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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/3 9:06:11 Edit(编辑)
77,000 secret behind the video, the truth is ...,

77,000 secret behind the video, the truth is ...,(7.7万个神秘网络视频的背后,真相竟是...,)

77,000 secret behind online video, the truth is ...-Youtube, video, mystery-IT news 77,000 secret behind online video, the truth was ...

Webdriver Torso YouTube account uploaded more than 77,000 in the past months a length of 10 seconds of video, video content has no meaning, just a series of static images of blue and red rectangles, each bottom right of the video shows Aqua.FLV words. These mysterious video caused a buzz on the Internet, it was considered to be advertising, there was speculation the video spy-related activities, it has even been speculated that alien is behind.

But the truth is actually sparse normal. Software Tester Isaul Vargas found that these mysterious video is just a company to test their video encoding software, measuring how YouTube compressed video.


7.7万个神秘网络视频的背后,真相竟是... - Youtube,视频,未解之谜 - IT资讯

YouTube账号Webdriver Torso过去几个月上传了超过7.7万个长度10秒的视频,视频内容没有任何意义,只是展示了一系列蓝色和红色矩形的静态图像,每个视频右下角都显示aqua.flv字样。这些神秘视频在互联网上引发了热议,有人认为是广告宣传,有人猜测这些视频与间谍活动有关,甚至还有人推测背后是外星人。

但真相其实稀疏平常。软件测试员Isaul Vargas发现,这些神秘视频不过是一家公司测试他们的视频编码软件,测量YouTube如何压缩视频。


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