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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 9:02:29 Edit(编辑)
New cases of severe H7N9 in Shenzhen, Guangdong has reported 69 cases

New cases of severe H7N9 in Shenzhen, Guangdong has reported 69 cases(深圳新增一重症H7N9病例,广东已报告69例)

Added in Shenzhen, Guangdong has reported 69 cases severe H7N9 | | H7N9| case of severe _ news

Yesterday, reporter of southern honey, Guangdong provincial family planning Commission official website update, Shenzhen h 7N 9 added 1, cases of human infection of bird flu confirmed cases. As of yesterday, the province reported a total of 69 cases of human infection cases H7N9, Shenzhen accounted for 19 of them.

According to the notification, new cases were diagnosed in Qin, male, 44 years old, workers who now lives in Longgang District, h 7N 9 February 15 confirmed human infection cases of bird flu, currently critically ill patients, admitted to Sentinel hospitals in Shenzhen.

Reporter statistics since August 2013 in Huizhou in Guangdong Province have reported their first cases of human infection since h 7N 9 confirmed cases of bird flu, as of February 16, 2014, reported a total of 69 cases, cured and discharged in 27 cases, 14 cases of death (a native, Yangjiang, Meizhou, Guangzhou, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Foshan, Huizhou and Shenzhen). People with statistics, distribution of cases is: 13 cases, 19 cases in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan in 3 cases 4 cases 11 cases, Yangjiang, 4 cases in Meizhou 1, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing in 9 cases 3 cases, in 2 cases.

 Market visits

Guangzhou trading closed there are still poultry stall owners quietly clearance sale

South reporter Liu Xue Huang Lin spider the long history of Guangzhou Huang Yaxi Gao Guibin intern implemented from poultry market closed for the day before yesterday, closed yesterday was the 2nd day. South reporter visited the city meat market discovered that most of the poultry stalls in the market were someone to empty, but still has stalls creeping clearance sale. It is reported that the Municipal Government is currently working on subsidies to poultry stalls,

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter visited South City yuexiu, liwan, haizhu District more than one meat market. As with the other meat markets, wuyang new city SI you Xin road, near a vegetable market, 3 live poultry trading stalls have all been closed. Market management service in a paper posted to inform members of the public, according to h 7N 9 Guangzhou, prevention and control of human infection of bird flu situation and the provincial and municipal h 7N 9 prevention of human infection of avian flu experts suggested that decisions on live poultry wholesale market in the city and farmers (meat dish) market closed live poultry trading zones. Until 28th of this month, trading the market live poultry stalls suspended number, slaughtering and trading live poultry.

The chilled the market stall was originally posed in front of the sale of chilled chicken wings, chicken feet are all off the shelf, only to see the sale of fish balls, meatballs. However, the stall owners are still reluctant to stall the stock clearance sale in quietly. One stallholder said softly, there is also a small number of chicken wings. "Low price, it can sell it to you, usually $ 20 per pound, 40 2 kg half now, sold out will be gone, next month will buy".

Sale of poultry stall owners think, for up to two weeks of rest they will bring large economic losses, "are not allowed to sell chickens, stall rentals are levying, how do we live? ”

Pearlescent, yuexiu district, a staff member of the Office of market management, said no measures of compensation to vendors during the rest. It is understood that the Guangzhou sectors such as commerce and industry, finance and the national development and Reform Commission is studying the subsidy measure.

Poultry after the market closed, the chilled counter of the supermarket without having to stop selling. SI you Xin road, a large supermarket, chilled poultry trade is very hot. A saleswoman said, since the market poultry stalls after the rest, a lot of people rush to supermarkets to buy fresh, nearly two-day sales soared. However, Beijing Road, baijiachaoshi many chilled chicken business has been relatively quiet.

At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, reporters stay within about a half hour in the South, there are only 2 customers bought two bags of 19.8 Yuan a kilo of chicken wings. Sister Jane when it comes to busy in their counter, chilled chicken is hard to sell now, a bag of 750g Beijing fatty chicken, the day can only sell three or four bags.

(Original title: Shenzhen new cases of a severe H7N9)

February 17, 2014 Southern Metropolis daily
深圳新增一重症H7N9病例 广东已报告69例|H7N9|病例|重症_新闻资讯

  南都讯记者万蜜 昨日,广东省卫生计生委官网最新通报,深圳市新增1例人感染H 7N 9禽流感确诊病例。截至昨日,全省共报告69例人感染H7N9病例,其中深圳占了19例。

  根据通报,新增病例覃某,男,44岁,工人,现住深圳市龙岗区,2月15日确诊为人感染H 7N 9禽流感病例,目前患者病情危重,在深圳的定点收治医院住院。

  记者统计,广东自2013年8月惠州报告首例人感染H 7N 9禽流感确诊病例以来,截至2014年2月16日,共报告69例病例,治愈出院27例,死亡14例(分别原住东莞、阳江、广州、江门、梅州、佛山、惠州和深圳)。按患者居住地统计,病例分布情况为:广州13例、深圳19例、佛山11例、惠州4例、东莞3例、阳江4例、梅州1例、江门3例、肇庆9例、中山2例。


  广州禽类交易休市 仍有档主悄悄清货

  南都讯记者刘雪黄雅熙高贵彬实习生黄林蛛 广州市史上最长禽类市场休市自前日起执行,昨日是休市第2天。南都记者走访市内肉菜市场发现,大部分市场内禽类档口已人去档空,但仍有档口正悄悄清货。据悉,市政府目前正在研究对禽类档口的补贴措施,

  昨日下午,南都记者走访市内越秀、荔湾和海珠等区多个肉菜市场。与其他肉菜市场一样,五羊新城寺右新马路附近一菜市场内,3家活禽交易档口已全部休市。市场管理处以一纸告示告知市民,根据广州市防控人感染H 7N 9禽流感形势需要和省、市防控人感染H 7N 9禽流感专家的建议,决定对全市活禽批发市场和农贸(肉菜)市场活禽交易区实行休市。至本月28日止,该市场活禽交易档口暂停活禽存栏、宰杀及交易。





  昨日下午5时许,南都记者停留的约半个小时内,仅有2名顾客买走了两袋19 .8元一斤的鸡中翅。在柜台前忙碌的珍姐说到,冰鲜鸡现在很难卖,一袋750g的北京油鸡,一天下来也只能卖出三四袋。



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