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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:14:37 Edit(编辑)
Deploy food safety management in China, milk powder oil focus columns such as

Deploy food safety management in China, milk powder oil focus columns such as(中国部署食品安全专项整治,奶粉地沟油等列重点)

China deployed special milk powder oil columns focus on food security | | oil _ food safety news

Network News May 27, according to the Chinese Government, recently, 2014 food safety focus of the arrangement has been agreed by the State Council, the State Council published. Edible farm product quality and safety control at source; infant formula milk powder special rectification; edible oil safety management; kids ' food and food safety in and around school renovation; online food trade, imports and exports food management and other arrangements will be included in the priorities.

Full text of the arrangement are as follows:

  2014 food safety focus on the Organization of work

In 2013, all localities and departments concerned in accordance with the unified arrangements of the State Council, accelerate the reform of food safety supervision and further strengthen daily supervision, intensify the food safety management, serious food safety crimes, food safety risks under control, overall national food security situation stabilized for the better. But deep-rooted problems restricting China's food security remain, the masses feel strongly about outstanding problems still occur. To implement 18, the central economic work Conference, the third plenary session of the party spirit and this year's Government work report to the State Council on the work of food safety-related deployment requirements, to guarantee people's "tongue on security" arrangements are 2014 food safety priorities as follows:

First, intensify the rectification and strive to resolve outstanding issues

(A) the source of edible farm product quality and safety control. Strict management of agricultural inputs, carries out highly toxic pesticides targeted business and real-name system purchased, regulating veterinary antimicrobials, production, marketing and use of feed and feed additives to promote reductions of pesticide, fertilizer science. Crack use of banned agro-veterinary drugs, illegally added "lean" and banned substances violations such as Malachite Green. Increase the intensity of land and water pollution treatment, on key management of soil heavy metal pollution of agricultural products, the agricultural kinds of farming with environmental problems such as water pollution, persistent organic pollutants, efforts to cut off the chain of contamination into the farmland. Strengthening supervision of the edible farm product quality and safety, focus and good market access barrier.

(B) further special regulation of infant formula milk powder. Specifications acquisition of fresh milk and milk station management, strict inspection and transport of raw milk regulation, urging enterprises to strengthen self-controlled dairy construction and management, and further strengthen supervision of infant formula milk powder countries sampling, sampling results published in a timely manner. Non-delegates, OEM, aliquot and produce infant formula milk powder, is prohibited to use the same formula produces different brands of milk powder and the use of bovine, goat milk (powdered), other than raw milk (powder) production of infant formula milk powder. To reinforce the continuing license conditions, inspection of the manufacturing process documentation, product testing. Enhance the dairy regulation strictly incoming inspection and inspection record system, to further standardize the network marketing of infant formula milk powder. Strengthening supervision of the infant formula milk powder imports and sampling, released imported infant formula milk powder manufacturer, importer and product list. Severely combating illegal add a range of non-food substances, super super limited use of food additives, unlicensed production operations, smuggling of counterfeit famous brands, as well as offences such as milk powder and whey powder, timely disclosure of illegal "blacklist".

(C) the management of livestock and poultry slaughtering and meat products. Implementation of dead animal collection territorial management responsibilities, to further standardize the fatality innoxious treatment of livestock and poultry. Severely punished by purchasing and processing dead livestock, selling without inspection of meat or meat product failed to pass the examination of meat products and other illegal activities. Enhance the pig slaughter targeted businesses, slaughtering sheep and cattle enterprise management, strengthen the supervision and inspection of meat products production and processing enterprises, non-fur animal carcasses and other animal inspection and quarantine of meat products into the market. Increase the intensity of supervision and inspection of live poultry trading markets, urging operators of live poultry in strict accordance with the relevant provisions to harmless treatment of diseased poultry.

(D) carry out comprehensive control of safety of edible oil. Severely combating illegal purchase, transport, and processing kitchen waste grease, animal offal, chemical raw material extraction, production and sale of animal fats, shoddy, yijiachongzhen, not qualified illegal acts such as fake edible oil of vegetable oil. Advancing the kitchen waste recycling and treatment, cut off from the source of "oil" to illegal interest chain, form a virtuous operating mechanism of combination of unblocking. Step up inspection on import of edible oil, on imported edible vegetable oil production enterprises to carry out overseas to check against standard oil did not meet safety standards and quality identification into the domestic market.

