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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 9:02:16 Edit(编辑)
NET exposes suspects were killed by police in custody, Yangshuo, Guangxi 900,000 compensation

NET exposes suspects were killed by police in custody, Yangshuo, Guangxi 900,000 compensation(网曝广西阳朔在押疑犯身亡获警方90万补偿)

NET exposes, Yangshuo, Guangxi, in custody of suspects killed by police | | 900,000 compensation Guangxi Public Security Bureau | in custody _ news

Xinhuanet, Nanning, February 16 (reporters Lu Bo and)-16th reporters from Guilin city, Guangxi Province Public Security Bureau publicity departments, a city in Guangxi Province, local press reported killed suspects in custody, Yangshuo, the public security organ 900,000 yuan of compensation agreement, and called the matter "Mo Zhang", a public Security Bureau in Guilin city have been involved in the investigation.

On February 15, a metropolitan newspaper reported in Guangxi, xingping town, Yangshuo, Guangxi mo for allegedly stealing the villagers of Yang Shuo County Public Security Bureau in criminal detention and arrest and held in Yangshuo County Detention Center. On December 16, 2013, MO was suddenly sent to Yangshuo County people's Hospital. Late the next day, MO died. Later, family members of Mo death causes doubts and seek explanation to Yangshuo County Public Security Bureau.

Reported deceased Yangshuo County Public Security Bureau and held numerous consultations on the matter. Finally, Yangshuo County Public Security Bureau 900,000 yuan of compensation, "as compensation for the death of their relatives, alimony and spiritual benefits", and engagement along the buried a 3 days after payment. Yangshuo County Public Security Bureau also signed agreements with family members of the deceased, if found not one was agreed upon since the onset of death, families can not refund the money; if found not some other reason (including in the custody of others such as assault, and fighting the reasons) deaths, families may not file a claim for compensation. Agreement also stressed that the families of the deceased may not blast or by means of the media to the Public Security Bureau of Yangshuo adverse effects; if you have defaulted, refunded the full compensation may be required.

On February 16, Guilin City Public Security Bureau spokesman Liu Qing, told reporters the 900,000 yuan of compensation it "Mo Zhang," reflected in the report of problems, arising from Guilin City Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to and investigation group was established on February 15, Yangshuo, an in-depth investigation on the matter, the survey results will be made public in a timely manner.

(Edit: SN098)
February 16, 2014 Xinhua

  新华网南宁2月16日电(记者陆波岸) 记者16日从广西桂林市公安局宣传部门获悉,针对广西一家都市报报道,阳朔县在押疑犯身亡,公安机关协议补偿90万元,并要求此事“莫张扬”一事,桂林市公安局已介入调查。



  2月16日,桂林市公安局新闻发言人刘青告诉记者,《补偿90万元 此事“莫张扬”》这篇报道所反映的问题,引起桂林市公安局高度重视,并于2月15日成立调查组前往阳朔县,就此事深入展开调查,调查结果将及时向社会公布。


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