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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:14:52 Edit(编辑)
Exceeding 28 ° c do not open air bus compartments, passengers would be able to withhold fare

Exceeding 28 ° c do not open air bus compartments, passengers would be able to withhold fare(上海公交车厢超28℃不开空调,乘客可拒付车费)

Bus air conditioning in cars not exceeding 28 ° c than a passenger refused to pay the fare for |undefined_ news

Daily, May 27: in the summer, in Shanghai to temperatures above 30 degrees centigrade. Today reiterated the city administration: bus compartment temperatures above 28 ° c, you must turn on air conditioning and refrigeration facilities.

According to city regulations on air bus and tram passenger transport management, from June 1 to September 30 each year, and during this period outside the compartment temperatures higher than 28 ° c, the operator should usher in vehicle air conditioning facilities, according to stipulations opens the air conditioning or ventilation facilities, passengers can refuse to pay the fare.

Recently, the city administration will organize personnel to check the air conditioning in the city's public transport vehicles, and also hope that the majority of passengers to dial 12345, 12319 hotline to report the irregularities of the bus.

(Original title: bus compartment not open air above 28 ° c would be able to withhold fare)

May 27, 2014, at 17:12 Oriental NET
上海公交车厢超28℃不开空调 乘客可拒付车费|undefined_新闻资讯






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