(E) the rectification of rural food security. Increase investment in rural, suburban, small workshop gathering and other key areas of food safety regulation, and on key management of kiosk, a small supermarket, peddlers, the wholesale sales and marketing of fake and shoddy, "three noes" food and other violations. Investing in consumer awareness of food safety in rural areas. Regulate rural funerals declare collective dining, strengthening rural health food service unit personnel, physical environment, management of cleaning and disinfection, ensure the safety group meal.

(F) children's food, school and surrounding food safety management. Strictly regulate children's access to food business licensing conditions, operator liability, urging implementation of the raw materials purchase check, cable card tickets system, severely punished around the campus sales low prices substandard foods. Development of primary and middle school students feeding management practices, strict feeding and distribution unit filter and bidding qualification of students and severely dealt with processing and sale of substandard food. Strictly for school canteen staff health, raw materials, manufacturing process management, prevention of food-borne bacterial contamination, prevent students collective food poisoning incidents.

(G) exceeding the shelf life of food, recycling, food management. Strictly implement the food producer responsibility, urged food producers and traders promptly ceased to operate self cleaning than the shelf life of foods and taken measures such as the initiative to move the food to clear out; for delisting more than shelf-life foods set up specifically to save and recycle food and add smart labels to prevent confusion with normal food or sold again. Severely combating illegal operation and use more than shelf-life food and recycle food, prohibiting the use of more than shelf-life foods and recycled as raw material for food production and processing of food, prohibits changing the production date, shelf life, or sold more than shelf-life foods such as change of packaging and recycled food. Regulate the disposal of more than shelf-life food and recycle food, strictly in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, supervision of food producers and traders to more than shelf-life foods and recycle food for harmless disposal or destruction, to prevent exceeding the shelf life of food and recycling food table reflow.

(VIII) "illegally added" and "illicit publicity" problem management. Crack down on production of illicit added, using a range of non-food raw materials, ultra hyper-limited use of food additives and other violations, resolutely ban on "dark dens," "black factory," and "black plant". In refining the food could break the list of non-edible substances added, accelerate lists of substances within the scope of research and found that enlarging the list of substances within the scope of monitoring and sampling intensity. Continued increased efforts to investigate and to food advertising false advertising, strict regulation of the production and sales of broken pebbles and fraudulent use of brand names, fake problems such as false identity. To further consolidate and expand health food "four non-" (add illegal, illegal, illegal and illicit publicity) initial results, resolutely prevent rebound.

(I) conduct online food trade and food import and export management. Strictly investigated and sales through the Internet, "three noes" foods, does not meet the food safety standards and inspection and quarantine imported foods and other illegal activities. Strictly regulate food food trading platform operators and network service provider responsibilities and obligations, establishing network food regulatory system. Improve supervision of imported and exported food safety, strengthen port resource sharing and intelligence exchange, formed the port regulatory force. Food, sugar, edible oil, meat, focusing on severely combating crimes such as smuggling and evading supervision. 1

Second, strengthening regulatory capacity building, consolidate the Foundation of supervision work

(A) comprehensive reform of food safety supervision system. Perfect from the central to local grass-roots system of food safety supervision, sound Township of food safety regulatory agencies and services of agricultural products quality safety supervision, strengthening village supervised by team-building. To further implement territorial management responsibilities for food safety, strengthening supervisory duties at the city and county levels, law enforcement into agricultural comprehensive range of agricultural products quality safety supervision, accelerate the pig butcher supervisory duties fully. Comprehensive food safety coordination bodies at all levels to play a full role, strengthening comprehensive coordination of capacity-building and improve the cooperative mechanism. Speed up the establishment of origin of edible agricultural products market access effective linking mechanisms.

(B) strengthen the construction of grass-roots law enforcement forces and standardized. Strengthening the grass-roots level of regulatory support, and promote the food producers and traders of electronic management and database construction, improve the level of supervision. Upgrade grass-roots law enforcement teams integrated quality and operational capacities, training tech-savvy, pass laws, good survey of grass-roots cadre of law enforcement. Strengthen the construction of grass-root law enforcement standardization, grassroots regulatory accountability, clear primary regulator duties, normative process.

