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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:12:09 Edit(编辑)
Guangdong every year starting next month, people over 65 will receive a free physical examination

Guangdong every year starting next month, people over 65 will receive a free physical examination(广东下月起65岁以上老人每年将获一次免费体检)

Guangdong starting next month, people over 65 will receive a free physical examination every year _ | | | examination free of Guangdong news

South reporter Xue Bingni on March 1, a new set of preferences of older persons in the Guangdong Province (hereinafter the rules) into effect. According to the rules, in line with the housing conditions of older persons in this province into housing cover. Which, on no or low income elderly rental public housing, free of charge. Free physical examination once a year in the elderly over the age of 65.

Unattached free rent low income public housing

The methods referred to the elderly, refers to the citizens over 60 years old. Among the many benefits, housing benefits more closely watched. The measures in line with the provisions of the provincial housing into housing cover guarantee conditions of older persons. Which, on no or low income elderly rental public housing, free of charge. Household registration in the provincial older persons within its own jurisdiction, in its title or lease housing units (expropriation) place, under the same conditions receive priority treatment of floors. In terms of endowment, which provides that Government invest in old-age care institutions, priority should be given to guarantee economic difficulties the needs of widows and orphans, disability and the elderly. Older persons in financial difficulty within the administrative area of residence in the province, the people's Government above the county level shall step by step service subsidies.

Difficulty received full financial support from the Government for the elderly health care

The rules, Governments at all levels should establish and improve the Medicaid system, older persons in rural five guarantees, enjoyment of minimum living guarantee of older persons, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Guangdong province into the scope of Medicaid. On household registration in the province within its own jurisdiction, enjoy the lowest living guarantee of rural five guarantees the elderly elderly, disabled older persons with disabilities, low-income elderly patients with serious illness, such as the elderly, low-income families in the personal contribution part of the urban and rural residents to participate in the medical insurance, full funding of Government. Basic medical and health institutions shall provide area in 65 years of age or older to establish health records, free 1 per year including lifestyle and health assessment, medical examination, supplementary examinations and health guidance of health management services.

(Original title: people over 65 will receive a free physical examination every year)

(Edit: SN098)
February 03, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily

  南都讯 记者薛冰妮 3月1日起,新制定的《广东省老年人优待办法》(下文简称《办法》)正式实施。根据该《办法》,符合本省住房保障条件的老年人优先纳入住房保障范围。其中,对无收入或者低收入的孤寡老人租赁公租房的,免交租金。65岁以上老年人每年免费体检一次。







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