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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/3/24 3:45:09 Edit(编辑)
Guangxi liuzhou primary gas poisoning incident, more than 20 people were taken to hospital

Guangxi liuzhou primary gas poisoning incident, more than 20 people were taken to hospital(广西柳州小学发生煤气中毒事件,20多人被送医)

Guangxi liuzhou primary gas poisoning incident occurred more than 20 persons were taken to hospital | _ carbon monoxide poisoning, Guangxi liuzhou | | school news

CNS, Liuzhou, March 24 (reporter Meng Mingming)-Baiyun in liuzhou city, Guangxi primary school the morning of 24th in a gas poisoning incident, the school next to the liquefied gas leaks steam households, resulting in more than more than 20 teachers and students of the school physical discomfort, such as vomiting, dizziness.

After the incident, were taken to four hospitals in the city for treatment. Local safety supervision, fire, police rushed to the scene, Xinhua reporters are on their way to the scene.

(Original title: News: Guangxi liuzhou gas poisoning incident occurred over more than 20 teachers and students taken to hospital)

14:12 on March 24, 2014 China News Network
广西柳州小学发生煤气中毒事件 20多人被送医|煤气中毒|广西柳州|学校_新闻资讯

  中新网柳州3月24日电 (记者 蒙鸣明)广西柳州市白云小学24日早上发生一起煤气中毒事件,该校旁边液化汽经营户发生煤气泄漏,导致该校的20多师生出现呕吐、头晕等身体不适状况。


(原标题:快讯:广西柳州发生煤气中毒事件 20多名师生送医)


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