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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/5 7:17:28 Edit(编辑)
Programmers are crazy! ,

Programmers are crazy! ,(程序员要疯了!,)

Programmers are crazy!
-Programmer, software engineer-IT information Programmers are crazy!

Software programmers now appears to be a career that both can earn money and job security, however, this professional to your mental health would cause enormous damage.

There are two things can let programmers almost mad.

One was called "liar syndrome (imposter syndrome)" thing. People who suffer from this symptom is usually found together than they all programmers to work with smart, talented than themselves, than they have to. You always fear in life, fearing that other people will eventually see that you're a fake, your skills and capabilities are faking it.

Female programmers often have frankly suffering from "liar syndrome (imposter syndrome)" torture, which is not surprising. This mental illness is by psychologist Dr Dr Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes suggested that they found a number of successful females will exhibit this symptom. There are many classes of mental health books as "liar syndrome (imposter syndrome)" as the subject matter, is popular among female readers.

However, a lot of male programmers have increasingly revealed they had such mental stress.

Usually people like to others in high demand, and these people have a common habit is, imposes very high standards and requirements for yourself. This syndrome usually appear in the comparison one is judging, one type of occupation. Software development is such a profession, in particular open source software, everyone can see your code, you can modify it.

"Liar" to "real programmers"

"Fraud syndrome (imposter syndrome)" programmer would fall into such a trap: they think they need to work harder to make it good enough. This means that they have to spend more time programming – all eyes – take on more projects.

This is called "real programmers" syndrome: a psychological phenomenon is born from a popular post on Reddit. This "real programmers" live for encoding. Reddit user big_al11 explains:

A "real programmer" was one of those people who love programming! So loved, that he is all the time in the programming.

"Real programmers" don't think programming is a kind of "work".

If a programmer is not working 60-80 hours per week (voluntary unpaid just because that "interesting"), that he is not a "real programmers".

Hanging over the industry in this culture.

If you want to be a successful programmer, you have to at least do that looks like a "real programmers." ... and so the people began to work overtime in the evening, weekends, just to look like a "real programmers", so these were eventually exhausted.

Do the bosses are hoping that their programmers, for night work, which is not new. But what's new is, programmers are now willing to break up their weekly working hours records is purely for fun.

For example, more than 10 years ago, during the dotcom bubble, a book called the Death March climbed the bestseller list. Book describes the work of programmers crazy cause a variety of health problems. Book concludes that blamed poor project management.

In 2004, there has been a programmer since the overtime cases sued Electronic Arts company, and eventually won a $ 15 million in damages.

A few years later in 2010, an article by a programmer working in Rockstar Games game company's wife wrote the article rapidly turn red. Describes how the company requires the programmer to years and years of working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, many programmers problems with health.

By 2011, the "real programmers" craze continues. When in a discussion of the programming community site on the StackExchange made a lot of people think. There was a man asking, "I'm not programming in his spare time. This makes me a bad programmer, please? ”

General views are considered, if you're programming at work, you can also become a good programmer, but "the greatest programmers in their spare time programming. ”

"Many" does not always mean "good"

Working long hours can make you do better? It is a dubious question. Stanford University has studied how much programming time is a really efficient? You surely won't be surprised, they found that will reduce the effectiveness of long working hours. Overworked programmers, programmers who work 60 hours a week compared to those who work only 40 a week, make it easier to write low quality code.

That has not stopped "liar"/"real programmers" syndrome epidemic. There is always a very painful story every now and then burst out.

For example, about a year ago, a programmer named Kenneth Parker wrote in his blog on a blog called "experience of telling a programmer how to become mentally ill" article.

Told their colleagues in working so hard, and "complete mental collapse."

He had seen me in the programming industry's toughest programmer. He often at night in company of overtime, when when there is urgent work to be done over the weekend, he can always call

However, after he was taken to the psychiatric centre, his work was not so satisfactory. I was sent to the hospital to visit him, he asked me for a pen and a piece of paper, he wanted to write the program on it. "I can still write programs" patient gown, he said to me. He wrote two lines of code on a piece of paper, and can not control the convulsive crying.

Recent New Relic programmer Nick Floyd began to write about what he called the "Nerd life balance" articles. He first confessed to was "cheaters," victims of the syndrome, but he now believes that, when you like to have an after work will become happy. He writes:

New Relic work is challenging, the company hard, and frightening, but that never stopped me. Before entering this company, I have always thought that work was I had to do the work, usually a bummer, and life is to escape from the unpleasant. But now I no longer think that way--and when "work" becomes another way to express your passion in life, life is wonderful.

And on the other hand, Reddit users a make thought-provoking suggestions:

I really, really hope that we live in a society where time heroes not to work and not to work overtime to virtue.


程序员要疯了! - 程序员,软件工程师 - IT资讯



一个是被人们称作“骗子综合征(imposter syndrome)”的东西。患这种症状的人通常是发现一起共事的所有程序员都比自己聪明、比自己有天份、比自己有才能。你生活中一直恐惧中,担心其他人会最终发现你是个冒牌货、你的技术和能力是装出来的。

经常会有女性程序员坦白说遭受”骗子综合征(imposter syndrome)”的折磨,这并不让人意外。这种精神疾病是由心理学家Pauline Rose Clance博士和Suzanne Imes博士提出,他们发现一些成功的女性会表现出这种症状。有很多心理健康类的书籍也以”骗子综合征(imposter syndrome)”为题材,在女性读者中很流行。




“骗子综合征(imposter syndrome)”会让程序员落入这样的一个陷阱:他们认为自己需要更努力的工作才能做到足够优秀。这意味着他们要花更多的时间编程——用去全部睁着眼的时间——承担更多的项目开发。








例如,十多年前,在互联网泡沫期间,一本叫做《Death March》的书登上了畅销榜。书中描述了程序员疯狂的工作导致出各种健康问题。书中的结论是,这归咎于糟糕的项目管理。

在2004年,发生了一宗程序员因为加班问题起诉Electronic Arts公司的案件,并最终赢得了1500万美元的赔偿。

几年后的2010年,一篇由一个在Rockstar Games游戏公司工作的程序员的妻子写的文章迅速蹿红。文中讲述了公司如何要求程序员长年累月的每周工作6天、每天工作12个小时,很多程序员健康出现了问题。






例如,大概一年前,一个叫Kenneth Parker的程序员在他的博客上写了一篇叫做“亲历者讲述一个程序员如何变成精神病人的”文章。




最近New Relic公司的程序员Nick Floyd开始写一些被他称作“Nerd生活平衡”的文章。他首先坦白自己曾经也是“骗子”综合征的受害者,但他现在相信,当你喜欢上一种工作后才会获得快乐。他写到:

在New Relic公司工作是有挑战性的、辛苦的,令人恐惧的,但这从未影响我。在进入这个公司前,我一直认为,工作就是必须要做的活儿,通常是让人不爽的,而生活就是从工作的不愉快中逃脱出来。但现在我不再那样想了——当“工作”变成另外一种表达你的生活中的热情的方式时,生活更精彩了。




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