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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:11:51 Edit(编辑)
Fu Ying: Japan’s history education is a failure

Fu Ying: Japan’s history education is a failure(傅莹:日本的历史教育是失败的)

Fu Ying: Japan's history education fails Fu Ying | | |-Japanese relations _ the Islands News

Xinhuanet,, February 1-Fu, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NPC of China 1st was invited to attend the 50th session of the Munich Security Conference, participated in the "global power and regional stability," discussion of the topic.

Fu Ying said that the survival and development of human security is the security of all. In 2013, China encountered great pressure from economic downturn, a new macro-control leadership innovation, successful achievement of 7. 7% economic growth. China is still facing many challenges, the solution way for comprehensive reform. 18 the third plenum introduced a series of major reform measures, covering all aspects of popular interest and wishes to address issues, year of 2014 are key to implementing, year of reforms.

President XI Jinping made the Chinese dream of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the core of which is a better life for the 1.3 billion Chinese people. In other words, every person has the right and conditions to live with dignity in a safe environment, which is attractive to the Chinese success story to the world, is where the charm of Chinese dream.

Fu Ying said China needs and committed to building a peaceful external environment. China over the past decades of involvement in international conflicts. In the surrounding, China actively promote inclusiveness, increased construction efforts through dialogue, promote economic and financial cooperation, contributes to promoting security and prosperity in Asia.

The past two years, China's provocation in territorial issues by individual neighbouring countries. On the issue of the territorial and maritime disputes left over by history, China advocates shelve disputes and jointly developed, advocates a peaceful settlement through dialogue, opposed to create tensions and conflict. At the same time, is also necessary for some strong responses to provocations, aims to stimulate back to the right track of dialogue to resolve the problem, prevent spillover and threaten regional security.

Fu pointed out that compared with 100 years ago, in the era of peace and development in today's world, is the biggest change, globalization of production factors such as capital, technology and resources from developed country-led Centre spread to the edges of the wider region, the majority of developing countries ' access to rapid growth and the opportunity to catch up with the developed countries. Therefore, new era no longer necessarily brought about expansion of industrialization and the urge to plunder. It turns out that China stick to the peaceful development road and pahnke had success that will not be easily swayed.

When in response to questions concerning Sino-Japanese relations, Fu Ying said the current Sino-Japanese relations are at a very difficult time. Japan's leaders over time message is full of contradictions. In surface phenomena behind the deep is Japan the old issue of historical cognition, particularly Japan's leaders for war crimes denial, and some even do not think Japan that brutal war of aggression waged by the year. It can be said that Japan's history education is a failure, born after the war Japan leader's attitude towards history have such a lack of conscience. As long as the Japan Government's inability to effectively recognize and confront its history of aggression, not sincerely affected neighbouring peoples to achieve true reconciliation, Japan would be difficult to remove themselves bear the historical burden, not a constructive one in Asia. In this connection, the complete liquidation of the World War II history of Europe have set a good example.

(Edit: SN027)
February 02, 2014 The website

  新华网慕尼黑2月1日电 中国全国人大外事委员会主任委员傅莹1日应邀出席第50届慕尼黑安全会议,参加了“全球力量与地区稳定”专题的讨论。








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