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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 9:02:59 Edit(编辑)
Police in Guangxi Province shot dead a pregnant woman sentenced to death in the first instance, the accused person will appeal

Police in Guangxi Province shot dead a pregnant woman sentenced to death in the first instance, the accused person will appeal(广西民警枪杀孕妇一审被判死刑,被告人称会上诉)

Guangxi police shot dead a pregnant woman sentenced to death in the first instance that the defendant will appeal _ | | | civilian police in Guangxi pregnant women news

February 17, according to China Central Television News Centre official Microblogs "CCTV news" news today, in guigang city intermediate people's Court for "Guangxi police shot dead a pregnant woman case trial of" open verdict, defendant Hu guilty of voluntary manslaughter, and was sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life, and Hu said they plan to appeal.

October 28, 2013, Guangxi pingnan County homicides in Dapeng town, the County's Public Security Bureau police Hu drink a noodle shop in the town to buy food, because rice noodle shop doesn't sell tea, then pull shot was pregnant female shopkeepers, Fluke is not her husband was shot to death.

After the case, police in connection with Hu was expelled, and discharged from public employment, transferred to the judicial organs for treatment, and was prosecuted by prosecutors on suspicion of manslaughter, 6 investigations those responsible was suspended. According to inform the Central politics and Law Committee, February 11, 2014, pingnan County, former Deputy County Executive, Public Security Bureau, Zhou Xian, Political Commissar of the Public Security Bureau formerly arriving respectively, were removed by the withdrawal of party positions, administrative sanctions, other related responsibility of party and Government disciplines, respectively.

It was reported that the police involved understanding tried through economic compensation to the families of the victims, but was rejected by the victims ' families. Local governments have raised the compensation scheme and to consult and the families of the victims, the families once refused to compensate.

On February 13, 2014 municipal intermediate peoples Court in guigang city, Guangxi pingnan County, Guangxi, hearing the original Hu of the police suspected of intentional homicide case. Families of victims, family members of the defendants, NPC deputies and CPPCC members, the social masses and the media more than 40 people to attend the court hearing.

Indictment organ allegations, October 28, 2013, accused Hu assist Hunan province in loudi city, Xinhua County forensic Brigade of two name civilian police in Dapeng town investigation cases, night 19 o'clock Xu to the town "brothers restaurant" dinner drinking, 22 o'clock Xu in returns pingnan County via the town new long Valley Street Shi, accused Hu due to drunk car broke into "veteran snails powder shop", gun will shopkeeper chun, and Cai Shiyong wounded, Chun by rescue invalid death. The public prosecution service believes that defendant shot Hu ping others, caused by one person was killed, one injured, his behavior has been in breach of the People's Republic of China provisions of Article No. 232 of the Penal Code, criminal facts are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, and should be based on intentional homicide criminally.

Under the auspices of the presiding judge, the Tribunal indictment charged defendant Hu ping intentional homicide carried out forensic investigations of crimes. Debate on the prosecution and conviction in court, sentencing the facts and evidence and applicable law issues fully published public prosecution and defence respectively. After the end of the debate, Hu Ping made a final statement to the Court of the defendant.

(Original title: Guangxi Province shot dead a pregnant woman policeman was sentenced to death in the first instance the defendant appeals)

(Edit: SN098)
February 17, 2014 China News Network
广西民警枪杀孕妇一审被判死刑 被告人称会上诉|广西|民警|孕妇_新闻资讯

  中新网2月17日电 据中央电视台新闻中心官方微博“央视新闻”消息,今天,广西贵港市中级人民法院对“广西警察枪杀孕妇案”一审公开宣判,被告人胡平因犯故意杀人罪,被判死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,胡平称会上诉。







(原标题:广西枪杀孕妇警察一审被判死刑 被告人称会上诉)


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