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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:15:51 Edit(编辑)
Fudan University was first disclosed in 1949 did not move because

Fudan University was first disclosed in 1949 did not move because(复旦大学首度披露1949年未迁台原因)

Disclosed for the first time in 1949 did not move to Taiwan because of Fudan University (photo) | | relocated to Taiwan _ at Fudan University news

Daily press reported on May 26: on May 27, 1949, ushered in the liberation of Shanghai, and at Fudan University in Shanghai--one of the most prestigious colleges and universities along with a new man. This afternoon, the archives held at Fudan University in Shanghai Fudan University freshmen--the liberation of audiovisual archival materials of press conferences, for the first time to the public a number of valuable records, reveals the origin of the celebration of Fudan University and then did not accept the command of Chiang Kai-shek relocated to Taiwan's cause.

  Origin records explain the official opening day of the Conference

At a news conference, plenary records show the school School Board. According to Fudan University School history expert Yang Jiarun introduction, this grey-cover archive, is the Council plenary records of Fudan University, whose prestige is this volume records accurately reflect the true situation in schools at the time of the Council.

Daily reporter on the scene saw, on file in the "Council meeting minutes, May 8, at two o'clock in the afternoon the 24th" column in the Chronicle: development on May 27 for the celebration of the alumni section, or sections, May 27 for the celebration of the school section specified in the resolution. Participants include Qian Chongshu, Zhang Yi, Li Binghuan, Jin Tongyin, and Chen wangdao, and Zhang Jinyi, and Zhou gucheng, and Luo Wenzong, and Hu Quyuan, Zhang Yang, and Zhang Xunhua, Hu Wenshu, Pan Zhenya win 13, President Chen wangdao. On this piece of paper has yellowed, and 13 representatives of her across time and space, is still clearly visible.

As the only surviving witness to this important meeting, the former Director of Fudan University's Economics Department, is now 94 years old Zhang Xunhua gentleman also attended the press conference. Hands when the minutes of the meeting, Zhang Xunhua emotions. He said that to May 27 this great date for official opening day has a special significance, expressing a Fudan student to the Communist Party and the people's Government of wholehearted, desire and passion for new China unlimited, have put their fate and the city of Shanghai together tightly, breathing, a common fate.

(Original title: Fudan University announced public records disclosed in 1949 did not move to Taiwan for the first time why [map])

(Edit: SN077)
19:58 May 26, 2014 Oriental NET






(原标题:复旦公布历史档案 首度披露1949年未迁台原因[图])


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