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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/3 9:06:41 Edit(编辑)
Just because the system disk, Microsoft renamed Cdrive OneDrive Web site has,

Just because the system disk, Microsoft renamed Cdrive OneDrive Web site has,(只因系统盘,微软OneDrive网盘曾改名Cdrive,)

Just because the system disk, Microsoft renamed Cdrive-OneDrive Web site has Microsoft Web site, OneDrive NET plate, OneDrive-IT information Just because the system disk, Microsoft OneDrive network drive was renamed Cdrive

Sky TV brand dispute avoidance, in February 2014, the original SkyDrive Microsoft officially changed its name to OneDrive Web site , support 100 languages, cloud storage service for global users. As early as last year, Microsoft's internal name there is a big debate, such as the Microsoft Drive, Office Drive, of course, some people persist in using Cdrive.

As its name implies, Cdrive is most familiar with the c disk or system disk. Cdrive are default installation drive for the Windows System. To this end, Microsoft even purchased the domain name, replace the original SkyDrive Web site.

According to foreign media reports Neowin, Microsoft purchased in October 2013 domain names, but this investment is not enabled until now.

Ultimately, Microsoft is still using OneDrive.

Why not use the CDrive then?

One of the biggest reasons is that smartphones , and tablet computers and other equipment, therefore, CDrive such idea is too conservative and closed concept incompatible with Microsoft's cross-platform Web site.


只因系统盘,微软OneDrive网盘曾改名Cdrive - 微软网盘,OneDrive网盘,OneDrive - IT资讯

为避天空电视台品牌纷争,2014年2月份,微软正式将原SkyDrive更名为OneDrive网盘,支持100种语言,为全球用户提供云存储服务。早在去年,微软内部为改名有很大争议,例如Microsoft Drive、Office Drive,当然还有人坚持用Cdrive。







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