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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/3 9:07:41 Edit(编辑)
“D plus“ on the 170th open appointments,

“D plus“ on the 170th open appointments,(“迪加”170号段开放预约,)

"Reddy added" open booking-Duga, 170th, 170th, appointments, 170th, Dickson, and virtual network operator licence-IT information "D plus" on the 170th open appointment

According to industry sources, the di ICT virtual operation of brand "d plus" will be opened on May 1 and the 170th number reservation, May 18, officially launched.

With effect from May 1, users can Dickson Tong's official website, di ICT official ICT micro and Dee stores finished 170th number in advance.

It is learned that Reddy of delivering ICT one of the first appointment covering 8 major cities of the country, including Beijing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Jinan, Shenyang, Yulin, Hefei.

On April 25 this year, Andy, ICT officially announced the launch of virtual operation of brand "d plus" Dickson Tong is also the resale cooperation agreements with the three carriers are virtual network operator business.

Previously, the Ministry has granted 19 virtual network operator licence, private capital to begin to enter the telecommunications industry. Starting this month, virtual network operator business licence will officially enter the stage, domestic communication market will usher in a new round of changes.


“迪加”170号段开放预约 - 迪加,170号段预约,170号段,迪信通,虚拟运营商牌照 - IT资讯







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