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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 8:47:52 Edit(编辑)
Operators involved in network finance expert: but baby,

Operators involved in network finance expert: but baby,(运营商涉足网络理财,专家:玩不过宝宝们,)

Operators involved in network finance expert: baby-calls, kids playing, but Bao, Tian Yi Bao, and packages, balance Po-IT news Operators involved in network finance expert: play, but babies

"Guided reading" performance pressure, three carriers involved in the network banking banking baby melee before you upgrade.

According to the voice of economic authorities wide financial review reported, and now all kinds of financial products like mushrooms abound. In Internet banking and traditional banking outside of these two camps, telecoms operators and from Rafaela, joined the program in dispute between financial products.

On May 20, China Unicom has launched the "call treasure", the user part can be expensive to purchase when stored frozen, referred to the cooperation fund for financing business, income used to pay telephone charges. Prior to this, China Telecom was launched in March has been a month of value-added banking services "added Yi Bao". After the 4G licensing, move the release "and" payment brand also is media that is the important step of moving into banking.

Carriers get their hands on network finance, are to a large extent the result of sluggish business development. This cross-industry development is a genius or a blind experiment? Economy contributing commentators, the voice of economic management College, Beijing University of posts and telecommunications, Professor Kan Kaili views and comments on the matter.

Economic voices: Telecom operators expand their business has made many attempts to try before we are relatively easy to understand. But this time it started doing network of Telecom Finance, let people think scratching their heads. Telecom market is still a seller's market, operators do finance, put his own good business not to do something else, a little art. What kind of criticism sound?

Kan Kai : Telecom operators is currently the operational pressure is very heavy indeed, especially in recent years, micro letters, also called OTT, like Ali's business does to a large extent the impact of traditional telecom services market, especially for voice and SMS. On one hand, micro-information or call mass increased above the letter, on the other, telecom operators revenues in particular profit, have taken a big hit, they were actually being in traditional business areas is a big challenge. In this case, the operator is a little nasty, sick trying everything, sit still, they thought of other ways the Internet and Internet-based companies to compete, as well as to compete with virtual operators, so the traditional operators could be eight Immortals, all its stuff, various areas have to give it a go.

Economic voices: telecom carriers worried, but judging from the Telecom and China Unicom have launched services, they could put away the cake to make up? They are currently looking for a fund company to work together, make their own channel, this type of cooperation is not new, but the operators do not have management experience in banking business, on the strength, experience less than the competition. For telecom operators involved in banking services, and what you think would be the result? They can win? Or to reflect their characteristics to attract customers to join?

Kan Kai : I find it difficult to attract customers to join. Airtime, for example some carriers stored customer to do investment banking, banking earnings to pay the phone bill, consumers will think: why would I want to put the money on your banking? Now because there are so many financial firms, there are many kinds of financial products, such as Alipay, balances the treasure called "the babies", and their banking experience richer, consumers can pick and choose the most suitable for yourself, your most trusted financial company or fund company and choose the most suitable financial products so as to achieve higher returns. Telecom operators ' lack of experience in finance, I find it difficult to compete these "babies".

Economic voices: many people feel that telecom operators to do this kind of art, art still in second, we are most worried about a problem is that telecom operators that may have failed to harm the three carriers own strength or even affect the quality of communications services?

Kan Kai : I don't worry too much, judging from the present situation, both the products and the "baby", could not occupy too much part of the telecom operator's network capacity. Critical is it to put on the human, material and financial resources to get this stuff, and if we fail, not competitive, going slowly began to extremists, shaxue.

Economic voices: next, the operators are supposed to rational to find new development path?

Kan Kai : real strengths of Telecom is a telecommunications network, are absolute experts in relevant technical and operational, so they use the Web to do advertising for all Internet companies in particular broadband service to provide the best service for them. This is what the strengths of the telecom operators, but also their future development directions.


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