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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 9:02:07 Edit(编辑)
Nanjing Club to get them under control of corruption, and 7 closed 4 back right

Nanjing Club to get them under control of corruption, and 7 closed 4 back right(南京大力整治会所腐败,7家关停4家收回经营权)

Nanjing 7 shut down 4 Club to get them under control corruption recovery management | clubs Club | corrupt | shut down Club in Nanjing _ news

Xinhuanet, Nanjing, February 16 (reporter Sun Bin)-reporters learned from the Nanjing Municipal Commission for discipline inspection, recently, Nanjing city taking drastic measures to get them under control, "Club of corruption", the city's parks, scenic areas, historical buildings within the Club had 7 shut down, 4 back to operate.

Requested functional units strictly carry out duties of supervision and inspection in Nanjing, harsh treatment, "Club" corruption, ensure that requirements are central to the letter, a disciplinary offence, will pursue the responsibility of retrogradation, serious accountability.

Nanjing city discipline on regulation "Club corruption" made deployment, made has "five a are" of demanding: history building, and Park, public resources within are no violation construction private club; history building, and Park within of catering units are no established upscale consumption; members cadres are no access private club; members cadres are no accept and holds private club membership card; where in private will by occurred of costs are shall not with public funds claims, and passed on assessed or trickery modifications processing.

Nanjing Municipal Commission for discipline inspection and supervision Bureau, the Board of Auditors and other 10 departments have jointly launched a special rectification action, focusing on "source control", take the form of verification of financial records, check the recent corporate hospitality, goods procurement, meetings and other expenditures, thorough investigation of vibe.

According to statistics, in renovation, a total of 132 Inspection Unit, 857 passengers in an in-depth investigation. City has 11 districts, 108 Department, independent Commission against corruption, to find out the report was presented and signed by the leaders. Parks, sights, upscale dining establishments within a historic building, there are 7 shut down, 4 back right, remaining resize features for rectification.

(Edit: SN028)
February 16, 2014 Xinhua
南京大力整治会所腐败 7家关停4家收回经营权|南京会所|会所腐败|关停会所_新闻资讯

  新华网南京2月16日电(记者孙彬) 记者从南京市纪委获悉,近期以来,南京市积极采取严厉措施大力整治“会所腐败”,全市各公园、风景区、历史建筑内的会所已有7家关停,4家收回经营权。






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