(C) the food safety risk monitoring and assessment. Continue to strengthen the food safety risk monitoring system and capacity-building, establishment and improvement of national foodborne disease surveillance and reporting network, strengthen unified meta-analysis of surveillance results. Organize the implementation of national food and edible agricultural products safety risk monitoring annual program, acquisition and inventory monitoring and spot checks of food quality and safety, strengthen overall monitoring of food-related production process and finished products. Amendments to the food safety risk monitoring and assessment-related regulations, regulatory monitoring, assessment management, enhanced monitoring, assessment results. Scientific and standard food safety risk communication, early warning, and perfecting the system and mechanism, strengthening the construction of professional teams. Study on the development of national food safety and agricultural product quality safety risk assessment of work planning, the implementation of risk assessment, risk assessment of contingency controlling food safety hazards. Strengthen the total diet study, food consumption survey basis database construction. Continue to do new varieties of new food ingredients, food additives, food-related products, new breeds of security review.

(D) speed up the inspection of food safety capacity-building. Strengthening of edible agricultural products and food inspection and traceability technologies and early warning system for the development and application of further improving the level of food safety. Implementation of the food safety inspection (supervision) measurement capacity-building programming, speed up the County food, agricultural products quality and safety inspection system, strengthening grass-roots capacity-building of food safety, improving regulatory enforcement team skills. Advancing the integration of county-level food safety inspection resources and agricultural products quality and safety inspection and testing integration of resources. Strengthen inspection qualification and regulatory work, share inspection results, reduce duplication of inspection and testing. Create environment conducive to development of third party food safety inspection agency, encourage third-party inspection agencies purchase services.

(E) promoting food safety supervision and information technology. The implementation of the national food safety regulatory system "Twelve-Five" programme to promote food safety supervision Informationization construction, making full use of modern information technology to improve regulatory efficiency. Encourage increased funding support, carry out pilot construction to facilitate data sharing. Speeding up food safety monitoring and statistical basis database construction, raise the level of statistical information. Huimin action plans, promoting food safety information, Internet of things, tracing, security, bar codes, and other technologies, Huimin works, implementation of information.

(F) establishing and perfecting "table pollution control systems". Conduct joint research, summarizing experience in promoting local, explore and establish and improve national conditions, science and improve the "pollution control system the table" food safe engineering, construction.

Third, improve the regulatory standards, strengthen the system construction

(A) the revision of a number of food safety laws and regulations. Push hold on revision of the People's Republic of China Law on food safety, developing food production and operation management, food labeling, production supervision and administration measures on the supervision, food additives, food-borne diseases, food management, import and export food safety regulations related to product safety supervision and management approaches, such as supporting regulatory rules and regulations. Accelerate the pesticides management regulations, regulations such as the pig slaughter Management Ordinance revision. Promotion of local pay close attention to research developed food production and processing in small workshops, food vendors and management of local regulations. Under the new regulatory regime requirements, departmental regulations to clean up the original integration. Local people's Governments at all levels should focus on bean sprouts and live bird food, health food and kitchen waste and other regulatory gaps and blind spots, clear regulatory responsibilities and job requirements, pay close attention to research improving the regulatory system.

(B) establish a system of traceability of origin and quality of food labeling system. Speed up the establishment of the "from farm to fork" full traceability system, drafting important to study management of edible agricultural products dating back way, steadily advancing quality traceability of agricultural products, meat dishes back in circulation, alcohol circulation back, dairy product traceability system. Improving food quality labeling system, standardize "pollution-free agricultural products", "green", "organic products", "halal" food, agricultural products, such as labeling and certification activities, regulate the use of genetically modified food labeling, improve the ability of consumers to quality labeling and certification of screening.

(C) cleaning up integrating a number of national and local food safety standards. Accelerating the integration of food safety standards, developed new edible vegetable oil, honey, food, drinking water, flavoring and so focused on food standards, food contamination, food additives and other key standards of evaluation. Improve food safety management system standard, normative standard-setting process, standards advocacy training, information and consultation responses. Strengthening food safety and standards, drafting and construction of the professional team, to improve food safety standards, the ability to work and productivity.

