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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 9:03:16 Edit(编辑)
Puqi, Zhejiang, the environmental protection agency said the largest whale shark slaughter

Puqi, Zhejiang, the environmental protection agency said the largest whale shark slaughter(环保机构称浙江蒲岐成国内最大鲸鲨屠宰场)

Puqi, Zhejiang, the environmental protection agency said the largest whale shark slaughter (photo) | slaughterhouse | |-sharks _ the whale shark news

Reporter of Nan YANG Xiao-Hong recently, the environmental group wildlife crisis (Wildlife Risk) disclosure: Yueqing city, Zhejiang Province Pu Qizhen, there is now the largest sharks slaughterhouse, sword and shark is about more than 600 years. These sharks are protected by international CIT ES agreement is included in the species.

Wildlife crisis founder Alex Hofford and Paul Hilton said in a special report in its writing, from January 2010, the Agency continued on the Zhejiang Pu Qizhen shark processing industry survey. "In the past three years, a total of puqi 3 times, every time I saw (the sharks) slaughter size we remain fixed. "Alex Hofford said through investigation they found that Pu Qizhen a room named" marine biological health products Ltd, Yueqing, Wenzhou, China "factory, massacred at least annually more than 600 pieces of sharks. Shark fins, skin, stomach, liver and so on, have been factory processed into various products, eventually sold to Guangdong and overseas markets.

At the same time, investigators visiting puqi factory survey, taking oil samples for DNA testing in order to confirm that the product is produced from endangered species. United States, Florida, gaiyihawei Institute and the identification of other foreign research institutions, determining puqi processing plant slaughtering sharks are protected by international conventions CITES appendices ‖ basking sharks and great white sharks. "Why do these belong to the deep sea, never poses no harm to human beings, be exposed to industrial mass murder, it is incredible. "Wildlife crisis in therefore calls for an end to trade-related," otherwise, these species will be forced to embark on the road to extinction ". The Agency believes that future recreational diving-shark tourism, is a promising alternative than slaughtering and processing industry.

In this regard, the Yueqing City responded that the marine and fisheries sector, puqi shark processing industry is supported by the national authorities permitted, mainly targeting sharks and further processing in the country, does not directly kill sharks, acquired by the sharks from Shandong, Fujian and other ports along the coast, as well as Southeast Asia, Europe and North America, sharks in the industry in recent years has become increasingly decline.

February 17, 2014 People's daily online

  南都讯记者杨晓红 近日,环保机构野生动物危机(Wildlife Risk)披露:在浙江省乐清市蒲岐镇,目前存在国内规模最大的鲨鱼屠宰场,年屠鲨量约超过600条。而这些鲨鱼中包括受国际CIT ES协议保护物种。

  野生动物危机创办人Alex Hofford 和Paul Hilton在其撰写的专项调查报告中称,从2010年1月至2013年12月,这家机构对浙江蒲岐镇的鲨鱼加工产业进行了持续性调查。“在过去三年,我们共到过蒲岐3次,每次目睹到的(鲨鱼)宰杀规模都让我们目瞪口呆。”Alex Hofford称,通过调查他们发现:蒲岐镇一间名为“中国温州乐清市海洋生物保健品有限公司”的加工厂,每年至少屠杀600多条鲨鱼。鲨鱼鱼鳍、皮、胃、肝脏等,均被工厂加工成各种制品,最终售往广东及海外市场。




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