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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:09:37 Edit(编辑)
Networks like family, which category are you? ,

Networks like family, which category are you? ,(网络点赞族,你是哪一类?,)

Network praise, what type are you?
-Praise-IT information Network praise, what type are you?

With the rise of social networking, has emerged a new online group--"praise." Micro-blogging, micro-letters, space, no matter what content to share, even the bad things are there are people "like".

QQ day "like" 300 million

QQ official statistics in July 2013, the average daily "like" more than 200 million, one-day "like" peak exceeded 300 million, corresponding to 2 years ago, an increase of 111 times times. On Twitter, although there are no statistics, but Twitter search for "Zan clan" and the seizure of more than 470,000 articles micro blog.

Users praise the meaning

He boasted of working for a software company in Hankou "praise to the spree", when he was up, one day a little more than 100 pieces of praise. "Just a habit, used to maintain friendships, let them know that I care about you. "Liu said that due to pressure of business, in the circle of friends, and Twitter didn't know there are always friends, sometimes people show a loving, Sun-a gourmet, he really is not interested, and don't know what to say, do not want to evaluate, and wicked. He thinks this is like saying hi.

Wuhan Netizen "Potter" Hu jianghan road, is a small Internet Cafe management. Small jobs are idle, guests fine looking for him when he's in the Internet. Boring brush microblogging network or cell phone friends, nothing to praise. "Good, my name appears in the information before it. "He said brushing is convenient and easy.

Netizens xiaofan said she sometimes gave buddy's shit "like", but there is nothing malicious, in fact, in a teasing way to make each other to relax, make them understand that this is not a thing.

Praise not annoying

Teaches at capital city is a primary school teacher Hsu yesterday said that she was sick of no principles, amazing people at random. Really agree with moving between good friends, gloating "like" persona non grata. Xu said: "at the end of last year, girl love, in the circle of friends every day more negative mood records, someone ran to praise, it's not hurt feelings? ”

Senior psychologist analysis of Jia Hongwu yesterday, Zan is a kind of emotional communication, do not have to overreact. In social networks, sometimes we have bad written, but very limited means of expression, can only use "like" instead, delivering a caring and sympathy.

Which class are you like?

· Read like: this type of praise are mostly kind, it is difficult to not paying attention to gourmet, self and friends travel, saying that "I have read".

· The "HA HA" Zan clan: see others grumbled, or show off, fantastic, this is equivalent to saying "HA HA."

· "Praise to the spree": this type of buddy is seeing messages like, not uncomfortable!

· Maintain relationships: friends, long time no see, but have nothing to say, but I still care about you, not coming back.

· Really appreciated: the junior partner is from the heart think you say great, couldn't help but praise!

· To follow hugs: these other people for the same circle of friends are good, in order to express themselves is one circle, you must praise.


网络点赞族,你是哪一类? - 点赞 - IT资讯












• 已阅点赞族:这类点赞族们大多心地善良,很难对朋友发的美食、自拍和旅行视而不见,表示“朕已阅”。

• “呵呵”点赞族:看到别人发牢骚、或者炫耀,点个赞,这相当于一句“呵呵”。

• “点赞狂魔族”:这类型的小伙伴是见到消息就点赞,不点不舒服!

• 维护关系族:朋友间好久不见却又无话可说,但我还在关注你,不用回复了。

• 真心赞赏族:这种小伙伴是发自内心觉得你说的不错,忍不住赞一下!

• 跟风抱团族:这些人是因为同一个圈子的其他朋友都点赞了,为了表示自己是圈子一员,必须赞一下。


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