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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/3/20 5:45:57 Edit(编辑)
Cloak of the anti-social networking: avoiding your ex boyfriend, ex-girlfriend,

Cloak of the anti-social networking: avoiding your ex boyfriend, ex-girlfriend,(反社交网络斗篷:躲避你的前男友前女友,)

Cloak of the anti-social networking: avoiding your ex boyfriend, ex-girlfriend-cloak of the anti-social networking-IT news Cloak of the anti-social networks: from your ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend

United Kingdom daily mail reported that the popularity of various social networks right now, for example, Instagram, Facebook, Foursquare and Twitter, so we can easily find the location of friends. But recently scientists have developed a new application, use these social networking data to create a "reverse social networking", allowing users to shield those who don't want to meet friends.

Cloak of the anti-social networking

"Escape the ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, work colleagues, or people who are not finished seeing you on the chat, anything you don't want to meet anyone who can be effectively shielded. "Research and development software company publicity said. They say this app is more similar to the "true anonymity in the world of lifestyle", it allows the user to specifically identified do not want to have contact, and then cloak program would use Foursquare and Instagram data to determine the exact location of the contact, the map showing the location of the user, the "friend" the position will show a photo of him/her. If they are in the vicinity, capes program will issue a prompt.

Shield people who don't want to see

"This app is like the anti-social networking, tell you friends and non-friends, ex location, avoiding found it embarrassing. "This product is the programmer-bulaien·moer (Brian Moore) and former Creative Director of social news aggregation site BuzzFeed kelisi·beike (Chris Baker) wisdom. Moore and Baker hope in the app by adding more services in the future.

"Personally, I want the Cape to be the new pinnacle of social networks. "Baker said. "Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have been so crowded that I think anti-social networking is already rising. You'll see more and more of this type of project. ”


反社交网络斗篷:躲避你的前男友前女友 - 反社交网络斗篷 - IT资讯

英国每日邮报报道,现在各种社交网络的普及,例如Instagram, Facebook, Foursquare和Twitter,让我们可以轻松找到朋友所处的位置。而最近科学家们研发了一款新的应用程序,利用这些社交数据创造了一个“反社交网络”,使得用户能够屏蔽那些不想遇见的朋友。




“这款应用程序就像反社交网络,时刻告诉你朋友、非朋友、前任等人的位置,避免遇见的尴尬。”这款产品是程序员布赖恩·摩尔(Brian Moore)和社交新闻聚合网站BuzzFeed的前创意总监克里斯·贝克(Chris Baker)的智慧结晶。摩尔和贝克希望未来在这款应用程序里加入更多服务。



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