer to the fourth generation of the Internet), the critic John Herrman has comment: "website like Metafilter is something two or three times before the Internet, when people every few days, or even every day, take the initiative to access the Web site. Google search on website traffic played a big role, in any case, Web site content is important, independent of those external backlinks. But unnerving is that source of new readers increasingly uncertain. People visit Web sites do not necessarily take the initiative in a day, applications are accessing sources of these products is unpredictable. ”

In 2008, users can also find and share interesting videos on the site, fans can come together to discuss the film. But now glory is no longer, it was gradually abandoned. Herman review is interesting in that this site is out of date, nowadays people are more accustomed to accept push messages, rather than go to "discover" information. If you are trying to save the Metafilter sites such as, I am afraid, can only rely on Internet Protection Association, but in fact there is no such organization.

Now the fourth generation is reminiscent of the Internet evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest. This is a game of user identity, and some Web sites adopt a premium subscription model, make people feel like they're a part of a distinguished group. Websites like to like Buzzfeed user categories, people indulge in self-read unable to extricate themselves. Buzzfeed founder Jonah Peretti wrote a paper in 1996, which refers to a if you want to sell something to the user, first of all to allow users to identify with, identity and legibility. This article was created by Buzzfeed premise and its business model. No matter who you are, where you come from, you can get what you want from Buzzfeed.

Dylan Matthews said that identity through videos, images generated by the Visual culture. If a site is able to pass these products to create hundreds of thousands of identity, allowing users personally, then this site will surely succeed in the new Internet era. Compared to create content, Buzzfeed are more inclined to adopt vision products to advertise. They want to label you, to make you identity, so you can share them to social networking sites, in the process, you in this way to promote your own attitude. An analogy, pregnant women may prefer to look at the "ten recommended pregnant women must see" articles of this kind, and share articles, and identity in the process. Based on this philosophy, is that Buzzfeed business models developed.

If you have called a first generation Internet "information on the Internet", the second generation called the "organization information", the third generation called "connecting you", then fourth-generation Internet sites like Buzzfeed, is what might be called "mine" the age of the Internet? Don't know go on Internet evolution patterns what do?


第四代互联网:属于我的互联网 - 互联网 - IT资讯


在谈及移动社交网络(或者我们也可以称为第四代互联网)时,评论家John Herrman曾这样评述:“像Metafilter这类网站已经是两三个互联网时代以前的东西了,那时候人们每隔几天,甚至每天都会主动去访问网站。Google这样的搜索对网站访问量起到很大的作用,不管怎样,网站的内容基础很重要,能独立于那些外部反向链接。但如今让人不安的是,新读者们的来源越来越不确定。人们不一定每天会去主动访问网站,使用的应用才是访问的来源,而这些产品所带来的是不可预测性。”


现在的第四代互联网让人想起进化论,物竞天择,适者生存。这是一场用户身份认同的游戏,有的网站采取高价的订阅模式,让人们感觉他们像是某个高贵的团体中的一员一样。而像Buzzfeed这样的网站就喜欢给用户做分类,让人们沉醉在自我阅读之中无法自拔。Buzzfeed的创始人Jonah Peretti在1996年写过一篇论文,里面提到了如果要卖东西给用户,首先要让用户产生认同,并让身份有辨识性。这篇文章提出的观点就是Buzzfeed创建的前提,也是它的商业模式。不管你是谁,你来自哪里,你都能从Buzzfeed获得你想要的东西。

Dylan Matthews表示,这种认同会通过视频、图像这些视觉文化产品所产生。如果一个网站能通过这些产品创造出成百上千的身份认同,让用户对号入座,那么这种网站在新的互联网时代肯定会成功。相比于创造内容,Buzzfeed们更加倾向于通过视觉产品来做宣传。他们希望通过对你贴标签,来让你产生身份认同,这样你才会把他们分享到社交网站上面去,在这个过程中,你也通过这种方式来宣扬自己的态度。打个比方,孕妇们可能更喜欢看“孕妇们不可不看的十条建议”这类文章,并把文章分享出去,而在此过程中产生身份认同。基于这样的理念,发展出来的就是Buzzfeed们的商业模式。



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