Four, the implementation of corporate responsibility, promote social governance

(A) establishing mechanisms for corporate accountability and punitive damages. In the production of infant formula milk powder and liquor Enterprise pilot "food quality and safety authority" system, through the head of licensing for the enterprise quality and safety, to raw materials into the plant and check the production process control and factory inspection is responsible for the quality and safety of products. Encouraging enterprises to improve own examination ability, or delegate testing and other means to strengthen control over product quality. Encourage enterprises to implement good agricultural practices (GAP) and good manufacturing practices (GMP) and establishment of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system, as well as establishing and perfecting the food safety incident reports, employee health management, training and education systems of management, food production and management practices. Explore the establishment of "who is who, who is selling and who is responsible for" corporate accountability and mechanisms for food quality and safety of punitive damages.

(B) promoting the development of key industrial transformation and upgrading, and food branding. Supporting agricultural scale, standardized production, advancing standards of horticultural crops, the scale of livestock and poultry farming, fish farming, create activities. Promotion of meat, vegetables, eggs, milk, grain and other staple food production bases, guiding small workshops, small business, small business activities such as catering to the gathering of food processing industrial park. Accelerating the good manufacturing practices of infant formula milk powder enterprises implement strict industry access and licensing regimes, take various ways to advance infant formula milk powder business mergers and acquisitions, actively encourages a good foundation, management quality, potential big infant formula milk powder companies do better and stronger. Food brand-building, protecting and preserving old food industry, quality management model in its leading role, brand assurance masses ' confidence in food quality and safety.

(C) establishing food safety responsibility system of compulsory insurance. Introduction developed guidance relating to the compulsory liability insurance for experimental work on food safety, identifying pilot in some key industries, key sectors of food safety responsibility system of compulsory insurance and insurance risk management and social management functions into full play, Governments, insurance companies, businesses and consumer interaction and win-win incentive and restraint mechanisms.

(D) strengthening the construction of credit system of food safety. Implementation of the food safety Office from eight departments of the State Council on further strengthening the construction of moral integrity to promote food safety, improve the integrity management regulations, comprehensive establishment of credit archives of various types of food production and business operation entities, improve the integrity mechanisms for information sharing and joint disciplinary mechanism for dishonest behavior, exploring through the implementation of the food producers and traders "red list" operating system for enterprises ' honesty and self-discipline. Establish a unified food producer credit, researching and promoting food safety credit assessment results and industry access, such as financing, taxation, land use and approval of credit-linked, give full play to role constraints on food safety acts of dishonesty in other areas.

(E) implementation of the award-winning reporting acts of violation of food safety system. Local people's Governments at all levels should establish a food security Special Fund for rewarding, moderately expand the scope of awards, to provide a valid leads, and verified, a timely cash rewards. Reporting illegal manufacturing and selling, illegal use of food additives of serious delinquency, such as informants, as well as illegal spotters within production and business operation entities developing appropriate reward amount. Strict implementation of the report confidential system, severely punished for whistleblower retaliation actions.

Five, strict regulatory enforcement, severely punish criminal acts

(A) continued the fight against delinquency highhanded. Regulation of the most serious health risk, the masses reflected most strongly, most combat focus on illegal and criminal acts in the area of food safety, under the People's Republic of China criminal law, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the handling of criminal cases against food safety several issues concerning the application of laws and other legal and judicial interpretation of penalties.

(B) further promote seamless administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. Strengthen administrative supervision departments and public security organs in cases investigated, communications, technical support, legal protection and other aspects of cooperation, forming together to combat food crimes. Open platform for food safety information access, implement public security organs and administrative supervision departments share information, explore public security organs suspected cases of food safety assessment and intervention in advance. Listed on establishing joint supervision system, the outline listed at supervising the case, to be strictly investigated and dealt with according to law.

(C) strengthening public security organs ' professional fighting force. Local people's Governments at various levels according to the food and drug administration, system requirements, strengthening food safety crimes investigative team clearly full-time fighting crime food safety agencies and personnel. Local comprehensive food safety coordination bodies at various levels to coordinate the departments concerned as soon as possible a clear technical appraisement agencies, in connection with the issue of food waste, active coordination of interested parties for public security organs to provide technical support and so on.

Six, intensifying monitoring and early warning, science to prevent to respond to emergencies

(A) to strengthen information gathering and monitoring public opinion. Important message to establish food safety reporting mechanism, local food and drug supervision departments at all levels informed of relevant critical sensitive information should be promptly reported to the higher authorities and to inform the relevant departments if necessary, reporting directly to the State Council's food safety Office. Establishing a public monitoring and early warning system, dynamically captures community focus, timely analysis reflects the problems of verification, early warning information in a timely manner to achieve sensitive public opinion early discovery, early reporting, early treatment.

