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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:15:29 Edit(编辑)
Foreign Ministry on Sino-Japanese military aircraft near the East China Sea: the initiative to pick you

Foreign Ministry on Sino-Japanese military aircraft near the East China Sea: the initiative to pick you(外交部谈中日军机东海接近:难道中方主动挑事吗)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs to talk about Japanese military aircraft in the East China Sea near: does the initiative did pick | foreign | Sino-Japanese military aircraft near the East China Sea _ news

May 26, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang 26th regular press, Thailand military coup d ' état, the fighter in China and Japan in the East China Sea close to answering a reporter's question.

Following is a question and answer session released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website record:

  Q: Malaysia Prime Minister Najib will visit China in the near future, please describe this visit, meeting arrangements, signed agreements, China is looking forward to the talks, as well as the Sino-Malaysian bilateral relations.

Answer: upon invitation by the Prime Minister, Li keqiang, Malaysia Prime Minister Najib will pay an official visit to China from May 27 to June 1, this is a visit is very important to bilateral relations. During the visit, Chinese leaders will meet with Prime Minister Najib, respectively, the talks, the two sides will further the development of bilateral relations and exchange views on international and regional issues of common concern. The two sides will also sign a series of cooperation agreements, and attended the commemoration of the 40 anniversary of the establishment concerned. We believe that Prime Minister Najib's visit will vigorously promote the comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level.

Over the years, Sino-Malaysian relations have been developing very well and pragmatic cooperation between the two countries has been expanding, communication and coordination in international and regional affairs have kept increasing. Last year, the bilateral trade volume has exceeded $ 100 billion. China is Malaysia's largest trading partner and Malaysia for 6 consecutive years to become China's largest trading partner in ASEAN countries. Bilateral personnel exchanges are also very frequent over 2.55 million passengers last year, the Chinese side attaches great importance to Sino-Malaysian relations, we are willing to work together with Malaysia, push forward the continuous development of bilateral relations.

  Q: on 25th, Ukraine held a presidential election, China's comment on the election? Sino-Uruguayan relations have what to expect for the future?

A: China respects Ukraine people's choices and hope relevant parties persist in dialogue and negotiation, through political means, continue to advance Ukraine crisis settlement process, achieve stability and restore social order.

China attached great importance to Ukraine, we are willing to work together with the Ukrainian side to promote further development of Sino-Uruguayan friendly cooperative relations.

  Q: India's new Prime Minister, Mr MODI will appear in Office, Indian side invited the leaders of the SAARC countries to attend its inauguration. China's comment on this? China and India leaders established contacts for the new term?

Answer: His Excellency our MODI assumption of India congratulated the Prime Minister for the new term. China has always attached great importance to the India development of good neighborly friendship and strategic cooperation partnership, and we look forward to working with the leadership of Prime Minister Morgan India Government to work together to promote the continuous development of bilateral friendly cooperation in various fields and jointly safeguard and promote peace, stability and development in the region.

  Follow up: the Pakistani leader also invited Prime Minister MODI's swearing-in ceremony. China's comment on this?

A: we have noted that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will attend the inauguration ceremony Prime Minister MODI, has welcomed this latest development. India and Pakistan are important countries in South Asia, improvement in India-Pakistan relations not only conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries, but also conducive to peace, stability and development in the region. China is India and Pakistan's neighbors, glad to see sustained, constant improvement of relations between India and Pakistan. We hope that this momentum can be maintained, and realize common development India-Pakistan, maintaining regional peace and stability.

  Q: on May 23, the Viet Nam Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a press conference introduced the Viet Nam to the Xisha Islands of the so-called "historical jurisprudence". China's comment on this?

Answer: Viet Nam Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a news conference last Friday about the content, I feel very absurd and ridiculous.

Plenty of historical evidence that Xisha Islands have been China's inherent territory, the Chinese name was first discovered, the earliest, earliest development and management, pioneer exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty. Chinese is the owner of Xisha Islands is indisputable. As early as the 2nd century BC, that is, when Han dynasty, the Chinese had been sailing in the South China Sea, and found the Paracel Islands. Since then, the Chinese began to exploit in the Xisha Islands, operates. There is historical proof, China in Tang and Song dynasty Chinese fishing activity in Paracel Islands, the Northern Song dynasty Navy was already cruising into the Xisha Islands, indicating that China had effective authority imposed on the Xisha Islands. Famous astronomers Guo shoujing in Paracel Islands when the Yuan dynasty established astronomical point, demonstrate in the Paracel Islands have been China's territory.

