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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 9:03:05 Edit(编辑)
Private medical organizations should be known to sell the Medal, health planning Commission said its informal

Private medical organizations should be known to sell the Medal, health planning Commission said its informal(民间医学组织明码标价卖奖牌,卫计委称其非正规)

Civil medical organization prices sell medals Planning Commission said its informal | folk medicine Wei organization selling health planning Commission _ medal | | news

In recent days, CCTV exposure has a program called "Chinese Hospital Association," the Organization, the Organization held twice a year awards, awards are the prices and the pay 28,000 dollars to award top ten the people satisfied prize.

This morning, login management in Chinese hospital found that the site can no longer login. National Planning Commission said, and cannot be traced to "the China Hospital Association" information, it may be informal, "this kind of learning is for profit-making purposes. ”

The Ministry of Civil Affairs has issued a circular highlight industry associations Act of recognition should not be messed with. For association with such acts, will enter the Guild "blacklist".

Experts said that Government departments should step up supervision on these industries.

  Morning progress society's Web site in question cannot log in

This morning, the login site Chinese Hospital Association found that the site can no longer login.

Earlier, reporters saw on its official Web site, the Chinese Hospital Association, abbreviated as CHMA, is gained by practicing in medical institutions licensed non-profit mass organizations, receives National Planning Commission business guidance and supervision and administration of the Ministry of civil affairs.

February 12, it also sent on 2014 to Chinese hospital management and hospital outstanding Dean Award for outstanding contributions award of the notification and the 2014 national population satisfied the Hospital Award notification under article two of the award notice. Two contest without any published requirements and conditions associated with the selection, simply issued a notice and due dates, contact and other information. Deadline is April 8.

  Society Awards prices nearly million

In January this year, "the China Hospital Association" held in Beijing the "2013 China hospital management annual Conference and awards ceremony" annual plays are awards for participants.

"The Chinese hospital management society" project displayed in the Conference Guide, the honorary leader of the Institute, they all hold leadership positions in the relevant competent departments, the reporter to verify these honorary leadership status. Prize-giving day, these "heavyweight" arrived on the scene. Organizers said: "leadership requires fees. ”

Because of these heavyweights join, many institutions or individual setting. Then organize a selection, what can make a lot of money? In terms of Fame, the reporter found medals issued a total of 321, according to the team staff offer, the organizers collected nearly 10 million Yuan. Organizers said, this evaluation activity has been held for four or five years or so, twice a year.

  Sponsors pay more money for higher Awards

Awards made by the campaign named "top ten people satisfied the hospital", "ten people medication safe pharmacy company" awards in dozens of different fields of expertise.

Reporters followed the hospital participated in the "Chinese Hospital Association" Awards competition sponsored by. Registration registration time has been missed, but only every other day, they receive a prize confirmation sent by the Organization, alerted the hospital has been rated as "top ten people satisfied the hospital." Pay $ 28,000 worth of fees will get trophies, medals and certificates.

There are nearly 300 participating institutions and individuals, and less of a prize, get several.

Organizers said: "say you you're advanced, said good is excellent. We represent ourselves, cover, you're done. "Money can also be exchanged for higher awards.

 Buy card used to bid Awards

Participants expressed: "spend money on card, fooled the people hangs back. "To participate in such activities, and had leadership positions in the Authority's heavyweights a photo, awards back there are many roles.

Someone said: "for businesses, can play a role on the tender. "" After hospital director or as comments on advanced use ".

Not only that, but for some people, the meaning of the medal's not so simple. One said: "the last time I attended a, give this little card, for $ 40,000. But I didn't lose, I go back and do it yourself, 30, (sold to other group of hospitals) sell 3,000 yuan, sold 90,000 dollars, earned 50,000. The back also, sell a 2000 Yuan. ”

  Health Planning Committee

The Organization of non-formal learning

Staff of Chinese Hospital Association, which belong to the National Planning Commission, this morning, the law later login to national planning Commission website, in his column for the social organization of business and did not find any information about the Chinese hospital management society.

National Planning Commission official said that "the Chinese hospital management society" is not the head of National Planning Commission community organization, formal association generally does not get awards. It may be informal, awards are not authoritative, "this kind of learning is for profit-making purposes. ”

  Experts ' opinions

Government to strengthen industry supervision

This morning, the disaster relief Department of the Ministry, a former Director of Academy of China Wang Zhenyao told the legal evening news reporter interview pointed out that for a long period of time, limiting the development of industry associations in China, leading to abnormal development of informal organization.

Said Wang Zhenyao, government departments should be able to let go of the industry association, the industry itself will be responsible for ourselves, government departments should step up supervision on these industries.

  Chinese Hospital Association says is none of

Chinese Hospital Association by name with CCTV coverage of "the Chinese hospital management society" similar to easy to misunderstand.

Yesterday, the China Hospital Association said in a statement overnight, "the Chinese hospital management society" paid activity and has nothing to do in August 2013, they have authority to the Office of the National Planning Commission, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, civil organizations and other relevant departments to reflect the situation and reported to the Beijing traffic management Bureau of the "learning" illegal Web site problems, against their illegal activities.

Text/reporter Wang TINGTING Wang Xuanhui integrated CCTV

February 16, 2014 Legal evening news
民间医学组织明码标价卖奖牌 卫计委称其非正规|民间医学组织|卖奖牌|卫计委_新闻资讯













  主办方 多交钱还可换更高奖项






















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