(B) strengthen response capacity-building. Prepare and implement a food safety emergency response system planning, speeding up emergency management system construction of sound emergency management agencies at all levels. Improving emergency management mechanism to expedite emergency equipment, emergency stocks of materials and the construction of the emergency response team. Strengthening the construction of emergency plans, instruction, training and exercise of emergency management, accelerated promotion prevention early warning, emergency response, emergency response emergency response core competencies such as inspection, emergency response assessment.

(C) to respond appropriately to emergencies. Strengthening and perfecting the coordination of departments involved in emergency response linkage mechanism for identifying and implementing sector disposal-related duties. Speeding up to develop food safety accident investigation approach, standardize accident inquiry handler. Strengthening and perfecting the emergency rapid-response mechanism, quickly organized field control, security assessments, surveys, information dissemination, and other emergency measures to properly respond to emergencies.

Seven, to strengthen publicity and education, correctly guide public opinion

(A) the food safety science advocacy. Implementation of the strategy for food safety education (2011-2015), carry out the "food safety awareness week", giving full play to scientific research institutes, social groups and experts, strengthen social governance of food safety awareness and guide the rational cognition of consumers on food safety risk, increase awareness of risk prevention. Increase of food production and operation of typical honesty and self-discipline, regulatory enforcement propaganda of advanced characters, and plays a model leading role.

(B) establishing and improving food safety information dissemination system. Strengthening mechanisms for communication with the media, improving food safety spokesman system, holding regular press briefings, to introduce major policies, important areas of the work of food safety management, initial results communicated to the community in a timely manner, scientific publishing consumer safety tips.

(C) strengthening food safety issues public opinion guidance. Hot issues respond positively to the attention of the masses, and consciously accept the supervision of the news media and public opinion. "On-line expert hotline", "online political", "interaction with netizens", "award-winning knowledge answers" and other activities, meet the demand for food safety information to the public. Public opinion doubts and misunderstandings that exist in the active voice, clarifying and resolving work-release puzzle, in response to public concerns in a timely manner and reasonable public expectations. Violations against disinformation spread rumours to crack.

Eight, improving responsibility to implement and coordinate joint

(A) the establishment of urban, agricultural products quality and safety food safety model counties. In cities such as capital cities, cities and conditional "vegetable basket" product primary counties creating a pilot. To create the activity as the starting point, through model-driven, promote the innovation of local government implementation of regulatory responsibilities, regulatory initiatives, to enhance food safety the overall level of protection and satisfaction of the masses.

(B) refinement of linkage mechanism for intersectoral, inter-regional coordination. Continue to refine the joint law enforcement, interdepartmental communications, troubleshooting, incident handling, education and linkage connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice coordination mechanism. Actively encourage the establishment of risk hazard information exchange between regional and trans-regional escalation of cases jointly investigated, industry-led, collaborative research on major issues such as working mechanisms, promote strong force to maintain food security.

(C) strengthening on supervisory review and strict accountability. To integrate food safety into local people's livelihood projects, increase input support. Integrated into local Government annual food safety goals, community management comprehensive examination, examination results of comprehensive examination and evaluation of local government leaders and cadres as an important basis for further implement territorial management responsibilities for food safety. Enhance the quality of agricultural products and food safety assessment and improvement of evaluation index system and gradually improve the system of supervision and evaluation. Establish a strict responsibility system according to the law the Standing Committee held responsible major food safety incident for dereliction of duty.

(Original title: import food safety rectification waste cooking oil is focused on milk powder)

May 27, 2014, at 10:45 China News Network
中国部署食品安全专项整治 奶粉地沟油等列重点|食品安全|地沟油_新闻资讯

  中新网5月27日电 据中国政府网消息,日前,《2014年食品安全重点工作安排》已经国务院同意,国务院办公厅予以印发。食用农产品质量安全源头治理;婴幼儿配方乳粉专项整治;食用油安全综合治理;儿童食品、学校及周边食品安全专项整治;网络食品交易和进出口食品专项整治等均被列入重点工作安排。















































(原标题:中国部署食品安全专项整治 奶粉地沟油等被列重点)


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