Prior to the mid 70, Viet Nam has been publicly and officially recognized the Paracel Islands belong to China. In 1956, the Viet Nam head of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC in Viet Nam the Chargé d ' affaires of the Chinese Embassy made it clear that Xisha Islands belong to China. In 1958, the Chinese Government announced that People's Republic of China's territorial sea is 12 nautical miles wide, and made it clear that this provision applies to People's Republic of China all the territories, including the Xisha Islands. The Chinese Government made the announcement after the 10th day, when Viet Nam Pham Van note, Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, Prime Minister representing the Viet Nam Government recognition of People's Republic of China on the territorial sea determined declaration, respect that decision. Long time, Vietnam's official documents, books, maps are clear that Xisha Islands belong to China.

After 1975, the party turned its back on a previous commitment in favour of sovereignty demands on the Xisha Islands. Last Friday, the Viet Nam Ministry of Foreign Affairs made these remark at a press conference once again shows that distorting history, denying the fact that in this country, backtracked and faithless. The country's international credit rating was low.

I would also like to stress once again that the Chinese Government and people's determination to safeguard State sovereignty, territorial integrity is firm and unshakable.

  Q: first of all, Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits Korea, please tell me something about your schedule and travel arrangements, and access to look forward to. Secondly, North Korea's Vice Minister Li Yonghao recently in Mongolia and the United States expert contact, arrived in Beijing this morning. It is understood that he hasn't returned, there is no Chinese officials to meet with him?

A: Foreign Minister Wang Yi left here this morning for Korea for access. He had arrived in Seoul today with the Korea foreign ministers hold talks, is also expected to meet President Park Geun-Hye. Currently, I have yet to receive relevant news of the talks between the two sides to meet, we will release in a timely manner, please note. The purpose of visit of Foreign Ministers Wang Yi and South Korea was on Sino-ROK relations and bilateral cooperation, as well as the mutual interest and exchanged views on the regional situation as well as in-depth, more results and reach more consensus.

You mentioned North Korea's Vice Minister Li Yonghao Beijing one thing, I also see related reports, and did not have his tour in China, nor heard that Chinese officials will meet with him.

  Q: since Thailand since last week's military coup, has China and Thailand had exposure to the Government? If Yes, please describe the specific content.

Answer: as Thailand's friendly neighbor, we pay close attention to the current Thailand situation, hopes that all parties concerned can keep calm, exercise restraint and stick to solve relevant problems through dialogue and consultation to make order in the country returned to normal as soon as possible.

On China and Thailand contacts among the parties concerned, I do not have to provide you with specific information, but I can tell you, Chinese Ambassador to Thailand's Embassy during normal functioning, normal operation. We hope that no matter how the situation is changing, friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Thailand will continue indefinitely.

  Q: it is reported that the Chinese Government wants State-owned companies not to hire United States consulting firm. Can confirm this message?

A: I have not be able to prove to you that the information was reliable. China pursues a strategy of opening up, we welcome foreign companies to invest in operations and to cooperate. At the same time we also ask foreign enterprises as much as Chinese companies in China to comply with China's laws and regulations, and shall not engage in things that undermine China's security and interests.

  Q: it is reported that Viet Nam participating in vandalism burning anti-Chinese demonstrations of two men already sentenced, could you comment on this? Viet Nam Government follow up on this event handle, what?

Answer: I noticed that two men had been sentenced, but we feel that it is not enough. Not long ago, Viet Nam's vandalism burning incidents of violence against foreign companies and persons, to Chinese enterprises and individuals resulting in significant casualties and property losses, and we urge the Vietnamese side to thoroughly investigate this incident as soon as possible and severely punish criminals according to law, and compensation for Chinese enterprises and personnel. Vietnam to take concrete and effective measures to ensure that China in Viet Nam institutional, corporate and personnel safety. The only way to restore the international community's confidence in the country.

  Q: something about the fighter in China and Japan in the East China Sea near a Sino-Russian exercises where airspace is completely coincide with waters following a drill? Japan self-defense forces said the aircraft did not enter exercise airspace, the Chinese side how to comment?

Answer: with regard to this matter, China's Defense Ministry has issued a statement detailing facts and Chinese positions, said fighters like you said, the Japanese side did not enter the airspace, it is really doing? Where is it exactly? The initiative to look for you? I emphasize once again that, Japan related actions are very dangerous and are very provocative, the Japanese side should seriously rethink and restrain themselves to avoid miscalculation by both sides, causing friction and conflict. Failure to do so could all the consequences arising therefrom should be borne by the Japanese side.

  Follow up: on exercises in airspace, waters released by coincidence?

Answer: the truth is that China already had announced the exercises before exercises for sea and airspace, prohibited notice was issued to the international community. However, no regard for the Japanese side to these notices, sent reconnaissance plane entered the East China Sea Air Defense identification zone, reconnaissance and jamming the joint maritime exercise between China and Russia, that is a fact.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Japanese fighters in the East China Sea near a military coup, questions and answers)

(Edit: SN077)
18:31 May 26, 2014 China News Network

  中新网5月26日电 中国外交部发言人秦刚26日主持例行记者会,就泰国军事政变、中日战斗机在东海接近一事等答记者问。


































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