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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 9:01:38 Edit(编辑)
Lanzhou police set up a task force investigating the elevator was slit the throat of female teachers

Lanzhou police set up a task force investigating the elevator was slit the throat of female teachers(兰州警方成立专案组调查女教师电梯遭割喉案)

Lanzhou police set up a task force investigating the elevators were female teachers cut Lanzhou | | | cut-throat _ female teachers news

CNS, Lanzhou, February 17 (reporter)-reporters learned from the Chengguan, Lanzhou municipal Public Security Bureau branch of the evening of 17th, substitute teacher in Lanzhou elevator was of great concern "cut throat" case, of Lanzhou municipal Public Security Bureau and Chengguan Bureau attaches, Chengguan Bureau has set up a joint working group is investigating the case.

According to media reports, the morning of 16th, 10 floor, Lanzhou, linxia road, Tian elevator, substitute teachers in cram Marquis were slit the throat of a man harm. Men do it again and left, Hou sent a colleague to hospital.

Xinhua learned from a hospital visits in Marquis, the patient is not life-threatening, hospital, subject to review in a timely manner to prevent wound infection.

17th, the female teacher has left hospital. According to several patients sought care at the emergency area to reflect her "emotional excitement", "there are a number of media interviews, unwilling to be interviewed."

This reporter went to the scene of Tian an mansion in Lanzhou city, Marquis of working for a remedial centres are in session. Said Zhou, head of the Centre, female teachers since last October in English for secondary school students, "she is good-natured, was responsible in teaching. "Zhou said that colleagues do not know why she would have it.

Mr Zhou said several colleagues sent Hou to the hospital, they said two wounds in the neck, was not particularly serious. Training Center paid medical bills, officials said, if necessary, send someone to accompany them.

Chengguan, Lanzhou municipal Public Security Bureau branch of one civilian police involved in the case said the police now not disclose case details, so as not to "Spook". But because the event has aroused high attention, according to the progress of cases in a timely manner to the public through the media. (End text)

(Original title: Lanzhou police set up a task force investigating the elevators were female teachers "cut throat" cases)

(Edit: SN077)
February 17, 2014 China News Network

  中新网兰州2月17日电 (记者 闫雅琪)记者17日傍晚从兰州市公安局城关分局获悉,备受关注的兰州代课女教师电梯遭“割喉”一案,受到兰州市公安局和城关分局高度重视,城关分局已成立多部门联合办案组,正在侦查此案。









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