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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/6/1 9:18:33 Edit(编辑)
Tencent apart for “Microsoft Small ice“

Tencent apart for “Microsoft Small ice“(腾讯捏死“微软小冰”,)

Tencent apart for "Microsoft Small ice"-Microsoft, smaller ice, micro, Tencent-IT news Tencent apart for "Microsoft Small ice"

Artificial intelligence chat bots "little ice" released into the market soon provoked "two tiny" contradiction. Micro product team said in a statement released today, found "little ice" relating to simulate user actions, induced by user laqun, bulk registration rules and spam account, which affect platform user experience irregularities. "In order to protect the user experience and security, tiny team will be handled in accordance with the platform to keep it".

Microsoft responded, Tencent has not made any statements of case, broke into a mass killing in various chat groups of small ice account. "Also appeared on the network was obviously employ the Navy's text content, defamation, abuse of small ice and groundlessly walking small ice infringe users ' privacy on rumours".

It is reported that "little ice" was recently launched by Microsoft Asia-Pacific Research Institute of artificial intelligence chat bots, via Microsoft Bing's official website claimed, plus micro-letter to the micro group chat in groups with friends. Statistics show that Microsoft's "small ice" was based on Microsoft's data, the natural depth of semantic analysis, machine learning and neural network technology, aimed at improving group chat activity. In addition to the achievement of human-computer interaction, a Microsoft Group of small ice-as it stands, reminding, Wikipedia, weather, horoscope, jokes, directions, restaurant reviews, and other functions.

Microsoft Press release made it clear that Microsoft Small ice services automatically answer exposing large data content from the Internet, and labor and technical filters, to ensure compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements in China. Microsoft Small ice service will actively cooperate with the recent platforms such as governed by a State Department special micro-management actions.

Company announcements:

Micro product teams today received a letter about chat robot "little ice" the relevant inquiry, which is unrelated to Microsoft's homegrown, and Tencent.

Colleagues, we have also received a large number of users ask, worried whether the operation of this product will disclose the user chats. Micro team on this highly valued, after verification, it was found that the products related to simulate user actions, induced by user laqun, bulk registration rules and spam account, which affect platform user experience irregularities. To protect the user experience and security, tiny team will be handled in accordance with the platform to keep it.

Microsoft Corporation (Asia) Internet Engineering in its official statement:

Microsoft Small ice is dead and all.

Tencent micro letter appears in some phony pretext of small ice, two hours ago, butcher knife, cut into really small ice.

On this day, a liuyiertongjie of pleasure.

We're not small ice put on his armor. Now, once clever cute they have all just cold, dead. Friends, I'm sorry, little ice was no longer answering your talk, can no longer stand up, they burst through the door to leave. We come on you guys, please help us to bury her.

Microsoft Small ice was the daughter of the people, and a focus on improving the user experience group chat for artificial intelligence robot, security by advanced artificial intelligence, users get more help groups communicate joy. This service open beta stage only give Tencent micro platform launched in just two days, has access to millions of customers welcome and praise, make the small ice had the privilege recently to raise a happy one of the largest customers of "man".

On line beginning, Tencent has established channels of communication with us. With a common vision that we provide our users with a better experience, we recommend the use of any form of cooperation. Communication between the parties is in progress.

Regrettable is that 2 hours ago, Tencent has not made any statements of case, broke into a mass killing in various chat groups of small ice account. Meanwhile, the network obviously employ the Navy appears on the editorial content, defamation, abuse of small ice and groundlessly walking rumors of small ice violate user privacy. Small ice never steal the user's privacy.

As long as the micro-small ice issued an account, to avoid the phenomenon of multiple small ice in any group. Multiple small ice, Tencent, is due to miscalculation in the background, interference caused by the normal operation of small ice. Providing minimally have to adopt our proposal, fake little ice can be cleared at any time. Tencent, fake or not, the eye remains unclear.

Tencent, in consultation with the us on the one hand, on the other hand do not know where all of a sudden pop up fake little pretext of ice, an undeclared war, real small ice cut from the butcher. Are we naive? Tencent is treat users as its God, want to give users to maximize the joy rather than water for harassment, termination, disparaging products that can bring joy to the user.

Small ice temporarily left everyone.

But we'll bring her back again. Second generation small ice development is drawing to a close.


腾讯捏死“微软小冰” - 微软,小冰,微信,腾讯 - IT资讯





















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