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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/3 9:46:00 Edit(编辑)
Cycling into North Korea 35 Chinese tourists stay for 3 hours

Cycling into North Korea 35 Chinese tourists stay for 3 hours(35名中国游客骑车进入朝鲜游览3小时)

35 Chinese tourists staying at this 3-hour ride into the North _ | | Chinese tourists visit North Korea news

Authorities wide nets Tumen May 3 (reporter Zhang Yanbian Taiwan) according to voice of the authorities wide news reports, 2nd afternoon, 35 Chinese tourists riding a bicycle across the Tumen, China ports, entered the Korean territory of fleeting exotic tours.

Yesterday, 35 lucky visitor experience of a cross-border cycling tour of China. They rode bicycles through the Tumen ports of exit, arrival in Nanyang, Nanyang, later visited the railway station of Korea, Kim Il Sung, and so on, and is very famous in Nanyang Street-grade Korean snacks, all overseas trips lasted about three hours.

Most of the tourist said, for them to North Korea, was very mysterious, usually by some media to get some information. But this time it went abroad, while only three hours, but also abroad, and still a little nervous. Results after they rode bicycles into North Korea, just mentally relaxed, distance does not immediately fit in with the visit to the local, feeling very strange.

Nanyang city, Tumen and North Korea across the River, is one of the visitors of our country into an important channel. In recent times, as a traditional tourism program, Tumen cross border travel surged, so the Tumen also restored a number of tourist routes opened. Tumen Korean qibaoshan tourist train running again, and went to Korea to treks, including cross-border cycling tour, there are a variety of ways through the Tumen into North Korea.

In order to make visitors through Tumen and smoothly into the tour of Korea, Tumen has taken a number of new initiatives for targeted, Deputy Mayor of Tumen said Zhong Shijiu, tourists only travel agency and tourism export information reported to the Tumen, Tumen day card making can be achieved that day reached the same day in transit.

(Original title: Jilin went to Korea to visit warming 35 tourists riding a bicycle)

(Edit: SN067)
10:38 May 03, 2014 China broadcast network






(原标题:吉林赴朝鲜游升温 35名游客骑单车赴朝)


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